Day 1

Started with a Bet

"I'll make sure there'll be a scar on your pathetic face." Those words keep ringing in my head as I was walking to school. I know I'm pathetic avoidind Dongwoo just because of what Jiyeon said. But insecurities got the best of me. As I was walking I saw Infinite laughing and joking around towards to school gate. My eyes were glued to DongWoo smiling. Those smile of his that managed to melt my heart in an instant. I couldn't help but feel sad. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Woohyung smiling at me.

"Hey." He said still smilling.

"Hi." I replied back.

"Why do you look so gloomy early in the morning? Is it still because of Dongwoo?" He asked.

I didn't know what to tell him so I just look away. He was still walking with me.

"Why aren't you walking with them?" I asked.

"I was but then I saw you walking alone at the back and I decided to ditch them. Why you don't want me to walk with you?" He said

"That's not what I meant, I was just curious."

He continued walking with me along the corridor until I remembered that he is Jiyeon's boyfriend. *Oh no. He's Jiyeon's boyfriend. What am I doing.* I thought.

I fasten my pace and tried to walk far away from him but he was too fast. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. He held my hand and walked with me towards my class.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him while he was still holding me. "I mean aren't you Jiyeon's boyfriend? Why are you doing this to me?"

He stopped walking and faced me. He cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. His eyes were staring straight through mine. He didn't say anything but then he continued walking me towards my class.

When we reached, the whole class were staring at us and I saw Jiyeon glaring at me while DongWoo staring at me. I realised that Woohyung was still holding my hands. I managed to break free from his grip and went to my seat.

"Bye." He waved at me and I just nod back. I look at Dongwoo who was sitting beside me. This is so awkward. None of us are talking. I tried to start the conversation when suddenly Jiyeon grabbed my hand and pulled me into the toilet. Her other two friends followed and locked the toilet door.

"!" She screamed as she pushed me towards the sink. My back hit the corner of the sink. It hurt so bad. I fell on the floor while rubbing my back. She started punching and kicking me while tugging my hair and slapped my face. Tears started to roll down my checks as I begged her to stop. "First Dongwoo now you're flirting with my boyfriend! You really want to die don't you?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to he was the one who.. ow" She started punching and kicking me again not letitng me finish my sentence.

She pulled my hair again making me face her. "Go near them again and you'll get worst than this." Then she left with her friends.

I looked at the mirror only to see my lips bleeding and my eyes swelling. I started crying and running out of the toilet covering my face. I couldn't find the nurse and bumped into someone. I didn't even put away my hands to apologized. "you?"

"you what happened to you?" That voice.. It's familiar.

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updated. Sorry you guys had to wait for so long. :(


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Chapter 15: Omg sequel pls! I need the sequel! ;;
infinitedongwoo #2
Chapter 15: Sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel I DEMAND A SEQUALLLL
doublerainbow #3
Chapter 2: I'm sorry for all the typos.
Chapter 15: naww sad ;( sequel please ? & LOL , because of my username, it says "namnambaby_" AHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Lol who's Dongwoon...
You mean DongWOO?
Dongwoon is from Beast! XD
I just went back to this chapter.
Chapter 15: WE DEMAND A SEQUEL! D:
Chapter 15: Sequel please!!
nic_kyu15 #8
Chapter 15: . Sequel Please x_o
Chapter 15: nice story.. b^^d
Chapter 15: SEQUEL.