
Enough teasing already!


“Just tell Jonghyun that you like him”

Key’s words had kept Minho’s mind preoccupied for a few days by now. He couldn’t help wondering, when, why and how did he even started liking his fellow bandmate. He had no idea at all how the latter felt about him, though it was evident that he did not like him back, more than a bandmate, or a dongsaeng. From where he was sitting on his bed, he could see the photoframe on Jonghyun’s table on the opposite of the room. It was a photo Jonghyun treasured a lot, of him and Key. His table was no where near “neat”, but he’d always made an effort to keep that little corner clean and tidy.

The room door opened and standing there was Jonghyun who’d just had his shower, with a towel draping from his waist, and water trickling down his chest.  

“Minho ah, did you see the pants I’d left on the bathroom rack earlier today? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.” Jonghyun started searching through the pile of clothes on his chair – he really isn’t a very neat person. He turned around to face Minho, gaping at him. “Wh-what? Something on my face or my tummy?”

Minho blinked a few times and shook his head. “o-oh nothing, I was just.. thinking. Yea, thinking…” His face started to turn a light shade of pink. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen Jonghyun topless. The latter would sleep with is top off when the weather got warm. So why was he so…. shy now? The older boy gave a dubious look, but nodded and made his way out to search for his clothes and Minho was left alone, caught in his own world again.

Later that night, Jonghyun and Minho were asked by their company to come up with lyrics for their new song. So despite it being 2am in the morning, the duo decided to start on the song writing since they couldn’t sleep anyway. The settled at Jonghyun’s not very spacious table after Jonghyun repeatedly pointed out that he’d need his entire stack of manuscripts so either table would eventually make no difference.

The song writing went on smoothly, each writing their own parts, after discussing what the song would be about. Minho was done first since he only had to finish up the rap part. He rested his head on the table, facing Jonghyun. It wasn’t before long that he caught himself blushing while admiring his bandmate’s features under the glow of the table lamp. It wasn’t all so bad until Jonghyun started to his lips, a habit he had especially when he was writing.

Sitting upright, Minho rubbed his face and stared ahead of him – straight into the photo of Jonghyun and Key.

Why? Why’s it not me? Minho thought to himself.

“Hmm? Why what? what’s not you?” The singer stopped writing and looked suspiciously at his dongsaeng.

. Did I think that aloud just now?

“Oh. Erm, nothing. I need the washroom.” The younger boy lied and hurriedly excused himself.

Following Minho’s previous line of vision, Jonghyun’s eyes fell on the photo of Key and himself, the photo he’d loved so much, even though he knew Key did it all for fanservice. Was it that? M-minho really likes me…. and is affected by that? Sighing to himself, Jonghyun picked up the photoframe, looked at it for one last time, and kept it into his drawer.

A/N: The photo:


Updateeeee! ^-^ 
& so, I've been pretty very busy lately. So I've written a few one-shots instead >_< 
Here's a really short chapter for you lovelies out there! 
Hope you'll like it and do leave a comment, please! Thankyou!

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awwww those two were adorable hahaha
but omg LOL onkey and their teasings are just awesome xD
LOL this story is so cute ;3
oh my! when are these two gonna admit what they really feel?! gosh, if i'm there with them i'm just gonna bang their heads!!! these idiots!!! arrgh!
You just love to always leave us hanging but then with the way things are, next chapter is sure worth all this kekeke
awww so cute, but *sighs* Jjong should just realize how Minho feels
Dorian_J_Sinclair #6
It's 1:36am and I can't sleep. So I figured I'd read something 'cause it usually helps... And now I really can't sleep because I'm all hyper and in "aw~"-mood because of this chapter. Bye bye sleep ;)
It's so worth it, though :D
Oh my! If next chapter this flamasaur thing won't progress, i'm gonna shoot that dino head! grrrr!