Chapter 5: Secret Gift

Our Wish

Song recommended: Checkmate - The boyz (Because it suits the last scene of this chapter xD)

Yuri frowns so hard as her eyes fall on the sausage bread and yogurt milk on her table.

Since when they are there? I didn't request Ryujin or Minju or anyone to buy them?

Yuri scans her surrounding, trying to find any hints for the owner of these. No luck. She ignores her growling stomach, trying to tell her to feed it with the food and drink.

Why should I eat it? I don't know who put them here. What if someone put some poison or something else to kill me? Wait. I think I do nothing bad. Do I gain enemy? Does someone hate me?

Someone pops up on her mind at that moment. She immediately takes out back her phone.



I'm just about 20 minutes away from you and you are missing me already?

Yuri facepalms herself reading the message.

Oh, please.. Minju, did you see someone enter our class after you went out?

I think nope. Why? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?

No. Something weird happened.


Ah, I wish to smack you right now.

Then what? You make it sounds so suspenseful. Tell me what happened?

Someone left sausage bread and yogurt milk on my table without any notes giving me the hint of the sender.

Wow! You have a secret admirer, Yuri!

Secret admirer? What do you mean?

Someone is caring about you in silence, I guess. I bet that person knows you are not taking your lunch yet so the person gave them to you in a silent way. That's so romantic! Like in a comic.

What if it's from my enemy?

Do you have any enemies?

How do I know?

Then why did you assume it that way?

I just feel anxious about this. What if it contains poison or something else bad?

Hmm.. Then don't eat it. You have your right to feel it that way. That person should have left a reassuring note for you so you won't doubt it.

Yuri takes a moment to think.

Okay then. Thanks.

Why you are still in the class? You should be in the music room right now, right?

I'm on my way.

Alright, then. Our meeting is starting now. See ya.

Yuri quickly picks up her backpack and the food on the table before storming out of the classroom to the music room on the third floor, the same floor as Yena's class. Too bad she won't see her crush on her way there. Yena unnie and the other members must be at the field right now. Yuri wishes her club activity ends earlier so she has a chance to watch Yena unnie getting her training and witness her coolness, again as always.

Arriving in front of the music room, Yuri is not hesitating to open the door and going in, even though she knows she is late. Why? Because Taeyeon seongsaenim is so kind and she also always come into the class late. The seniors will take responsibility first to warm up their voices and setting up the room before Taeyeon seongsaenim arrives.

"Hey, Yuri." Hui waves as he notices her arrival. The other members greet her too while cleaning up the room. Yuri bows to everyone that greet her politely. She walks to her usual place and notice Chaewon is in the room too, sweeping the floor at the backside of the room.

"Oh! Chaewon unnie! You are in this club too?" She greeted. Chaewon turns her face to Yuri and smiles.

"Yes. Just register it. Class ended late?" Chaewon asks while wiping sweats off her neck. Her collar is getting wet and it makes her feel uncomfortable. It might itch soon.

Yuri denied immediately with a hand gesture. "Got urgent work to do just now. Gladly it was done at right time."

"Glad to hear it." Chaewon glances at the bread and yogurt milk that Yuri's holding. "You are not taking your lunch yet?" Chaewon remembers she didn't notice Yuri during the previous lunch with others.

Yuri nods shyly while scratching her nape lightly.

"Eat first. It's not healthy to skip a meal." Chaewon smiles again before continuing her work which is almost finished.

"Err.. but.." Yuri stares at the bread and yogurt milk on her hands with a doubtful face, catching Chaewon's attention.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Chaewon asks.

"Ah.. actually, these are not mine. someone left them on my table just now without me knowing." Yuri explains.

"Ahh.. secret gift?" After keeping the broom inside the cupboard, Chaewon walks back to Yuri.

"I don't know. I'm not used to receiving things from an anonymous and it makes me feel anxious. Err.. what if it has poison?" Yuri sends a worried face to Chaewon. Her voice sounds serious too.

"Poison?" Chaewon looks back at the bread and yogurt milk. "But both of them are sealed. How can it contains poison?" Chaewon points at them and meets her eyes with Yuri.


A sudden silence passes.

Why am I acting so dumb?! Is it because I'm too hungry I become an idiot?

Yuri suddenly feels embarrassed after thinking about it.

"You are right, unnie. I'm so stupid not to realize that fact." Yuri feels like wants to escape the room right now. And why Minju didn't even realize this too?

Chaewon giggles softly. It's so funny, but she doesn't want to hurt Yuri's feelings, so she keeps it cool.

"It's okay." Chaewon smiles.

"Unnie must be always getting a lot of gifts, right? You seem used to this." Now Yuri gains her courage about the food and immediately tears the plastic wrapper to feed herself. She looks like a hungry hamster munching on her bread.

"Nah.. not always." Chaewon cleans the dirt on her hands using wet tissues that she always prepares in her school bag. There's something going on her mind right now when her eyes fall on the bread and yogurt milk Yuri's hands.

When Yuri swallowed the last piece of the sausage bread, Taeyeon seongsaenim coming into the class with her bright smile. All the students taking their seats right away and greet their seongsaenim politely. Taeyeon starts the class by asking about their days and at that moment, Chaewon catches her attention.

"Ah, I forgot we got a new member here. Sorry, my bad. Mind to introduce yourself?" Taeyeon requested.

Chaewon's introduction catches everyone's attention, not just because of her appearance but her sweet voice too. Everyone is applauding spontaneously.

"You got a truly pleasant voice there. We should get a performance from you soon." Taeyeon seems joking, but actually, it's really a request for her student. This new member got that talent.

Chaewon just shows her shy smile and sit back. Taeyeon seongsaenim continues to give out the information she gets from the meeting she had before. It is about the annual camp.

"The exact date is yet in discussion with the principal and will be announced shortly. However, for this year, the concept is different. Usually, it would only be held by each club and managed by themselves. This year, the principal agrees on gathering all the clubs together and the school will sponsor most of the things. It's good news for us." All the music club members cheering at the good news. Of course, it's good news for everyone, they can mingle with other club members and do many activities together. The more, the merrier, isn't it?

"Wow.. all the clubs will be there too." Yuri comments.

That means the track and field club will join too and I can meet Yena unnie too. Oh my .. My heart's already flustered thinking about it.

"Yeah. Have you ever go camping before?" Chaewon rests her chin on her palm while looking at Yuri, while her other hand playing with her pen, rotating it skillfully with her fingers.

"Hmm.. the last time I guess during my middle school. But it was an awful experience. I got lost in the forest during the night walk. I was so traumatized by it so I easily got scared whenever I'm in a dark place." Yuri hugs herself while telling the story. She won't forget that terrible experience she had during the trip. It took 3 hours for her to be found by the teachers and friends and she got hospitalized for a week because of the trauma she gained.

"That's horrible." Chaewon's forehead frowned as she focused on the story. She can't imagine if she was in her shoe.

I might be dying there, waiting for a bear or tiger or lion to come and eat me alive.

"How about you, unnie?" Yuri steals a glimpse at Taeyeon seongsaenim, afraid of getting pointed out for not paying attention to the front. Taeyeon seongsaenim is yet busy dealing with all the questions from the students who are already excited about the camping program, allowing a chance for both of them to stay on their conversations.

"I never join such activity before. It always clashed with my family matters or other important things." Chaewon sighs. To be honest, her parents won't allow her to join because of overprotective behaviour they had towards her. That is one bad thing being the only child in the family.

"Then you should join this time, unnie. I heard all programs managed by this school are the best in this area. It is such a loss to not joining it. You should create a lot of memories during high school." Yuri tries to encourage.

Chaewon beams a smile. "You are right. I hope I can join this time. You should too, Yuri. Forget about that past. This time, who knows it would be the best memory for you?"

Yuri nods. " I will. Hope it turns out as the best one."

"Seems like you guys already distracted by the good news. Want to hear the bad news?" Taeyeon walks to her table. The music room suddenly becomes so quiet that you can hear only sounds of clicking pens among the students. Everyone is paying attention to Taeyeon right now to hear the bad news, and that totally gets her laughing. Her reaction makes all the students fall into confusion. "No bad news. I'm amazed by you guys going silent within a second. Good good. I shall start our lessons today before you guys losing your focus." She tries her best to hold her laugh while preparing to start the lesson.

These innocent youngsters~ Ah I miss my old days~


[The other day] 

The sounds of test tubes clacking one another, the smells of burning, and of course, the noise of students talking with each other never leave that lab. Kyuhyun seongsaenim already did the briefing 15 minutes ago. Now, the students are on their own to complete the experiment successfully and send their report on time.

Chaewon reads the manual book carefully, and highlighting all the important keys on it. A successful experiment needs a lot of focus and understanding so Chaewon is making efforts on them.


Yena's eyes sparkle as she bet her eyes on the equipment on the desk. She's drooling over them as if they are her food.

Wearing a lab coat with laboratory goggles on my head, It feels like... I AM AN INTELLECTUAL PERSON. A PROFESSOR!

"Chaewon, should we start? Should we start?" She can't hide her excitement. She shows non stop light jumping at her place, hoping for Chaewon to give the green light.

"Wait unnie. I'm not finished yet." Chaewon lifts her left hand, gesturing to her lab partner to wait, but it cannot control Yena's patience.

"We won't finish it on time if we still don't start right now. Let's do it!" Yena immediately grabs the bunsen burner and prepare herself to light it up with a box of matches.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Chaewon sends her doubtful face.

"Yeah! Leave it to me!" Yena exclaims. She lights up the match she's holding, turning on the gas valve, and slowly run it up the side of​ the barrel until it ignites the gas. She blows up the match proudly and lifts her eyebrow at Chaewon.

Chaewon chuckles seeing her. "Okay, I can trust you. Go on." She asks Yena to proceed to the next step but Yena just sends a grin to her.

 "That's all I know. I didn't read the manual yet. Ehehe." She scratches her back head.

Chaewon rolls her eyes at Yena. She calmly grabs a small beaker, mixing a measured zinc powder with 3M Sodium Hydroxide in it. She sets up the tripod, put a wire gauze on it, and lastly placing the beaker. Then, she slowly controls the flame from the bunsen burner.

Yena didn't blink even once as she watches Chaewon doing the experiment. "Woah, you are so good at this." She compliments her sincerely.

"You can do this too if you read the manual carefully, unnie." Chaewon shows Yena the manual on the desk. 

Yena takes the manual and tries to understand it. Well, of course guys, we know Yena so well..

"How about I just follow your instructions instead? The words there, it feels like reading math formula. Why it has a lot of numbers? This is chemistry, not math." Yena complains while pouting. She gives back the manual to Chaewon and keeps her eyes on the beaker that is being heated.

Chaewon chuckles again. She doesn't know why she always amused with everything Yena said and did. She enjoys being with this girl. 

"After this, you have to put those copper coins inside and let them incubate for some time." Chaewon points the coins in front of Yena. Yena immediately grabs all the coins and put them into the beaker one by one. 

"Alright. Done, boss." Yena smiles and shows her thumb up. 

"Let's wait for a while. Manual said the coins will turn to silver like this." Chaewon points at the picture inside the manual. 

"I see. Alright. Let's wait." Both of them take their seats and watch their other friends doing the experiment. Some of them are still struggling with the bunsen burner and some are also waiting like them. 

"How are you doing in the music club?" Yena breaks the silence between them. They are sitting on stools thus she can't lean back. Instead, she rests her head on the table while facing Chaewon beside her. 

"It's good. I like the club so much. The members are friendly. Thanks to Yuri, my first day there went well. She is cute." Chaewon replies. She tries to hold her laugh when the conversation between her and Yuri back then comes to her mind.

"She is. Isn't she like a small hamster? You should see her when is full of food. They come out like this. " Yena puffs her cheeks and try to copy the way Yuri munch her food.

"Yeah, You are right." Chaewon agrees. She tucks her hair behind her ear slowly and stares blankly at her report. She already prepares the report beforehand, just needs to fill in the result, discussion, and conclusion for this experiment. She taps her pen on the report papers in a random rhythm.

"You are a quiet person." Yena blurts out.

Chaewon turns back to her.


"You didn't talk much since I knew you last week. You are more to listening and observing people." Yena continues to express her opinion. Their eyes are meeting each other for a while but Chaewon chooses to look away first.

"I guess you are right. I don't have a lot of friends." Chaewon utters.

"I see. Don't you feel lonely sometimes?" Yena still keeps her eyes on Chaewon.

Chaewon takes a deep breath before answering the question. "I don't know. Maybe I'm used to it plus the fact being the only child." She shrugs.

"Ahh, I get it. You must be uncomfortable around me right? Well.. I'm a loud person. Like, reaallyy loud. We are totally opposite." Yena claims.

"Not at all. I found you so interesting, unnie. It's really fun being with you." Chaewon answers honestly.

"Ah really? I thought it's burdensome to people around me. Especially quiet people like you." Yena scratch her cheek lightly.

"I don't think so. You are kind. I see you know how to cheer people around you." Chaewon smiles.

I wish I can have your personality, Yena.

"You are good with your words despite being quiet. I'm flustered." Yena covers with her backhand as she blushing.

"I'm just saying the truth." Chaewon is amused by Yena's reaction.

Yena takes a few seconds to stare at her lab partner as she thinks.

"You know what?" Yena leans closer that makes Chaewon startled.

"Hmm?" Chaewon raises her right eyebrow as their eyes meet again.

"I think I've seen you somewhere, Chaewon. Too bad, I can't remember when and where." Yena shrugs. She steps away and checks on the beaker they have been ignoring for a while.

"Eh? Really?" Chaewon's eyes widened as she heard that.

"Yeah. You look familiar. Or I might be wrong. Ignore it. Come here! I think it's done." Yena picks up the crucible thong from the shelf and takes out all the hot coins from the beaker into the plate. She shows them to Chaewon.

"What's next, boss?" She's waiting for the next instructions.

Chaewon flips the page of the manual and reads the next step. "Now we successfully make them turns silver. The next step is to burn them directly to the flame for a while, rinse and wipe them, then we will get gold-colored of the coins." She summarizes the instructions for Yena to understand them better.

"Wow! Let's do the magic." Yena becomes excited again. She hands in the thong to Chaewon. They remove the other used equipment from the desk except for the Bunsen burner, plates, and the beaker. Yena throws away the solution from the beaker, refill it with plain water, and put it near to Chaewon as Chaewon is busy burning the coins on the flame.

Chaewon puts all of her focus on the coins, making they are burned well and when she is satisfied, she rinse them in plain water and wipe them with the towel. Her wide smile appears as she sees the result.

Mission accomplished!

"Look unnie! We succeed!" Chaewon turns to the place Yena was standing just now to show the coins but her expression changes as she witnesses the scene in front of her right now.

"What are you doing, unnie?!" Chaewon whispers with a worried face. She quickly scans the lab to find Kyuhyun seongsaenim. Luckily, he is not aware of Yena's doing. So do other students.

"Shhh." Yena put her finger on her lips as she winks at Chaewon. "I feel like wanna cook right now." She grins while showing the two conical flacks she's holding right now.

"This is not a kitchen, unnie! It's dangerous!" Chaewon try to give a warning but seems like Yena is not going to obey her.

"Don't worry. I won't play with the fire. I will just mix these two sauces." Yena shows a playful smile.

Chaewon is panic. "They are not sauce, unnie! Wait! What are they? Tell me!" She tries to keeps her voice in low volume so nobody won't hear them or they will be in big trouble. She's really in big trouble if she doesn't stop Yena right now.

"Hmm.. I wonder too. Let me check." She read the label on them. "This one... Hydrogen peroxide with liquid detergent.. and this one.. what is this.. potassium iodide? I never heard of this one before."

Chaewon quickly brainstorms about what Yena said.

H202 with potassium iodide... KI? Wait, what?





Everyone turns around.

They see a volcano of foam coming out from the conical flask and Chaewon standing beside it awkwardly, showing them an awkward smile.


She disappears like a ninja.


I forgot about Chaewon there.

Yena stops in front of the toilet and to catch her breath after the long run. She checks her lab coat and notices a little dirt on it because of the foam. She walks into the washroom and cleans it up. When she steps out, she hears a familiar voice approaching her direction.

"Oh look what we found! Superhero from the other day!" Jaemin smirks as he meets his eyes with Yena. His friends send out their evil laugh while staring at Yena up and down.

Today is really my unlucky day.

Yena sighs heavily. "I don't have any business with you guys. I'm already tired." She turns her back on them and walks away.

"I think we do have unsettled business, don't you think?" Jaemin said with his sarcastic voice.

"That's what you think. Not me." Yena replies in a cold tone. She literally ignoring them even though she considers them as her threat. But she's too tired.

Let's fight another day. I want to sleep for a while and gain back my energy.

Jaemin clenches his fist. His anger is at its peak.


Ahh.. Here we go again..

Yena quickly runs as she notices these brats start to chase her.

I should ask for a day off today from the team manager. I've run enough and I'm exhausted.

She can't think of any escape plan. She just follows where her legs bring her to and here she is, at the rooftop and it's a dead end.

Good job legs! It's a good place to get beaten up and no one will found us.

"What a good place to beat someone." Jaemin and his friends laugh out loud as if they are already on the winning side.

"You really won't let people live, don't you?" Yena is totally out of breath.

"Eyy~ You know right? If you want to live, don't with me, bastard!" Jaemin yells out with his furious face.

"I don't give a about you. I only care about my friend." Yena glares at him.

"That new student? That arrogant who seems mute? What is the benefit you get from saving that mute girl? She's not even here to save you." His friends laugh at his words. "Well at least she's pretty, I admit it. And her body.. damn bro.. here come my ." They keep laughing while brofists among them, acting they are not doing anything wrong at the moment.

"You dare to about my friend in front of me, motherer." Yena clenches her fist tightly. She doesn't leave her sight off that guy even once.

"What did you say?" Jaemin shows his annoyed face as he approaches the angry girl in front of him.

"Shut your dirty mouth, motherer!" Yena shouts as she rushed towards him and about to punch him right on his face but Jaemin's response is faster, he managed to avoid it and shoves her hard until she falls down to the floor.

"Yah! Argh! You! You really deserve to be beaten by me." Jaemin folds up his sleeves as he and his friends are getting ready to beat Yena up.

"Come on, bastard! As if I'm scared of you." Yena gets up with a smirk on her face. She throws away her lab coat aside and clenches both fists.

I know it's possible to win over these bastards. But their really getting on my nerves. I just want to punch those faces with all my might.

Jaemin deploys his first punch targeting Yena's torso but Yena managed to avoid it. Now is her turn to counter-attack with a side punch but his other friend interferes by holding her wrist. 

"You are dead." Jaemin smirks. 

Yena closes her eyes when she sees him lifting his left fist. Praying inside her heart. 

In the split seconds, a flying black shoe comes hit right at Jaemin's head, causing him to flinch hard. All of them including Yena become startled and turn their sight to the direction where the flying shoe come from and they see a pink long-haired girl sending an intense gaze to them from the door. Yeah, she is Sakura.

"What are you guys doing?" she asks with a raucous voice. She steps forward without any hesitation to them with her squint eyes still don't move away from Jaemin.

"Back off! It's not your business." Jaemin aggressively sways his hands as a gesture to Sakura to go away. He rubs his head in pain.

Sakura still approaching him with her chin up and raised an eyebrow as if she's provoking him. When she's only a few inches from Jaemin, she tilts her head a bit and stares at him intensely. 

"Told your brat friend to remove his dirty hand from her." Her voice is deep and clear.

"Who are you to.." 

"Do. It. Now." Sakura doesn't blink even for a second. Her stare is strong as if she wants to swallow him alive. 

Jaemin wanders his eyes while running his hand through his hair in frustration. He stumps his right feet hard before looking at his friend, Jisung. "Release it." he asks in a low voice. All of his friends show disbelief expression. They can't believe their eyes looking at how timid their leader is right now. 

"But.." Jisung is about to argue but Jaemin cut his word instantly.

"I say release it!" He shouts, causing everyone except Sakura to startle.  Jisung immediately follows what he has been told.

Sakura checks up on Yena to make sure she's fine. She squints her eyes afterward to the boys while folding her arms. 

"Satisfied now, student council member?" Jaemin says in a grating voice, raising his eyebrow. 

"Why don't you ask yourself, young man? Do you feel satisfied by abusing others like this, making trouble in the school?" His question is replied with questions.

Jaemin smirks. He steps closer to her and leans his face. "Yes, I am. Do you have any problem with that?" 

Sakura beams a smile. She doesn't feel bothered about his action. "Nah. Not me. But, your father might gains problem because of you." 

His expression changes upon hearing the words. "What the hell are you talking about, ? You want to mess up with me? Do you know who I am?" He grabs her collar, ignoring the reaction from people around them. His eyes turn red. The vines on his forehead can be seen as he is boiling inside.

Sakura moves her hand slowly grabbing his hand and push them away from touching her. She still looks calm. She looks back at him while smirking. "I know you very well, young master. You, your father, and N.A Company that you are proud of. But do you know me?" 

"You are not on the same level as me to receive my acknowledgment, ." He lifts his chin up, full of himself.

"Ahh~ your father must be so ashamed having an ungrateful son like you. Pity him." Sakura is faking her sad face. 

"You! Shut your mouth! You just act like you know me, don't you? off before I break you into pieces." He points his finger to her face while yelling.

"Do it."


"Try to touch me again with your dirty hand, bastard." Sakura's is turning red just like Jaemin. Yena can imagine fire come out around her body, from the angle she's watching right now. 

She's scary. She's scary. Chaeyeon's girlfriend is so scary. 

"Let me tell you, young master. I'm Sakura, the daughter of MK Company, the one that your father keeps begging to invest in your almost bankrupt company. With just one call away, I can make you kneeling at me, begging like a beggar. You would not want to imagine it, young master." She continues her words, showing her cold face. 

Jaemin presses his lips hard. His face turns red because of both the embarrassment and anger he felt at the same time. His friends already whispering to each other after knowing the truth that he has been hiding all this time. He knew the situation in his family's company, he knew his father is getting help from others but he didn't know that it would MK Company and the fact that this girl is the daughter, damn it! Now he knows why her father keeps warning him not to mess up with this . He takes a last glance at both Yena and Sakura before start walking to the door. His friends follow him silently while showing a timid look to Sakura. 

"I warn you for the last time, If I see you making trouble with other students after this, you better be prepared to live the worse. Know your place, young master." Jaemin doesn't look back to Sakura. He just walks away until disappears from the girls' sight. 

"Are you okay?" Sakura asks with a concerned voice. "Your elbow is bleeding." she points towards Yena's elbow.

"It's okay, unnie. Just a small wound." Yena takes a look at the wound and hisses.

 Frankly, it hurts so much.

 She picks up her lab coats and sighs while looking at it. 

I need to send it for cleaning later. 

"You are so cool, unnie. I don't know you are the daughter of MK Company! You made him speechless on the spot. Damn savage!" Honestly, Yena's jaw even dropped when Sakura reveals it. Everyone knows MK Company is one of the biggest fashion companies in Japan and its influence in Korea? It's dope!

"I really want to hide it from everyone. But it's too late now. You better thank me for it. I sacrifice my biggest secret for the sake of your life." Sakura rushed to grab back her shoe and wear it back.

"I understand your feelings." Yena utters while nodding. She lays down and stares blankly at the blue sky, the air breeze up here is so good it can make you feel sleepy right away.

Sakura smiles and follows Yena's doing. "I know you would. That's why you don't expose you are the daughter of CH Entertainment." 

Yena quickly gets up and looking down at Sakura with a surprised face. "How did you know that?!"

That's my biggest secret in this school!

Sakura giggles. "Think back about it. Relate it with our company." She raised her eyebrows playfully to Yena.

Yena wanders her eyes around as she thinks hard. When she realizes it, her jaw dropped again. She covers in shock.

"ONF and Oh My Girl are your ambassador and they are our artists! Omo! What a small world." 

Sakura nods and laugh. 

"Our fathers are friends, you know." she explains further.

"Aaahhh!" Yena remembers the moment she had during previous company dinner. Her father met CEO Miyawaki and talked a lot during that time. " But why I didn't see you at the company dinner?" Yena asked.

"Because I'm busy playing Fornite that night. Don't have time for that boring dinner. Game is much more fun." Sakura tells the reason. She is lucky enough to have kind parents that allow her to do the things she enjoys and live as a normal student like others. she's the one who insists on hiding her status so she won't face uncomfortable situations and getting those unnecessary attention. 

Yena laugh. "You are so cool unnie." She gives thumbs up. "And thank you for helping me. If you are late, I don't know what happen to them getting beaten up by me." Yena sways a few punches to the air, showing her skills.

"Actually it's gonna be you the one who will get beaten up to death." Sakura rolls her eyes before covering them with one arm. She feels sleepy all of the sudden.

Yena grins for a second. "You don't have class, unnie? And since when you go to this rooftop? I thought it's only me and Hyewon who know this place. Other students won't dare to come here because of the ghost rumor we made up." Yena chuckles as she explains. Because of her great idea, this place finally becomes their territory.

Sakura's phone rings at the moment and she quickly answers it, while lying down. She doesn't have the energy anymore.

"Hey! Yeah, I'm here. Yena? She's here too. Okay. Bye." She keeps her phone back and stretches her body. "I'm thinking of skipping the next class. I'm too exhausted and my mind is too stressed with the piled-up work coming to me." she gives her answer to Yena's previous question. Her fingers make their own way to massage the forehead. "And the caller just now is the one telling me about this place and ask me to here just now."

"Who? Chaeyeon?"



The door opens and...

Speak of the devil.


"Ouwww!!" Yena rubs the back of her head. 

"How dare you just left her like that after making the mess?!" Hyewon scolds. 

"Yah! You don't have the right to hit me like that! It hurts you know!" Yena fights back. At first, she gives a strong glare to Hyewon but when she sees Chaewon is there behind her, Yena's expression changes on the spot. She quickly stands up and approaches Chaewon while scratching her nape.

"Err.. You know.. I'm so sorry for what happened. I should listen to you.." She talks in her low husky voice with a pleading face.

Chaewon smiles. "It's okay, unnie. Nothing happens. Kyuhyun Seongsaenim didn't get angry over it. He just laughs and explains further about the reaction."

"Eh? You didn't get scolded?" Yena is confused.

Chaewon denies calmly before walking around the place.

The view from up here is so beautiful and calming. So this is their hideout? What a nice place!

"Then why did you hit me like I've done something wrong, stupid!" Yena rushes to Hyewon to take her revenge, but Hyewon already prepares beforehand, which she already climbs up the other small roof (I hope you can imagine it xD, I don't know how to explain it further). She sticks her tongue out to Yena.

"Is she sleeping?" 

Both of them turn their heads to Chaewon. She's asking about Sakura who is silent since just now. Three of them approach her and stare. 

"I think she is." Hyewon answers as she checks her up.

"Her beauty is really on another level, don't you guys think?" Yena takes this chance to stare at her from up close. 

Chaewon sits in Japanese style and nods at Yena's words.

"Chaeyeon's taste indeed." Hyewon comments.

"Did they really date each other now?" Yena questions.

"She will announce it if they are really official, right?" Hyewon questions back. Three of them are sharing their gaze with each other. 

Yena rubs her own chin, thinking. "But Chaeyeon doesn't admit to us yet about her liking Sakura."

"What if she likes that guy she has been talking lately?" 

"Who?!!" Sakura suddenly shouts as she wakes up. Her face looked so desperate to know.



"Oh no."


[Writer's note]

Hey guys, I will take 2 days off from writing to focus on my thesis report but I promise to return this weekend with more chapters to you guys. Ehe~

So far, I already expose the background of 3 members. They are from well-known families but Sakura and Yena choose to keep it as their important secret because both of them want to live like normal people. Chaewon? I will go into detail about her in the next 2-3 chapters. Ehe~ Oh wait! Do you guys want to know the other members from well-known families?


Tada~ eheheee. But ! Don't get me wrong! The others are doing good too, of course! Ey~ they are from elite school~ Sure they are all rich! But 5 members here are the upgraded one xD

I gave some hints for the plots in the upcoming chapters, so guys~ be prepared. Eheeee~ And don't get me wrong again :(    I love all the characters involved in this story. Please don't scold me if made your bias a bad character in this story. 

I've read the comments from the previous chapters and I'm so happy to hear your opinions. One of you guys almost read my mind eyy~ Stay tuned for the answer!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. See you soon! Wish me luck with my thesis report! Can't wait to finish it and graduate and I can focus a lot on writing. 


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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1766 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~