The departure

Hyung, I Want To Go Home!!!


Jungsu went into the room and laughs silently. He really loves to see Eunhyuk’s freaking out face.

“Serve you right!!” Jungsu said.

Eunhyuk enters the room and sprinkles salt around the room.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Jungsu ask in curious.

“I want to protect my room from the evil.” He said.

Jungsu can’t hide his laugh any longer.

“THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! Hyung, look at your face!! It’s as white as corpse!!” Jungsu rolls on the floor.

“What?” Eunhyuk throws the bowl aside. He gets closer to Jungsu and gives him a big smack down but he ends up crying in pain. Jungsu looks over Eunhyuk.

“Are you alright?” Jungsu ask.

“No, I’m not alright. I think I broke my arm.” Eunhyuk bits his lips.

“Sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean to hurt you like this.” Jungsu rubs Eunhyuk’s arm.

“Gotcha!!” Eunhyuk laughs.

“Hyung!!You scared me!!”

Eunhyuk laughs. They lay on the bed, facing the ceiling.

“Jungsu-ah, I’m sending you home tomorrow.” Eunhyuk said as they lying on the bed.

“Oh, really?” Jungsu’s voice isn’t really convincing.

“You don’t sound happy.”

“I’m happy. What do you expect? I would run around and jumping ups and downs?” Jungsu glares at Eunhyuk.

“No, I didn’t expect you to respond to that extent.”

There is a moment of silent.

“Hyung, I’m going to miss you.”

“What?” Eunhyuk ask. His voice sounds hoarse.

“Oh, you’re asleep already. Goodnight.” Jungsu wipes his tears away.

“Goodnight.” Eunhyuk turns to his side.

“Sleep tight, hyung.” Jungsu gets up and sits on the table, watching Eunhyuk sleeps soundly.


As usual, Kyuhyun drives that morning. Though he keeps mumbling and rebels, he still had to drives since Heechul and Sungmin were busy that day.

“You can drive yet you’re asking me!” Kyuhyun slams the door.

“Aww, don’t be like that. I’ll treat you lunch.” Eunhyuk gets in. He brings along the coral.

“Is he in yet?” Kyuhyun ask.

Eunhyuk looks at the back. Jungsu is sitting silently.

“Are you alright, Jungsu? You hadn’t said anything today. Aren’t you excited to see your Omma again?” Eunhyuk ask.

“I’m fine. I can’t wait to get there.” Jungsu fakes a smile.

“Aigoo, you’re so cute!!! I wish I could have some pictures with you.” Eunhyuk tries to capture some picture but fails. There’s nothing in view.

“I’m a ghost!!! Why bother to have a ghost picture? Aren’t you scared?” Jungsu laughs.

“I just want to keep a piece of memory with you.” Eunhyuk pouts and look in front as Kyuhyun stomps on the pedal.

“Hyung, are you happy with my presence?” Jungsu asked.

“NO! You’re such a nuisance.” Eunhyuk replies coldly.


“Yeah, do you remember when we were performing on the stage you suddenly appeared in front of me? Luckily I don’t hit you but I fall off the stage.” Eunhyuk wince to remember the pain he had to endure.

“And also during I was eating at the fast food restaurant. You almost make me choke when you suddenly fall from the roof because you want to catch the bird. Do you remember that?” Eunhyuk chuckled.

“Yeah, and everyone thought you’re crazy because screaming all of the sudden, in a crowd of people.”

“Hyung, did he really do that?” Kyuhyun laughs.

“Yes. This boy really made my day.” Eunhyuk shook his head.

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Very nice, i loved it <3
m0zarts0nata-- #2
so cute~!
awww so cute!!! i really enjoyed your story!!! please make a sequel!!! :DDD
thanks to all readers...i really appreciate it...this story is supposed to be longer but i shortened it because the long parts are mostly sad and I HATE SAD stories...XD anyway, i'm considering the suggestions to make a sequel to this, but not now for sure(another 3 or 4 months perhaps???)...since i'm going back to college very soon, i'll be on hiatus until my next break...till then, 감사합니다 & 사랑합니다!!! you guys rocks!!!
i lurve it...:) hehehe...but you ended it too early...! huhuhuhu....
ChemicalLuvs #6
I love this story! :D<br />
to bad its end already D:<br />
Yay! eunhyuk get to met a second Junsu :D
michalatic #7
Wow... This story is really amazing...<br />
Do a sequel please!!! :D
Wow. This story is so heartwarming. :) Great job! :D
OMO?? The END already?? I think I want a sequel! :D Keke,<br />
this story is soooo cuteee!! ^-^ Really CUUTTEE...<br />
Pls. I hope this story will have a c0ntinuati0n^^<br />