Operation Flamasaur

Enough teasing already!


The other members got home after their schedules to see Jonghyun mumbling to himself on the couch. He jumped off the couch and ran towards Key, opening his arms wide. “KIBUMIEEEEEEEE” Key dodged the hug attempt and Jonghyun was sent flying towards the wall.

Hands on his waist, Key glared at the puppy stuck against the wall, “KIM JONGHYUN! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT?!”

“Sorry, I was just hungry!” Jonghyun pouted.

“Go get yourself some food then! Do I look like your nanny? Seriously Jjong.” Key rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

“Yah Minho ah! What are you doing?!” Key’s shriek came from the kitchen, causing Onew and Taemin to rush in.  Minho was sitting on a chair, elbows against the counter, staring at the packet of ramyeon and the pot in front of him.

“Ignore him, he’s been like that the whole day.” Jonghyun went back to the couch and the TV. Taemin jumped on to the couch next to him with eye wide open. “The WHOLE day?! You mean he’s been like that since we went out?”

“Nope! Just, uh….” No, can’t let them know what happened. “Just during lunch time, or the supposedly lunch time.”

Key poked his head out and made a face behind Jonghyun. He’d sensed something wrong. It’s no good leaving these two pabos at home alone really.

“Taeminnie, shower and sleep now. Yeobo, you too go get some rest. I’ll try to uh, talk to him” Key gestured towards Minho who was still stoning in the same position they’d found him. After shoo-ing them all away, Key closed the kitchen door and leaned against the counter Minho was at.

Minho sighed and slumped down on to the counter, sulking. Key chuckled at the scene, since no one has probably seen Minho sulk this way.  “So…what happened?”

Minho glanced at Key without lifting his chin off the counter, and sighed again.

“Come on. It can’t be anything that bad, unless….” Key’s sudden gasp had caught Minho. Speaking in a hush, Key probed, “YOU CONFESSED?!”

Minho’s eyes widened. “Hell no. If I did, I wouldn’t be sitting here now. It’s just…..”

“Just what!”

For the umpteenth time, Minho sighed, before telling Key everything that had happened.

Key raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes, “And then…?”

Minho shook his head in response.

“Nothing?! You mean, you’ve been sitting here and him out there since it happened?! Oh my goodness you two are hopeless. Simply hopeless.” Now, it was Key’s turn to sigh. “I’ll try to think of some way. Go cook your noodles now. “

Out of the kitchen, Key poked his head back in, “Oh, cook some for that annoying puppy too, he keeps yelping. Thanks.”

“W-what?!” Letting out the loudest sigh of the night, he knew he didn’t really have a choice.

Closing the door behind him, Key walked over to Onew’s bed and hugged hm. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Onew’s neck, taking in his scent, freshly showered with Key’s favourite strawberry shower foam.

The older boy wrapped his arms around Key, leaving a light kiss on his forehead. “So what’s with Minho?”

“He’s just in love.” Onew pulled away slightly from Key at the response he got. Key pulled him back into the hug and continued “and he’s just lost in love.”

“Bummie ah, details.”

“Come to think of it, he’s just like me a few months ago. In love, and lost.” Key’s mind wandered off to the times when he was so in love with their leader, yet had no courage to confess.


“See. I told Minho that dinohead was dumb. Even you can tell, I’d bet my collection of BB creams that even Taemin knows.”

“Jonghyun doesn’t know?”

Key pulled away and sat on the chair next to Onew’s bed, remembering that he hasn’t taken his shower. “No he doesn’t.”

“He’s smitten with you.”

“And my tokki is jealous.”

“No, am not. No need to be.”

“Don’t be too sure, yeobo.”

“I am betting all my chicken that  I am overly, extremely, utterly sure”

Key sniggered at his boyfriend’s dorkiness. That was why he loves him so much.

“Yes, so Jonghyun doesn’t know. And I need to get him off you soon.” Onew pouted.

“See! You’re jealous!”

“No Bummie, this is not jealous!”

“Over-protective then!” Key beamed. Onew didn’t say anything. “But I like it, it just means you really care”

Onew kept silent in thoughts. Suddenly, a mischievous smile broke across his face.

“Bummie ah, let’s plan operation Flamasaur.”


Tada!! :D 
Operation Flamasaur go go go!!!
Comments are ♥-ed! Pretty pleaseeeeee? ^^;


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awwww those two were adorable hahaha
but omg LOL onkey and their teasings are just awesome xD
LOL this story is so cute ;3
oh my! when are these two gonna admit what they really feel?! gosh, if i'm there with them i'm just gonna bang their heads!!! these idiots!!! arrgh!
You just love to always leave us hanging but then with the way things are, next chapter is sure worth all this kekeke
awww so cute, but *sighs* Jjong should just realize how Minho feels
Dorian_J_Sinclair #6
It's 1:36am and I can't sleep. So I figured I'd read something 'cause it usually helps... And now I really can't sleep because I'm all hyper and in "aw~"-mood because of this chapter. Bye bye sleep ;)
It's so worth it, though :D
Oh my! If next chapter this flamasaur thing won't progress, i'm gonna shoot that dino head! grrrr!