Fluff Chapter

Sing Me A Song



Kiss me darling kiss me kiss me tonight
Kiss me darling kiss and you'll be alright
Kiss me darling kiss
Your kiss is so wonderful
My love you'll always be
My love you'll always


Jongwoon heard himself sing aloud to a Ryeowook who stare up at him in awe.
As the elder stopped abruptly halfway through the song, the younger was literally swooning by now.

“Wow! You’re voice is amazing! Sing me another song please?” Ryeowook asked, adding a bit of aegyo to it.

Jongwoon shook his head. “No. You sing me a song now.”




Jongwoon jolted awake to hear a soft voice singing in the silence; the elder was unsure if he was asleep still, or if he was awake.

He winced slightly as the soft voice reached his ears, pulling a familiar sensation over him as he pulled the boy closer.

“I thought you said we were going to sleep.” Jongwoon said quietly, glancing down at the clock that now read 2o’clock at night. Time passed by a lot faster when you are sleeping.

“You were having a nightmare or something, so I sang to you, hoping that it would help.” The younger whispered tiredly, shifting slightly and pecked the elder’s lips softly as his fingers drew small, soothing circles into the elder’s lower back.

“ah, sorry. Thanks.” Jongwoon grimaced and leaned down to kiss the younger again, pulling the boy close, finding the other’s touches quite comforting.

“It’s alright.” Ryeowook smiled, replying back to the kiss happily.

They shared small, chaste pecks for a moment, before turning them into an innocent kiss instead.

Ryeowook pulled away after a moment, and poked Jongwoon’s nose lightly. ‘Go to sleep now. You look exhausted.”

“Not until you stop worrying about me.” Jongwoon smiled, the younger’s hair lovingly.

“I’m not worrying! Why would I?!” RyeoWook said, denying the fact about how much he actually cares for the elder.

A knowing smirk twitched up Jongwoon’s lips as he raised an eyebrow in amusement and doubt.

Ryeowook’s bottom lip slowly stuck out in a stubborn pout. “Shut up.” He grumbled, pulling away and turning around on the bed so his back now faced the elder.

Jongwoon chuckled and ruffled the younger’s hair lightly before sitting up slightly to kiss the boys cheek softly.
“Go to sleep. My turn to take care of you now.”

“But you need the rest more than m-“Ryeowook started, turning around again, but his sentence was cut short when a small finger pressed against his lips.

“Shhh, I’m fine. Now get some rest.” Jongwoon said softly with a sweet smile that made Ryeowook swoon.

Ryeowook faked a sigh in defeat, before pressing his face snuggly against the elder’s chest, hiding the happy grin that he could actually get some rest now; closing his eyes, Ryeowook immediately fell asleep.

The sweet smile Jongwoon had plastered on immediately dropped when the elder knew the boy was asleep, telling by the slow breaths.
The boy was so gullible and easily convinced.
And Jongwoon didn’t like that.
Ryeowook was so easily influenced; what if Jongwoon wasn’t there to save or help Ryeowook when he’s in danger?

“Jongwoonie~ wake up~!” A cheerful voice sang, interrupting Jongwoon’s peaceful slumber.

The said latter simple groaned and rolled over onto his side before pulling a pillow over his head, trying to block out the bright sunlight that streamed through the large balcony window.

Ryeowook huffed in frustration at the latter’s stubbornness, before climbing up onto his feet on the bed, and started jumping on it impatiently, all the while singing his lover’s name loudly.

Jongwoon groaned again as the movement of the younger’s jumps jostled his tired body, but let out a yelp when RyeoWook gave one mighty jump and sent Jongwoon flying out of bed, and down to the cold, hard, wooden floor in a tangle of blankets.

Jongwoon untangled himself from the purple covers a little flustered, his hair a complete rats nest as he glared up at the hyper boy.

Ryeowook appeared over the edge of the bed, smiling proudly to himself.
“Good morning sunshine^^~!”

“Wook, tone down your hyperness!” The elder groaned, collapsing back down, pulling the covers back over his head but winced when his head impacted the hard, wooden floor.

“Only when you get up I will.” Ryeowook said sweetly, batting his lashes innocently.

Jongwoon just grunted in response as he slowly picked himself back up and off the ground, before collapsing back down onto the bed face first.

“So, how was your beauty slumber?” Ryeowook asked, leaning in close so his face was a mere inch away from the exhausted latter’s.

“Perfect, until you woke me up.” The elder sighed, opening one eye to peek lazily over at the younger, before yawning a little and stretched his arms and legs out like a cat, his face still buried into the mattress.

Ryeowook smiled at his evil deed, before rolling over so he was now on top of the elder’s back, and wrapped his arms around the boys waist, nuzzling the elder’s neck lightly as Jongwoon continued to stretch his tired muscles out.

“Jongwoon?” Ryeowook said quietly.

“Hm?” Jongwoon breathed out, letting his arms drop back down onto the bed.

There was a moment of silence as Ryeowook tried to think up of how to word his feelings out.

“Jongwoon? You’re amazing, have I told you that?” Ryeowook started. “I wish every day, I could wake up and see you sleeping peacefully next to me; to see your handsome face and feel your strong body against mine’s to start my day. You’re so adorably sweet to me and caring.” Ryeowook said genuinely, but sighed when he noticed he was sort of ranting nonse4nse.
“You know what, let me reword that. I love you, Kim Jongwoon.”

Jongwoon flinched visibly as the promising words left the younger’s lips.
He slowly sat up on the bed after pushing the elder off gently, and pulled Ryeowook into his arms.

“Ryeowook, I want to love you. I really do.” Jongwoon whispered.

The young latter stared up at his lover questioningly, the elder’s words confusing him completely.

“But something’s telling me not to, and I don’t know if I should follow my heart, or my instincts. I have feelings for you though, Kim Ryeowook. Strong feelings.” Jongwoon continued, the younger’s hair lightly.

Ryeowook was unsure if he should feel offended or grateful that the elder had feelings towards him, but the feelings weren’t mutual with his own.
The elder’s words sounded quite reassuring that he’ll give the younger a chance, but it also sounded like he doesn’t trust Ryeowook still.

“So…..so……you don’t love me?” Ryeowook asked, completely crestfallen as he felt his happy morning completely crumple around him.

“No! I mean yes! Well, no, I don’t mean it like that, Wook!” Jongwoon said quickly, but the boy pulled away from him as a confused, lost, and heartbroken expression crossed over Ryeowook’s face.
“No, Ryeowook, please.” Jongwoon sighed.

“Then what do you mean? Am I not good enough for you? I’ll change! I really will!” the younger sniffled. “I just want you to love me. Trust me. Stay with me.”

“Oh Ryeowook, you’re perfect. You don’t need to change. I just don’t…..trust myself. I can’t even remember anything we’ve done before my hospital incident. I don’t know if I’ve…….abused you, or yelled at you before. I don’t want to hurt you, Ryeowook.” JongWoon said softly as he gazed down at the younger with a lost gaze.

Ryeowook sighed in relief as Jongwoon explained himself quickly.
Quite the contrary actually. Ryeowook thought to himself as he immediately pulled the elder back into a tight hug.
“But we’ll still be more than friends, right?” Ryeowook asked hopefully, looking up at Jongwoon with shining eyes.

The elder plastered on a quick smile as he pulled the boy closer.
“Of course. Just don’t expect me to say ‘I love you’ yet. Or at least anytime soon.”

Ryeowook sighed and leaned into the comforting embrace, listening to the soft, dull thud of his heart that beat only for Ryeowook.
he was unsatisfied still at how it seems like the other still doesn’t trust him, but it’s the best he could ever get from a boy that has lost some important memories.

“What do you plan on us doing today?” Jongwoon asked softly, gently running his small fingers through the boy’s soft hair, breaking the tension in the air.

“Let’s………go shower first!” RyeoWook said quickly, wanting the water to wash all of their worries and sadness, and dragged the elder towards the bathroom.

You’ll always be mine, Kim Jongwoon. Ryeowook thought to himself.

No matter what.



Yayyy! A New/Fluff chapter.

For all those people that have asked me.........

uh yes. I guess you can keep/post/whatever you want to do with them, but please credit it.....you know....and keep my hideous signature on it........you get the point.

Thanks for helping me guys! So it happens that my best are listed as:

1) LeeTeuk
2) Taemin
3) ZhouMi

Which is quite odd. I thoguht my YoonA and some of my Yesung's were better than ZhouMi's.
Oh well.

Also, I do suggest to the people that haven't been doing so that is, to read 'The Battle For Love' which is actually the original story.
'Sing Me A Song' is just a prequel for it.
This story was actually meant to be a short, 5-10 chapter story, but this story I got the most subscribers, so I stretch it out much longer :D (Juuuust for you guys.........)

If you want to know what happens to YeWook afterwards (like 5 or so years later), after the end of this story, read 'The Battle For Love'.
(also, anyone kind of enough to make 'The Battle For Love' a pretty banner? :D)



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1639 streak #1
Chapter 29: Oh I would have loved to read more to this story. It feels like an open end or more like an unfinished plot because you promised more here. A pity because I'm curious where Yewook's story goes after meeting again. Btw, I'm happy Wookie finally meets his past lover, but it would be nice to read about Jongwoon's feelings after two years. But thank you for sharing and keeping Yewook's journey after such a long time ❤️❤️
1639 streak #2
Chapter 28: Please don't tell me this is the ending of their sweet romance! This can't be! It's not fair. The things Jongwoon blames Wookie for ge had known before he went to hospital and lost his memories. I hoped with gaining his memories back Jongwoon will be more understanding. But he's running away like a coward leaving Wookie behind. This will break Ryeonggu forever. My heart is shattered into pieces. But thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #3
Chapter 27: I'm still convinced that Jongwoon is doing Wookie wrong here. Before the horrible moment with Changmin that lead him to the hospital, Jongwoon was willing to try for Wookie. He wanted to see where this will go and now he's treating Wookie like a traitor. That's not fair to Ryeonggu. And I think without Jongwoon's decision to block Wookie from his memory they won't be at the point where they're now. I can't but feel sorry the most for Wookie here. Thank you for this.
1639 streak #4
Chapter 26: I still don't understand why his mind tell him not to remember. With the idiot Changmin here, it was the first Wookie ever got violent with. And here he has a reason. Changmin by the way is a jerk her. Acting like a lover when he formally was only a friend. And what kind of manipulative Yunho must be when he turned two former best friends into something like that. Ok, Changmin must have been an idiot from the start when he decided to join someone who bullies his buddy. And he was the one punching Jongwoon to the hospital. Hope he gets what he deserves one day. Thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #5
Chapter 25: Domestic Yewook are my favorites ^^ I feel you Wookie. How to resist that y bastard next to you in bed? On the other hand Jongwoon must be so strong when he can resist a Wookie walking around... But they're so adorable like that. Wish there could be an opportunity for them to stay like that forever. Thank you for writing ❤️
1639 streak #6
Chapter 24: This morning moment was so sweet and fluffy. My Yewook heart is jumping in happiness. I wish for them to get more of this tender moments with each other without worrying what's waiting outside the doors. Yewook deserve a happy world. Thank you for writing and sharing ❤️
1639 streak #7
Chapter 22: I love them having a hot moments with each other at the roof just to be all sweet and soft later. Just hope Jongwoon won't be pissed at Wookie when he gains his memories back. I wish for more Yewook sweetness ❤️ Thank you.
1639 streak #8
Chapter 21: An interresting way to try to get the memory back. Hope they will be successful XD But they could need a little more practice. So go on boys and bring Yeye hyungs memory back XD XD I like it how fragile and soft Wookie becomes when fighting for his lover to remember him. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
1639 streak #9
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Wookie. He didn't do anything wrong until that moment. I still think forgetting about Ryeowook on purpose was the wrong way Jongwoon had chosen. This will turn him into something Jongwoon never want to, even faster. Thank you as always ❤️
1639 streak #10
Chapter 19: Oh my, it's exactly what I thought. But I think Jongwoon's original intention for Wookie giving up on his revenge when his lover forgets about will have the exact opposite effect. I'm afraid this will push Wookie even more into the arms of Heechul's gang. Both need to understand that the only thing they need in life is each other... Thank you for this ❤️