
Enough teasing already!


The tension in the room was high. Jonghyun sat at his table scribbling gibberish on his manuscripts, while Minho lied in bed, covering himself up to beneath his eyes.

Suddenly, the room door flew open with a loud BANG, and in came Onew and Key in their PJs and cutesy bedroom slippers, each of them carrying their own pillows.

“HI GUYS WE’RE SLEEPING HERE TONIGHT!” The leader beamed, ruffling his pillow.

“Hyung.. why’re you guys sleeping here and not in your room?”Minho sat up in bed, eyeing Key as he asked.

Key settled himself down comfortably on Jonghyun’s bed and replied matter-of-factly, “Firstly, the AC is down. Secondly, the toilet’s tap is leaking, and it’s really noisy. Thirdly, Jinki dear spilled orange juice all over the his bed and then my bed after that so we can’t use the beds.”

Facing Minho, Key gave him his most innocent smile, earning a pouty glare from the taller boy. Minho knew something was not right.

“Why not share Taemin’s room?” Minho asked flatly.

“You know, he brought Eve over to stay, and Jinki’s been sensitive to Eve’s fur lately, and Taemin just won’t let Eve out of his sight so no chance of taking his room!” Again, Key smiled a very innocent smile before tucking himself up in bed.

Jonghyun kept quiet, figuring out what on earth his bandmates were up to.  He had so very much wanted to jump into his bed, where his favourite Kibummie was, but he knew that was stupid. Being the silent observer, Jonghyun read Key’s expressions and reactions towards Minho. He knew what was going on.

Standing up from his seat, Jonghyun went over to his bed, reached out for his pillow and shuffled his way to Minho’s bed. “Minho ah, I guess hyung and Kibummie would be sharing my bed, so I guess we’ll have to share a bed..”

Minho stared at him wide-eyed. This is NOT happening. They’d just nearly-kissed in the day, and now they had to share a bed?! This is insane, no, make it beyond insane. He kicked off his blanket and got up from the bed. “I’ll take the couch then. Hyung you can have my bed.” Picking up his pillow and bolster, Minho made his way out of the room.

Key and Onew mentally facepalmed themselves. WHY THE HECK DID MINHO WALK OUT. THIS IS BEYOND UNEXPECTED. The couple cuddled up in Jonghyun’s bed, and fell asleep soon after, while Jonghyun continued scribbling on his manuscript.

Glancing at the clock, it was already 2.30am. Jonghyun certainly did not understand why did his bandmates chose to use the AC as an excuse, the weather outside was still very cold in the winter season. Making his way over to Minho’s empty bed, he realised that the younger boy had left the room without his blanket. That pabo, he’s waiting to be turned into a snow frog?

Minho on the other hand, was alone in the dark. Maybe he shouldn’t have told Key about everything, then maybe this wouldn’t be happening, and maybe he would be sleeping comfortably on his bed, or at least in the warmth of his blanket. He was shivering from the cold. All he had was his thick tracksuit, and an extra jacket he’d left on the couch earlier. He closed his eyes again for the zillionth time, and tried to go to sleep, though it was difficult to due to the cold.

Suddenly, he felt something. Someone was next to him, covering his body with a blanket, his blanket that smelled every bit like himself. He didn’t have to open his eyes to know who it was. Minho could recognise his scent from anywhere. Keeping his eyes shut, he felt the person kneeling down next to him, watching him for awhile.

“Pabo, hiding out here alone just cause you’re afraid of being near me. I could’ve taken the couch instead.”

He waited for the person to go away but he did not hear any footsteps going back upstairs. Instead, light snoring was heard. Opening his eyes a little, Minho looked around and saw the most angelic face of Jonghyun, who’d fallen asleep on the next couch, only in a pair of track pants and a wifebeater.

After some hesitation, the taller boy brought his pillow to the couch where Jonghyun was, and pulled the blanket over the both of them. This can’t be that bad, at least…. Hyungs are not around, right?


Had wanted to write a fic for jjong's birthday but was sooooo tied up T_T
Ohyes. Comments pleaseeee? Pretty please with cherries and strawberries on top!
Yes? No? Nawwwww just leave tha comment there already *evil smirk*
Nah, just kidding, comment if you want to~ Till then!♥

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awwww those two were adorable hahaha
but omg LOL onkey and their teasings are just awesome xD
LOL this story is so cute ;3
oh my! when are these two gonna admit what they really feel?! gosh, if i'm there with them i'm just gonna bang their heads!!! these idiots!!! arrgh!
You just love to always leave us hanging but then with the way things are, next chapter is sure worth all this kekeke
awww so cute, but *sighs* Jjong should just realize how Minho feels
Dorian_J_Sinclair #6
It's 1:36am and I can't sleep. So I figured I'd read something 'cause it usually helps... And now I really can't sleep because I'm all hyper and in "aw~"-mood because of this chapter. Bye bye sleep ;)
It's so worth it, though :D
Oh my! If next chapter this flamasaur thing won't progress, i'm gonna shoot that dino head! grrrr!