"This Will Go Down In Hiss-tory"

Kitty Dearest
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Due to the slip up with my transformation around three people, Min-ho threw me into this semi-punishment. I tried to argue against it. Telling him how no one even noticed and that I made it out of Jin-ki's house without alerting them, but Min-ho really put his foot down. It honestly isn't in me to listen to Min-ho, but after he rattled about all the things that could have possibly happened, I finally agreed to the punishment to shut him up. What's this punishment you might ask? I have to wear the stupid ing cone of shame in my cat form. I can't even believe I agreed to it but I really wanted Min-ho to shut up. 

So here I am sitting in the stupid ing cone as he snaps pictures of me. I know I have the cattiest resting face ever as he laughs at me. I try to use my paws to slip the cone off but its to no avail. It's on me tight as if it is my Victorian collar. I can now understand why it's called the cone of shame. It is absolutely humiliating and I want to hide. But I simply can't because the cone doesn't allow me to fit on the ing cat tower nor under the couch. After the nth photo, I let out a loud hiss at Min-ho. The tears in his eyes from laughing making me ready to pull the claws out. 

"This will go down in hiss-tory. Yah, Ki-bum don't be such a sourpuss. I can upload these to Facebook and you might just win a trophy for being cute. Something you can't achieve in your human form." Min-ho laughs as if he is a comedic genius. I will show him. I sit down at his feet, my body jolting forward as I force a hairball up. His laugh quickly turns into protest of "stop" and "no". But once I get started, I can't stop. Soon a perfect ball of fur is at his feet and he is groaning in frustration. 


"Seriously Ki-bum? Aish, this punishment isn't even bad. What if the guys would have found out you are a cat? How does one even explain that? You were lucky enough to get me to believe but I can see Jin-ki accidentally telling the whole world and soon you are being sold to scientist and possibly cloned." He tsks and huffs as he grabs a paper towel to pick up my hairball. I watch him as he throws it in the trash then lets out a deep sigh. I tilt my head as if I am innocent and then turn my head away from him. That will teach him to mess with me. 

I attempt once again to get the cone from around my neck. He has taken his photos and now I want it off. I pause as he lifts me up, a purr coming out as he removes the cone from my neck. He then promptly sets me back down on the ground. I look at the clock and sigh the best I can in my kitty form. I still have another hour to go and Min-ho is heading out soon for work. I watch him as he is suddenly invested in his phone. What is he looking at? I use my nimble abilities to leap onto the back of the couch. My head stretching out as far as it can go to look at his phone screen. He lets out an annoyed huff, but I can tell it's a playful one. 

"Jong-hyun has invited us to an event at his college tonight." Min-ho informs me. I instantly purr at the mention of Jong-hyun. I hadn't seen him since the day I turned all cat on him. That was two days ago and that is two days too long. I do my best to nod my head. My eyes twinkling, I want to go to this event and see him again. 

"Yah, don't you have work until closing? I do too. We cannot make it." 

Noooo! How dare work get in the way of love? I honestly would ask Jin-ki let me take off but Min-ho and I unfortunately have this thing called rent. It honestly and we both have taken off quite a bit. Mainly me because I want to chase my dreams of Jong-hyun, but rent waits for no one. I can feel myself preparing to sit and stew. Why does the event have to be tonight? I dramatically flop down on my side then roll onto my back. My furry belly completely exposed to Min-ho. He squints at me but then tenderly gives my tummy a couple of rubs. 

"Prrrrrrrrrr." I let out, my throat and chest vibrating as if I am a running engine. 

"I'll take care of the shift for you." Min-ho suddenly says. My ears perk up, my body flipping so I am laying on my stomach. Is he serious? I honestly could kiss him right now if I could but I simply bump my head against his hand. Min-ho is really going to take over my shift so I can go to Jong-hyun's event. This must be my lucky day! I feel as though I am hoping over the moon until Min-ho speaks again. 

"If you... Let me throw a soccer party here, tomorrow night." 

Dammit, nothing in life is ever free nor pure. Min-ho knows how much I hate when he has soccer gatherings. His jock friends come over and they are allows loud, profane, and egotistical.  I don't understand how people can get so aggressive and serious about sports. Especially one that involves kicking a ball around and trying to make it into a net. It really isn't something to get so worked up about. I also hate the gatherings because some of his friends don't know the meaning of personal space nor hygiene. 

I quickly leap off the couch and head to my cat tower. My body going into one of the cubbies. It is my way of letting Min-ho know I don't accept the offer. As much as I want to get close to Jong-hyun, I refuse to pick up after his friends and his stupid soccer gatherings. I my paw as Min-ho groans out and stomps over to the cat tower. 

"Please, Ki-bum?~ Chang-min's mother has her book club tonight and Kyu-hyun's mother refuses to have guys over her house due to his sisters. I thought you were so excited to focus on making Jong-hyun love you and get to know you. This is your chance to actually get one on one time with him. Jin-ki has this family dinner to attend and Tae-min... Well, I'm not sure what he is doing." 

I continue to at my paw. I simply cannot allow it. I know it seems insane but trust me, you do not want to pick up after Min-ho, Chang-min, Kyu-hyun, and like five other gross guys. It is just not worth it. I pause mid- as Min-ho suddenly squats down. He is face to face with me, I can easy just bring my paw out and gouge his eye out. I can tell he is about to beg by the way his lips slightly quiver. His face growing hot because he is going to drop his pride. It causes me to sit up. I sit in what I assume is a regal pose, my nose up in the air. 

"Ki-bum, pleeeeeaasssseeeeeeeee." Min-ho begs. His hands going together in what I call 'prayer hands'. I wish I can take a photo of him begging. His bottom lip being in a pout is hilarious especially his large eyes as they try to come off puppy-like. It's getting kind of sad and pathetic. Aegyo is just not something Min-ho should attempt. I reach my paw out, the padded bottom touching his forehead as if I am knighting him. I jump a bit as he leaps up, throwing his arms in the air as if he has won some sort of victory. 

I watch with amusement as he does a quick dance then immediately gets to texting on his phone. I hop down from the cat tower. My eyes on the clock, he has 15 minutes to get to the shift. 

"Meow!" Focus! 

Min-ho pauses his victory dance as he looks at the clock with wide eyes. He then is racing around to grab his belongings. I watch as he heads to the door. He didn't even give me the details, but I just assume that they have been sent to me. I let out a sigh and watch as the big eyed freak leaves me behind. I honestly need a nap. I exerted too much energy trying to remove the cone of shame. I have to look nice for Jong-hyun anyway. So I opt for a cat nap on the couch. 


I feel this wave of anxiety in my chest as I sit in the back of a cab on the way to Jong-hyun's campus for this event. It is currently 7PM, which means I only get about four hours with him before I have to go. I made sure to wear something a bit fancy. A slightly sheer black top with skinny jeans and a designer belt. I even put more makeup on than when I first went out with him and added gloss over my lip tint. This is my first chance with him one on one. The event being a battle of the bands sort of thing. It is a fundraiser for the music department and the middle schools. The flyer that was sent in a photo mentioned there are approximately four different bands playing along with a couple of amateur solo acts. It isn't my first idea as a date with Jong-hyun but I am just hoping its crowded enough where we are forced to stand close. 

I hold back a squeak as th

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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737 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
737 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
737 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
737 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
737 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~