The start of Bad Events

An iLL Fated Girl

Dae Ai:"its chingoo ya umma!"

umma reaches her hand towards dae hyun as if... pinching her?.. while stuttering, umma replies, " know.. this guy?" Dae Ai:"Ye umma! am to high.. hiigh in do skyy" *TOP laughs a low soft laughter to himself* "ye.. higgghhh higgghh.. im so hiiigh", he sings while moving accordingly. Ughhhh please let this awkwardness ennnnd!

Umma:"So... you're.. an idol?" TOP:"Krom!..You already know!.. Why",Rein Ah's mother glares at him as he quickly stops with what he was saying.

"..What's.. going on..?"

Umma:"..Uhhh... AH! look at the time i gotta go shopping! Ah i haven't even started yet!.. Come Do Ai ya! Let's go!", stuttering and frantic, she quickly leaves.

me:"What is your PROBLEM!"

TOP:"Me!? I didnt even SAY anything!.. almost."

me:".... I dont care! You mess up everything!!"

TOP stand there for a moments as he decides on what to say.. sort of looking.. confused... ?, "That.. was your mom?"

me:"YES!.. Weh!?.. You jealous i have a hot mother!?"

TOP:"Not jealous.. just.. baffled at the fact you're her daughter"

--___--  "I can honestly kill u right now"

Go ahead


*breeng breeng* yob se yo? ... ye... alright just wait for me I be there..dehh

.. Alright now! You better leave anyways! I don't wanna get distracted while im working

HAH! ... i distract u?, he questions in an amused face, smirking his ..evilness at her

.... LEAVE!!

Ight ight!... *walks away.. turns around* PCE!

*she nods her head* "attention "

*starts working on the cement right away when she sees 2 men running towards her* .... wa.. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! MMMM!! MMMMMMM!!! 

*Before i realize! 2 men had grabed me!! and as well.. covered my mouth before i attracted to Any attention!!*

WHATS GOING ON!?!? *cried a co-worker, as a handful of them started running after us* .. CATCH THOSE THEIVES! They cried as they kept running after them

*PUNCH* dohhh! *KICK* ahhhh! *KA POW* the 2 men dropped to the floor along with Rein ah.. as she lay there.. unconceince.

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FIIINALLY FINISHED PPL!! 'An iLL Fated Girl' JONG MAL SOZ PPL!! but i did finish it!.. naw? hope ya DIG!


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YouDunnoMe #1
Keep it up author!!
SA_StudentMinzy #2
im startin to like ur stories :)
@SHINeeSHAWOL501 EEEEEEEK!! I hope not!.. LMAO! da pic.. I know I know .. Except.. idk if it REAL!.. Cuz.. Iz VERY popular n it dun.. Look fake..?? im guessin u haven't seen it b4?.. but it matched PERFECTLY wit da .. Hmmmmm chapter! ;)
I'll update SOOOOON! .. I'm aimin fo today or Tom!! Since I'm HOOCKED on some fanfics at da moment MMMM dey gettin to me.. Fanfics.. I HATE readin but FANFICS!.. alwas an exception!.. Atleast!.. from here on forth! Cuz I NVR read em b4 n found em dumb BUT!.. That completely changed now!
AnyWAYZ!.. THX HELLA MUCH fo still supportin meh EVEN after da LOOONG. Awaited wait!
The picture~~~~~ HO MAI MY FEELS OUO

She isn't dead right? Tell meeeeee~ /faints
Janigirl #6
Yeeeeaaahh ma rohiiiii babys fanfic :D I love it ma little stalker xDD but keep updating!