The Answer

An iLL Fated Girl

Eyes begin to turn a red like shade, sorrowness and grieve beaming from the eyes! What to do? He thought as no answer crossed his mind. He was blank, and felt alone.

"Yeeeeee YAAAAAARRRGGHH!!", TOP screaches out in pain as he stares over the soul less body, teary eyed. "Wae.... wae wae wae WAE!!!", he repeatedly questions. But really, how did this happen? And mostly importantly, why?

The End

'Nooooooooooo keep reading teacher!'

'Yeah! We wanna know what happened!'

*bell rings*

Class is finished kids.

'Awwwwwwww!' 'NOOOO We wanna know what happened!!'

Alright alright. Calm down kids. We'll read the rest tomorrow. Now remember your history assignents are due by the end of the week.

'Fiiiiiine!' 'Ugh i want teacher to keep reading to us' 'It's okay. We're going to read it tomorrow!' 'But still!..'

*shuckles to self* kids.


*arrives home and walks into bedroom. Removes clothes and goes into the shower*

*comes out of the shower, eats and reaches under the bed. Takes out a box, opens it and reaches for a diary, grabs hold of it and begins reading it*

Day 194

We laughed and laughed until the served cocktails spilt out of our noses! It was one of the best days ever!

Day 209

We walked along the shore, when i was handed a silver embedded chain. It was blurry.. all I could make out was 'time'.

Day 257

I'm done. I can't go on anymore. The pain is excrutiatingly unbearable. What should i do?

Day 298

I'm in a bathroom right now. I don't know whos' but he claims to know me. I've been wasted. Or have I? But those are the least of my worries. My head is aching with sharp pains. My stomach feels twisted and just wants to explode. My bladder is uncontrolable right now. I've wet the floor. My brains can't comprehend a thing and i feel as though I could die right now. OW! a sharp one that was! It might as well just kill me! So here I go. I can't take it anymore. My time's up. The pain's extremely rough, but that wasn't my killer. I was my own murderer.

O.O!!! *shocked and startled, throws diary across the floor and turns to look away*

*There was the answer; the kids had been asking for. I wish I had never opened the book, but it had already scarred me*


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FIIINALLY FINISHED PPL!! 'An iLL Fated Girl' JONG MAL SOZ PPL!! but i did finish it!.. naw? hope ya DIG!


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YouDunnoMe #1
Keep it up author!!
SA_StudentMinzy #2
im startin to like ur stories :)
@SHINeeSHAWOL501 EEEEEEEK!! I hope not!.. LMAO! da pic.. I know I know .. Except.. idk if it REAL!.. Cuz.. Iz VERY popular n it dun.. Look fake..?? im guessin u haven't seen it b4?.. but it matched PERFECTLY wit da .. Hmmmmm chapter! ;)
I'll update SOOOOON! .. I'm aimin fo today or Tom!! Since I'm HOOCKED on some fanfics at da moment MMMM dey gettin to me.. Fanfics.. I HATE readin but FANFICS!.. alwas an exception!.. Atleast!.. from here on forth! Cuz I NVR read em b4 n found em dumb BUT!.. That completely changed now!
AnyWAYZ!.. THX HELLA MUCH fo still supportin meh EVEN after da LOOONG. Awaited wait!
The picture~~~~~ HO MAI MY FEELS OUO

She isn't dead right? Tell meeeeee~ /faints
Janigirl #6
Yeeeeaaahh ma rohiiiii babys fanfic :D I love it ma little stalker xDD but keep updating!