An iLL Fated Girl

O.o!.. eh?... hello!? *looks around!.. But no one was in sight!*

"I could've SWORN i heard... OH!.. This CLUB! *she chants as she gets up and brushes herself off*

"I've seen this b4!.. atleast.. i think i have..... {flashback: "....tricked ya!"} THERE IT IS AGAIN!... ... its... its... in my head!

..weird.... didnt this happen .. earlier?... *begins to walk off again*

ahhhhh cho wah! ( or love..confusing? naw you be ight!) *smells the air* mmmmm..*sniff sniff*... cement? *sniff.. looks to the side* OH! I DIG HERE!! .... what?... i do?

....What is goiing ON!.... am i... recalling stuff!..!???.... Why am i doing that!! {flashback: "Im to hiiiiighh"} ..Huh?.. wait.. is that some little GIRL SINGING!?.. WHAT!?? ..ahhhhhhh *hits head* kaman nish jyo!! (stop it!) i should get away from here!.. this cement is probably too strong and messin up my brain! *yet again.. walks off*

.... mm .. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm .. na na na... Love!..naege wa ...neon like this
So Love.... gidarin neoran girl
True love.... dagawa neon like this.
One Love..neon naege neon naegero

 ... love... naege ..wa..... neon...... O.O.. *her eyes widen as she comes to a scenery.. a huuuuge field with a bridge .. a small pond underneath.. cherry blossoms.. she begins to walk over the bridge and notices something... something else...... a small... tree.... ... the bark of it had been tathered with... with markings... deep ingraved markings... .. markings of... letters!.. the letters... T!...and..... R! *STARES!.. having a hinch what it might mean.. but also.. doubts self.. for all she knows!.. it could be ANYTHING!... *

.. mwo eh ya? (what is this?) ... O.O! {flashback: "And this tree.. will always remain here... till we're old.. we'll keep coming to visit here.. and even until we die.. this tree!.. will always be here to tell people our story!.. we'll always be here.. even if we're not! This tree is most importantly here for!.. to show"} *STARTLED!.. and SHOCKED!!!.. gets up in disbelief* O.O!!!!! ..andweh... anyo.. ive nvr seen this place.. nor.. ive ever BEEN here!.. ani... ANDWEHHH!!  *falls on knees!!.. Takes DEEP breathes in and out!!!*

O.O!!! andweh yo... wat IS THISSS!!!!.. Why are you TALKING TO MEEEEE!!!!.. AAAGHHHH!! *grasps head in pain.. growling and breathing  uncontrollably" ... YE!.. i needa get outta here! *glaring at the tree.. gets up and IMMEDIATELY turns away!! Walking towards the bridge! {Flashback: "my luv for you... saranghae"} * O.O!!!!!!!!!! *SHOCKED!!! and freaked out as HELLLLL!!!! slowly turns around to take a glimpse at the tree... shaking and sweating!! trembling!! and short of breathe!*

...w....wa... What do u WAAANNTT!!!!!... UH!?!? i havent done ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!! *starts to break down into tears* what do u wanntt.. *sob.. tears falling down like gushing waterfalls* crying.. top... TOP!!

.. O.O.... w.. WHAT!?

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FIIINALLY FINISHED PPL!! 'An iLL Fated Girl' JONG MAL SOZ PPL!! but i did finish it!.. naw? hope ya DIG!


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YouDunnoMe #1
Keep it up author!!
SA_StudentMinzy #2
im startin to like ur stories :)
@SHINeeSHAWOL501 EEEEEEEK!! I hope not!.. LMAO! da pic.. I know I know .. Except.. idk if it REAL!.. Cuz.. Iz VERY popular n it dun.. Look fake..?? im guessin u haven't seen it b4?.. but it matched PERFECTLY wit da .. Hmmmmm chapter! ;)
I'll update SOOOOON! .. I'm aimin fo today or Tom!! Since I'm HOOCKED on some fanfics at da moment MMMM dey gettin to me.. Fanfics.. I HATE readin but FANFICS!.. alwas an exception!.. Atleast!.. from here on forth! Cuz I NVR read em b4 n found em dumb BUT!.. That completely changed now!
AnyWAYZ!.. THX HELLA MUCH fo still supportin meh EVEN after da LOOONG. Awaited wait!
The picture~~~~~ HO MAI MY FEELS OUO

She isn't dead right? Tell meeeeee~ /faints
Janigirl #6
Yeeeeaaahh ma rohiiiii babys fanfic :D I love it ma little stalker xDD but keep updating!