Saeran walked with Rico at the school corridor. The school bell hasn’t gone yet. They were chatting and laughing at funny jokes.


“Excuse me” Henry approached them. “We’re in the same class, right? Since I’m new, I lost my way to class. Can you help me?” Saeran and Rico looked at each other than to Henry.


“Sure. Why not?” Saeran nodded. “Thank you. I’m Henry” he held his hand out. “I’m Saeran” she shook his hand. “She’s my best friend, Rico” she introduced Rico. “Hi”


          The three walked through the corridor and stopped in front of Saeran’s classroom.


“I’m going now. See you later” Rico waved and went to her class. “Thank you” Henry voiced. Saeran nodded. They entered the class and sat at their places.


*So she’s Saeran* Henry smirked evilly but no one see it. Saeran acknowledge Hoon by smiling. He replied with small smile.


          Hyungsik approached Saeran.


“Good morning” he greeted. “Good morning” “I was just wondering…” “Wondering about what?” “If you …” “If I…” “If you can be my girlfriend” Saeran was shocked.


“I love you” There was an awkward silent between them. “Em… Can you give me sometimes to think?” “Okay. Sure” Hyungsik walked back to his place, forehead on his desk.


*His face must be red* she thought. “A sweet confession” Hoon voiced with his eyes on his book.


“He must be scared of you since you a witch, right?” She stuck out her tongue.


          It was recess time, before Saeran went out to see Rico, she went to Hyungsik.


“Hyungsik” she called. Hyungsik looked at her, straight in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I can’t” He sighed while looking down. “It’s okay”


“I’m really sorry” she turned to go but Hyungsik voiced. “So it was him” “What do you mean?” “Never mind. But we’re still friends right?” “Of course. Nothing has change. I’m going now” she saw Rico outside.


“Rico, let’s go” she pulled Rico by her sleeve and went to the cafeteria.


“What’s the matter?” “Hyungsik just confessed to me” “So?” “I let him down. I felt so guilty but I really don’t love him” “Don’t worry. He’ll be okay” They went into lines to buy foods. Saeran had bought a blueberry muffin with a carton of fruit juice. Rico bought sandwiches. They sat while eating.


“And one more thing” Saeran voiced. Rico looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “I felt like I being watched” “When?” “Every time at school”


“Do you think this has anything to do with Henry?” Rico whispered. “I don’t know” she paused. “But part of me think it is”


“You should be careful. I just want you to be save” Rico calmed Saeran by holding her hand. “Thank you, Rico” Saeran gave her a warm smile.


*I will take you to them soon* Henry smirked full of evil but no one see it except Hoon. His heart felt uneasy.


          Saeran was home after hours at school. She opened the front door and saw Neko waiting for her.


“Hi Neko” she bent down and patted Neko’s head full of love. “Hi mom” she called her mom in the kitchen.


“You’re back. Get change and eat. I made your favorite. It’s pasta” Mrs. Kim stirred the pasta in the hot pot. The smell caught Saeran’s nose.


“Yeah. Thanks mom” she rushed upstairs and got changes into a casual skirt and t-shirt. Saeran helped her mother set up the table and enjoyed her meal. Mrs. Kim looked at Saeran.


“Is it good?” Saeran lifted he thumb up. “The best!”


          Neko jumped on the chair beside Saeran.


“Neko, get down. I’ll play with you after this” He climbed onto Saeran’s lap, ignoring what Saeran told him to. Saeran shook her head and caressed his head.


          She took Neko upstairs to her room and took out a ball of yarn from her bag.


“It’s for you. I just bought it on my way home” she threw it to Neko and he played with it. She even took self cam with him. She remembered something.


“Look what I got for you” she took a red cat collar from her drawer and wore it to Neko. “So cute. It has bell on it. Now I can know when you’re coming” Neko meowed. She let Neko go and he went downstairs, echo with bell sound. Saeran chuckled.


“I got piles of homework. I just remember” she sighed and worked on her homework.


          It was in middle of night, Saeran eyes fluttered open after she heard Neko’s bell. She felt uneasy. She looked through the window and saw Neko at the backyard with blood all over his body.


“Neko!” she ran to the backyard. She bent over Neko and placed him on her lap.


“What happen to you?” she checked on Neko. Suddenly Neko glowed and turned into a familiar guy with cat tail and ears.  He was injured.


“Kiseop?” she whispered in shock. Kiseop groaned in pain. “It hurt” “Let me help you” Saeran slugged Kiseop’s arm around her neck and crept up the stairs. She laid him on her bed.


“Wait here” she went to the kitchen and grabbed the aid kit from the drawer. She walked to her room when Mr. Kim startled her.


“What are you up to in the middle of night? I thought you a thief” “Em” Saeran gaze at Kiseop in her room, biting lips. Mr. Kim followed her gaze. Mrs. Kim joined.


“What happen?” “It’s Neko. Well it’s actually Kiseop. I’ll explain” she went into the bathroom and drenched a small towel with water. Her parent checked on Kiseop.


          Saeran began to wipe Kiseop wounds.


“He is my friend, Kiseop. Then, I just knew he’s Neko” Kiseop winced.


“I’m sorry” “It’s okay” Kiseop replied. “I’m sorry for troubled you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim” “No. It’s okay. You should rest” Mrs. Kim voiced. Kiseop nodded and smiled.


“Honey, you should sleep. You’ve got work tomorrow” Mrs. Kim told her husband. “Oh right. I just remember. See you tomorrow” he got up, yawning and went to sleep back.


“Mom, you should sleep too. I’m going to take care of him” Saeran told. “You sure? I can help” Saeran shook her head. “It’s okay”


“Okay then. Go to sleep. You got school tomorrow” “Okay. Good night, mom” Mrs. Kim walked to her room. Saeran applied medicines and plasters on Kiseop wounds.


“I’m sorry for disturbing you” he whispered. “It’s nothing. What had happen actually?” “I got beaten up”


          Minutes later, Saeran had finished.


“I’m done. You should rest-“she looked at Kiseop who was now in deep slumber. “Good night” she covered Kiseop body with blanket.


“Now, where do I sleep?” she leaned against her bed and fell asleep.


          The alarm clock rang. Saeran opened her eyes slowly and closed the alarm clock. She yawned. A blanket was on her.


“Kiseop” she looked on her bed. Kiseop wasn’t there. *Where is he?* Saeran prepared herself for school and got downstairs.


“Kiseop had gone home just before you get up” Mrs. Kim told her. “Oh. I’ll see him at school then” she sat beside her father at the dining table. Mr. Kim was reading the newspaper when he suddenly sat straight.


“What’s wrong, dad?” Saeran paused from eating her cereal. “It says here that the pirates will come back soon” “Really? I can’t believe they still exist” Mrs. Kim sat beside her husband. “You better be careful, Saeran” “Okay. I’ll be fine. I hope so”


“I’m going. See you later” Mr. Kim wore his shoes. “Bye, dad” Saeran hugged him. He caressed her hair.


“Bye honey” Mrs. Kim gave him a peck. “Bye” he left. Mrs. Kim looked at Saeran. “Aren’t you supposed to go to school now?” “Yeah. Right” she grabbed her school bag from her room and hugged Mrs. Kim.


“Bye” Saeran closed the door behind her. “Where’s Minwoo oppa?” She looked at the street and saw Minwoo walking to her house. She waved to him.


“I’m sorry that I’m late. I slept late last night” Minwoo yawned. “Why?” “I had a dance battle at the town” Saeran shook her head.


“I know you’re the Scorpion King but you should get enough rest, oppa” “Don’t worry. I will. Let’s go” they headed to school.


“I heard that your class got a new student” “Yes. His name is Henry” “Is he okay?” Saeran let out a sigh. “Actually I felt a little bit scare with him” “What are you afraid of?”


“I don’t know. I felt dangerous being around him” “Don’t worry. You’ll be safe” he patted her shoulder in comfort. *The bracelet that we gave will help you* Minwoo thought.


          They entered the school building.


“Good morning, Saeran” Youngmin greeted. “Good morning, Youngmin oppa” Saeran smiled. Kwangmin smiled to her. He yawned.


“You too slept late?” “Yes”


“We accompany Minwoo yesterday” Donghyun walked to them. Jeongmin and Hyunseong followed. “Hi”


“I read the newspaper just now. It says that the pirates will com back soon” Hyunseong stated. “Really? They’ll cause some chaos for sure”


          Saeran doesn’t bother about that. She busy looking at someone. It was Henry. He walked beside them but didn’t glance at Saeran.


“Saeran?” Jeongmin waved his hand in front of Saeran face. Minwoo followed Saeran stare. *Is that Henry?* Saeran blinked fast. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?” she asked Jeongmin. “Never mind”


“Well, I’m going now. Bye oppas” she turned and walked to the class. *It seems like everybody is talking about the pirates*


          Saeran saw Kiseop with UKISS.


“Saeran” Kiseop called her over. “I’m sorry for troubled you”


“It’s okay” she smiled. “And thanks for taking care of me” “Your welcome”


“Kiseop-ah, I want to ask you something. Why are you wearing that collar?” AJ pulled the collar on Kiseop neck from the back. “Yah! I’m cocked” he coughed. Kiseop cleared his throat before continued.


“It’s a gift from my master” he uncomfortably rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Saeran and the floor after one another. “Why do you look at Saeran?”


“She’s…” “Your girlfriend?” “No! She’s my master” AJ jaw dropped. “I’m her cat, Neko”


“She helped me last night. I was beaten up by Ricky, C.A.P and Chunji so I ran to her house. She medicine me and took care of me”


“You slept at her house?” Eli asked. Kiseop nodded. “In her room?” Kevin asked. He nodded. “On her bed?” Kiseop nodded too but paused.


“Get that dirty thought out from your mind!” he snarled. Eli and Kevin high fived each other with laughter.


“Em. I’m going now. See you” Saeran awkwardly voiced. “I’m sorry for troubling you” Kiseop held onto Saeran hand.


“It’s okay. You’re my cat right? So I have to take care of you” she gave him a warm smile and left.




“Bye, Saeran” Rico waved at her. “Bye” Saeran replied. They walked to their houses.


          Saeran humming her favorite song while walking. Suddenly she was pushed down to the front by someone and shut her eyes closely. Her eyes widened as she saw Hoon was on her.


“What are you doing?! Get off me!” “Stay still” Hoon whispered in her ears. Saeran gulped and her face turned red. He looked at the wall beside them. A sharp arrow was shot to it.


“What was that?” Saeran asked. Hoon didn’t answer but got up and stared at the arrow.


“It nearly shot you” “But who would do such thing?” Hoon shrugged.


“You should be cautious. I think someone is hunting for you” “Hunt me? Am I an animal or what?” “It’s not the time for joke. Let’s go” Hoon led the way. “I’m going to accompany you home” Saeran followed him.


“Hoon, thank you. If it’s not for you, I would have died” Saeran voiced. “Em” “Where are you going actually? Your home is in the other direction” “I’m heading to the playground” “Oh” “Is it true that Kiseop stays with your house?” “Yes. Since he’s my cat. But should I call him my cat even now?” Hoon shrugged.


“It’s relieved to know that you take care of him” “Why are you so worry about him? He’s grown up already” “It’s his past. You should ask him if you want to know”


          They stopped in front of Saeran’s house. Mrs. Kim walked to the front door from the backyard.


“You’re home” Mrs. Kim welcomed them. “You are Hoon right?”


“Yes. Good afternoon” Hoon bowed. “Thank you for taking Saeran home” Mrs. Kim patted her daughter shoulder, “I’m worried about her since the pirates will strike back”


“Your welcome. It’s just a coincident that we met on our way home” Hoon winked to Saeran. Saeran knew that he told her not to tell her mother about what just happen. Saeran nodded a bit.


“I should get going now” “Yes. Your parent will be worry too” Saeran quickly looked at Hoon. His eyes sadden.


“Bye” he left. *He probably go to the playground* Saeran thought.


“Did I say something wrong?” Saeran nodded. “What is it?” “He doesn’t have family anymore” “You should have told earlier” “How can I tell you? You never ask” Mrs. Kim shook her head.


“Let’s go inside” Saeran turned the door knob and went inside. She told her mother about Hoon’s family.


“Oh. Tell him I’m sorry” Saeran nodded. After got changed into t-shirt and skirt and completed her homework, she sat on the swing in the backyard. Saeran saw Neko approached her.


“Hi” It stopped in front of Saeran. Neko turned into his human form that is Kiseop. Kiseop sat beside her.


“What a tiring day” he stretched his hand. “Why are you quiet, Saeran? Why? Should I stop coming here?” “No. It’s not like that, It just awkward” Kiseop frowned his eyebrows, not understand.


“We usually don’t talk to each other before this” “Oh. I understand” “But we can be friends now. Besides, I’m your cat right?” he continued. “Right”


“So I saw you with Hoon just now. Is he always walks you home?” “No. He saved me” She told him about the incident.


“You’re lucky he’s around” Saeran agreed.


“Kiseop, do you mind telling me your past. Hoon said that if I want to know I have to ask you myself” “He just can’t keep his mouth shut. Okay. I’ll tell” Kiseop started telling his past.


“I don’t have family anymore except my brother. But I don’t know who’s and what my brother look like. When I was a kid, in the Animal World, my father killed my mother in front of my eyes because he wants my mother’s family property. He brought my brother along with him and left me. I was washed away by him to the sea. He tried to kill me. So I ended up being here in this island”


“Oh. So it’s like that” Mrs. Kim approached them. Kiseop and Saeran looked up them at each other.


“Have you been hearing us?” he asked. She nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that. Where do you live now?” Kiseop silent for a while.


“I slept at the darkest part of the city as a cat. Beside the rubbish bin and buildings” he lowered his head. “You can stay here with us” she held onto his shoulder. Kiseop lift his head, met eyes with Mrs. Kim. Her eyes filled with mother’s love and made him remembered his late mother.


“I don’t mind you staying with us. Beside, Saeran don’t have any friend in this house other than us” “I don’t want to burden all of you more than I had” “No. Not at all” 


“Thank you” he stood, bowing at Mrs. Kim. “Your welcome” she caressed his head full of love. Kiseop smiled.




          Saeran was reading book while walking since it’s recess time at school and to her there’s nothing fun to do except reading. She walked beside a two level building.


“Watch out!” Hoon pushed Saeran down to the floor. Saeran blinked fast. A flower pot broke into pieces as it crashes the ground. Hoon pulled her up. He glanced at the second level of the building but no one was there.


“He got away” he hissed. “Who?” she asked. “I can’t tell you. You might scare of him after this if I tell”


“He wants to kill you. So please stay in range of my sight all time. I don’t want you to get harm” he gave a sincere squeeze on her shoulders with his eyes looking at her deeply. Saeran could felt her heart melt.


          He left. Saeran picked up the book. She shook her head trying to get Hoon face out from her head but it seems useless. Remembering at how close his face was turning her face red.


*But he wouldn’t love a girl like me* she went away. A mysterious guy clenching his fist in anger.

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Chapter 31: Loved the story also i think you should add supernatural as one of the tags. Oh and also I cried so much during the sad parts:'(
Chapter 31: so fun!!!!!
gvnluvkpop #3
Chapter 31: woah.. I love ur story..! it's super cool.. although I don't want it come to an end.. seriously.. believe it or not, I cried in chapter 30.. man ur story is awesome! =)
KenzieHollingsworth #4
Chapter 28: Damn that was awesome! Please update if u can
I'm uploading my story back because of there's many grammar and spelling error.
--venissa #6
keke c:
update soon! ^^;;