"We Aren't Scaredy Cats."

Kitty Dearest
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Jin-ki,  Jong-hyun,  and Tae-min are all sitting on the couch with looks of amazement and wonder in their eyes, as Min-ho explained my curse. I find myself sitting on top of my cat tower looking at the three. I really didn't want my secret out there but there was no way to explain what Jin-ki and Tae-min saw. Min-ho tried to convince them they were totally wasted but Tae-min hadn't had a of alcohol. 

My tail swishes as I watch them. Tae-min can't stop staring at me and Jin-ki is trying his best not to stare at me. Jong-hyun is already sneezing which makes me feel a bit sad. It hasn't even been 20 minutes yet. His eyes are watery and his nails keep scratching at his arm. Min-ho will have to bring out the allergy medicine soon. 

"Why was Ki-bum's family cursed?" Jin-ki suddenly asks, looking at me. 

Min-ho face palms himself and shrugs, "I don't know also he can't like talk when he's a cat. He can only make cat noises so you won't get an explanation until like noon tomorrow.  All I know is... You guys can't tell anyone about this." 

"Will he be like this forever?" Tae-min asks. 

Jesus, did they listen to Min-ho? He literally told them that true love will break my curse. I suppose this is a lot to understand and grab onto. I'm just glad that I don't have to explain myself because I honestly hate repeating myself. I would probably smack both Jin-ki and Tae-min until they understand. My eyes go to Jong-hyun who sneezes into the crook of his arm once again. 

"Bless you!" Jin-ki says, patting Jong-hyun on the back. 

"So... Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend." Tae-min states the obvious. 

Jong-hyun glances at me then nods his head, "I am as of now." His voice sounds nasally because his nose is growing stuffy. My tail stops swishing as my ears lay a bit flat against my head. I feel bad for Jong-hyun.  

"So to break the curse... Jong-hyun and Ki-bum have to love each other. Does this mean the curse will be broken with a kiss?" Jin-ki asks, his head tilting. 

"I don't know! I just know Ki-bum has to find true love and that person also has to love him in his cat form. Don't ask me anymore questions, this isn't my curse." Min-ho says with an annoyed huff. 

Jin-ki bows his head and I find myself hissing at Min-ho. Why is he being so mean? Even though I did just say I would smack Jin-ki and Tae-min, I don't like the dejected look on Jin-ki's face. I can hear Tae-min snicker from my hiss and he stands up. He walks right over to the cat tower and picks me up. I automatically purr as he hugs me to his chest, his fingers scratching me under my chin and in the fluffy fur of my chest. 

"Ki-bum is such an adorable cat. Wah, youre lucky Jong-hyun." Tae-min comments. 

"Lucky? He's literally having an allergic reaction." Min-ho comments. 

Jong-hyun gets up from the couch, his hands scratching at the nape and sides of his own neck. He walks over to Tae-min and I and gives my head a soft pat. "It's okay, I'm okay."

Jin-ki stands up as well, "I think it's time for you to take some allergy medication." 

Tae-min keeps hold of me in his arms. I look at Jong-hyun with my blue eyes. I hope the look comes off as adorable as I make myself purr so loud, my body is vibrating. I then nuzzle my head against his hand and even his hand a bit. His hand retracts due to the spines (papillae) on my tongue. I can feel my heart drop and I look away from him as Min-ho comes back into the living room with the allergy medicine. Jong-hyun swallows down the pill then goes to get water. 

"What will happen next?" Tae-min suddenly asks. 

"What do you mean?" Min-ho asks in a soft tone. Wow, at least he is nice to his little boyfriend. 

"Jong-hyun is allergic to Ki-bum. How will he get to love Ki-bum?" Tae-min continues. 

Yah! Why are they talking as if I'm not right here? I find myself wiggling my lithe body in his hold until I'm falling to the floor to free myself. I land on all four paws and quickly run back to the cat tower. I climb to the highest point and look down on Tae-min as I my paw. I hope this will send the message across. I feel superior being up here above all of them. My eyes narrow as my tail begins to swish, signifying my annoyance. 

Min-ho glances at me and looks at Tae-min, "You made him furr-ious. His catt-itude is really showing now." 

Jin-ki and Tae-min snicker from the puns but Tae-min throws an apologetic bow in my direction. Jong-hyun then comes back into the room, his knuckles rubbing at his watery, red eyes. He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair. 

"I can adjust. It will be okay." He says with a small smile. 

"I don't know. That's what my cousin said when my Uncle got a family dog. He tried to adjust and ended up with permanent scars from scratching so much." Jin-ki comments. 

Min-ho shoots Jin-ki an annoyed glare which causes my boss to blush and bow to me as I sit above all of them. Why did absolute idiots have to find out about this? I feel so much anxiety knowing that they know. Tae-min's question keeps replaying in my head. What happens next? How do I get Jong-hyun to love cat me if he can barely breathe around me. 

"Ki-bum found a witch. He will go visit her and see if she can help." Min-ho comments. 

Jong-hyun's eyes widened, "A witch? Will I have to take a potion or have magic cast upon me?" 

"I want to go! I want to see if the witch can give me the ability to pass my college entrance exams." Tae-min says with this childish grin. 

"Wah! I wonder if the witch can give me confidence to talk to my crush!" Jin-ki adds with a smile. 

"I don't think witches work that way." Min-ho comments. 

I look at Jong-hyun who seems to be scared. His eyes are still a bit wide and he is hugging himself now. His neck is covered in red lines from the scratching, his arms as well. His eyes are even puffy already with the whites of his eyes watery and red. It's obvious he doesn't want a witch to cast a spell on him. I can't blame him. My curse is probably enough to make people not want witch craft done on them but Tae-min and Jin-ki seem to not care. I can't help but shake my head. 

"Anyway, we don't even know what the witch can do." Min-ho comments. 

"When are you going to see her?" Jin-ki asks. 

"Can we go later on today?! Please?!" Tae-min suddenly asks with a begging tone. 

"I'm scared to go." Jong-hyun confesses.

"Don't be, hyung. Maybe she can make you a little taller!" Tae-min comments. 

I watch as Jong-hyun playfully punches Tae-min's arm. Min-ho then puts Jong-hyun in a headlock and the three fall into a play wrestle. I sigh throughout my nose and lay my head between my paws. The idea of going to the witch with all of them is a bit cool. I think it will ease my anxiety but I worry that Lady Jang might make my curse worse or possibly hurt Jong-hyun.  

I'm on the edge of closing my eyes when Jin-ki appears in front of me. He reaches up to pet me and I get up and move down a level on the cat tower. He scratches my head and that causes me to purr. He then leans in towards me and my furry ear. "Don't worry, Ki-bum. Your secret is safe with us. We will help you break your curse." 

His words gives me comfort to my weary heart. I reply with a loud purr and soon enough everyone is arranged around the living room to sleep. It was agreed upon that we will take a trip to Lady Jang later on. I find myself wanting to curl up next to Jong-hyun but I don't. It will only make his allergies worse. I get down from the cat tower and creep across

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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737 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
737 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
737 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
737 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
737 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~