
Started with a Bet

Hello.. ^^ I'm sorry for taking too long. This time, it was my fault. Sorry. Anyway, I realised that I've been typing out Woohyung instead of Woohyun. I'm so sorry. Well, here's the update. Enjooooooooy. ^^ 

Please please please please please don't forget to leave a comment. I love you. Muah! 




* That voice.. It's familiar.* I look up and saw him. That guy from Infinite. That guy I was trying to avoid, That guy is Woohyun. I covered my face and ran away but he caught me.

"Who did this to you?" He yelled while observing my bruised and bloody face. I struggles to loosen the grip but the more I struggle, the tighter he held on.

"You're hurting me! Let go!" I yelled back.

"NO! I'm not letting you go unless you tell me who did this to you!" He yelled. No one was at the hallway so no one heard him shout. But I better get going before anyone sees us. Especially Jiyeon.


"No one. I just tripped and hit my face on the floor." I lied.

"What?! You really think I would believe that? Follow me!" He gave out a sarcastic laugh and dragged me out of the school.

"Where are we going? I need to go back to class." I asked. Afraid of what might happen next.

"Shut up. Get in!" He tone was harsh and he pushed me in the cab.

"____ street, number 5" He told the taxi driver.

"Whose address is that?"

"Mine," He said.

"What? Why are we going to your house? Stop the cab I want to go down."

"No! You're going to my house and that's final! Open your mouth again and I'll make sure you regret it." He smirk.

*Woohyun's ringtone rang*

"Hello? I'm with you .. What do you want?" There was a pause. The other line must be replying him.

"You don't have to know why. Just bring her bag and my bag with you. Don't you dare check our bags.! Just bring it to your house ad bring it back tomorrow to school."

Then he hung up. I wanted to ask him who it was but I remember that he told me to shut my mouth or I might regret it. I rather not find out what he meant by regret.


"Not gonna ask me who it was?" He asked.

I just kept quiet. Then he laughed. I raised my eyebrow wondering why he was laughing.

"Afraid to open your mouth huh? Good. Cos if you did I will...." He said as he same closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I will kiss you." He whispered and went back to his original position while smirking.

My heart was beating really fast I thought it was going to jump out of my chest.

He notice that my face was heating up and I was desperately trying to hide it.

*She's so cute when she's blushing. But I really want to know who did this to her. I'm bringing her to my house to help her clean her wound. No girls have ever been to my house. She's the first. Not even Jiyeon. Well, no one is living with me anyway. My parents don't even care about me." Woohyun thought to himself while studying your face.


We finally arrived to Woohyun's house. House? More like a mansion! No castle? It was huge and beautiful! I couldn't stop staring and I didn't notice that my mouth was open while admiring his paradise.

He pulled me in and all the maid in the house bowed. I bowed back and greeted them since I wasn't comfortable being treated like that.

He pulled me to a room at the third floor. Maybe it was his room. I notice the maids whispering to each other while pointing at me. I just look down and followed him.

"This is my room. Just sit on the bed." He ordered. I nodded and did as I was told while he went to his bathroom and came out with an aid kit.

He started wiping away the blood stains and applied some cream. I tried to stay quiet although it was painful and stings. He took off my shoes and socks and applied the cream on my knee first then he took off my outer uniform leaving me with the thin white piece of cloth covering my body. I blushed when he took it off. He applied the cream on my elbows and wrist. He notice that there were blood stains on my white inner unifrom. He blushed and told me that he would skip that part.

I understand what he meant and nodded. He then sat on the bed beside me and applied the cream on the wounds on my face. His face was only a few inches from mine and I can feel him breathing. He stared at me after applying the cream. He tilted his head and came closer to me. I didn't know what to do so I just stay still.

I realised that we were about to kiss and started to panic. Then there was a knock on the door. He opened his eyes and straightened himself after realising what he just did. The maid went in and apologized and inform us that the meal is ready. He nodded and told her to continue with her work.

There was an awkward silence and he broke it by asking me to go eat with him. I agreed but realise what I was wearing. I thought it was a bit too revealing so I grabbed my blazer (the outer uniform). Woohyun told me to put it aside since he already ordered the maid to buy me a nightdress from the nearby shop.

"Put it down. I already asked my maid to buy you a nightdress. She'll reach home soon.

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updated. Sorry you guys had to wait for so long. :(


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Chapter 15: Omg sequel pls! I need the sequel! ;;
infinitedongwoo #2
Chapter 15: Sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel I DEMAND A SEQUALLLL
doublerainbow #3
Chapter 2: I'm sorry for all the typos.
Chapter 15: naww sad ;( sequel please ? & LOL , because of my username, it says "namnambaby_" AHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Lol who's Dongwoon...
You mean DongWOO?
Dongwoon is from Beast! XD
I just went back to this chapter.
Chapter 15: WE DEMAND A SEQUEL! D:
Chapter 15: Sequel please!!
nic_kyu15 #8
Chapter 15: . Sequel Please x_o
Chapter 15: nice story.. b^^d
Chapter 15: SEQUEL.