"Just tell Jonghyun...."

Enough teasing already!


I t was somewhere around, 5am in the morning and as usual, Jonghyun woke up the earliest. With half opened eyes, he walked past Minho’s bed to the room’s attached bathroom. Wait. Groggily, the singer turned around and rubbed his eyes, “Yah, where’s Minho gone to? He shouldn’t be awake at this hour… did he sleepwalk?!”

Jonghyun made his way out of the room and quietly poked his head into the other members’ rooms, which was practically useless since their rooms were pitch-black, before checking the living room and kitchen, when he noticed a faint light from under the door leading to their balcony. As he neared the door, he heard talking. Not the normal talking, more like a secret-sharing session. The voices were soft and the speakers paused for relatively long periods every now and then. Careful not to touch the creaky doorknob, he pressed his ear against the door.

“So what do you intend to do?”

“I don’t know..”

“Okay, tell me. Do you want him to know? Just yes, or no.”


“Yes or No”


“Okay then leave everything as it is, you continue being stuck at where you are and let everything be.” The chair slightly scratched against the floor, signalling that someone was standing up, causing Jonghyun to inch away from the door slightly.

“w-wait! I can’t.. can’t leave it this way. I.. I- aish”

“Minho, you know you want him to know.”

“But Key, if he knows about it, he’s just going to laugh at me and then everything will become so awkward!” What, he wears heel lifts? That’ll be something to laugh at! Jonghyun snickered to himself. Why the heck are they up so early in the morning. 91-liners talk?

“Like things are not awkward right now on your part. You’ve been so shifty around him lately. It’s a wonder that dino brain hasn’t noticed it yet.” Yah! I’m not a dino brain!


“Minho ah, you’ll never know if you don’t try. I’d never thought Jinki would accept me either. I’d never thought that Jinki had feelings for me too. If I’d never try, I’ll probably be in the same boat as you right now.” Uhh, this conversation sounds so weird.

“So you’re saying..”

“Just tell Jonghyun... that you like him.”

Jonghyun stood behind the door, like a confused puppy. Minho… likes..ME?! The lost puppy wandered aimlessly into the kitchen and stood in front of the fridge.

I heard wrong right? Yes Kim Jonghyun you heard wrong. Minho couldn’t have fallen for you. He’s always calling you short, stupid, retarded. And he likes Taemin!! Or so it’s supposed to be according to the fans. RIGHT? Yes you heard wrong, he couldn’t-

“YAH KIM JONGHYUN!” A shrill voice knocked Jonghyun out of his deep thoughts. Blinking his eyes a few times, he looked at Key standing next to him, signalling to the fridge. “Would you kindly please move aside if you’re not getting anything? Unless you don’t want your breakfast today.”

“U-uh, sorry Bummie.” Jonghyun apologized and scratched his head.

“YAH! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT?!” Key raised his voice and glared at the lost-in-thoughts-boy.

“Sorry..” Jonghyun muttered and shuffled his feet all the way back to his room, brushing past Minho on his way.

The taller of the two stopped walking and stared at the other as he walked in to the room, obviously trapped in his own world. Hyung.. what happened to him?

Closing the door behind him, Jonghyun plopped back into bed and covered himself from head to toe. He laid there with his eyes open, staring at the dark blue blanket covering him.

He couldn’t like me. All these while he’d been happy when Taemin was with him, wasn’t he? Or.. did he really like me, back when he always tried to come in between me and Bummie? If he did like me, the mighty me would've noticed right? 

"Just tell Jonghyun that you like him" That line kept replaying over and over again in his mind, confusing him even more. Bummie wouldn't joke about something like this right? Should I just ask Minho about it? No. That'll probably embarass him it it were true, and it it's not, it'll embarass ME. Maybe I should ask Bummie.. 

Slowly, the singer drifted back to sleep, thoughts filling his tired mind. 


Here's the second chapter!
Many thanks to  
Forgotten Graphics for the beautiful banner!
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awwww those two were adorable hahaha
but omg LOL onkey and their teasings are just awesome xD
LOL this story is so cute ;3
oh my! when are these two gonna admit what they really feel?! gosh, if i'm there with them i'm just gonna bang their heads!!! these idiots!!! arrgh!
You just love to always leave us hanging but then with the way things are, next chapter is sure worth all this kekeke
awww so cute, but *sighs* Jjong should just realize how Minho feels
Dorian_J_Sinclair #6
It's 1:36am and I can't sleep. So I figured I'd read something 'cause it usually helps... And now I really can't sleep because I'm all hyper and in "aw~"-mood because of this chapter. Bye bye sleep ;)
It's so worth it, though :D
Oh my! If next chapter this flamasaur thing won't progress, i'm gonna shoot that dino head! grrrr!