The First Meeting

Secret Love [Based on True Story]

 “Huuuh, actually, aerobic is as hard as running! I’m feeling more tired!”


You let your body stretched out on floor freely–making free your sweat which was covering your body in order that it would go out. Firstly, you and your classmates considered that aerobic was a sport which didn’t need more energies like running. But, actually it was not right. You and your classmates felt more tired after doing it.


Having done a break, you and your classmates asked your sport’s teacher to go back home–sport lesson was the last lesson time every Saturday in your class.


Today is Saturday. Suddenly, you remembered what schedule that should be done after this tired lesson. You were in last grade in your senior high school. So, you must prepared anything for school exams, national exams, and college entrance exams. Sure, it was rolled your weekend. But, you had a direction which had to be reached to make your parents proud.


“Hwang Yeol-a?” You shouted your chairmate, Han Hwang Yeol.




“Today you will go to course, right?”


“I know, _____-a!” Hwang Yeol took your motor cycle key which was being held by you. You just showed up your teeth and then followed Hwang Yeol to ride your motor cycle.


On the way to go to your course place, you had a conversation with Hwang Yeol. All things–starting with jokes until love story–were talked by you.


“Hwang Yeol!!!” You screamed a little bit loud, making Hwang Yeol put on the brake immediately.


“What’s going on? You made me shocked!”


“That’s Lee Seung Gi, Hwang Yeol-a!!”




Hwang Yeol’s eyes pointed on your direction. There were some boys whose their uniforms were same with you. It meant those boys were from your school. “The boy who is in the Lee Seung Gi look alike! Isn’t it, Hwang Yeol?”


Hwang Yeol really knew how you liked Lee Seung Gi. It was more than any k-pop idols who had many magnets. You still pointed that your real idol was Lee Seung Gi. “Ah! He is Kang Jun Kyu from 3 Science-1 class. You don’t know him? He was a new transfered student when he was in first grade.”


“Eum? Kang Jun Kyu...I have never knew him. Do you think he looks like Lee Seung Gi?”


“Ah! I just have been aware now. Yes, he looks like Lee Seung Gi! Perfect doppelganger! Ah I know something! Kang Jun Kyu was in same junior high school with us (you and Hwang Yeol were in the same junior high school too but, in different class). Did you realize it? I just knew it and I don’t know where class he was in.”


“HAH? Is that right? I have never realized about it!” You felt like being exploded by bombs.


Am I going to have a crush with... Kang Jun Kyu?


“_____-a! Don’t tell me that you will have a crush with him!”


! Hwang Yeol can read my mind!



To be continued

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no happy endingg??????