Him Chan’s Plan

Ever Dream (It's Back... Again... For good)

Why did you lock the door?” Young Jae asked his mate who rushed in to the room breathless.

Jong Up is on his own,” he said as he slid down the door ignoring the bangs from the younger.

What happened?” the black haired man asked for a smirk.

I have no clue,” the chocolate haired boy slowly got back to his feet. “I found Jong Up alone, apparently he and Jun Hong had a fight. We went looking for him only to be chased all the was back.”

Chased by what? A dog?” the younger Carrier asked.

Dae Hyun shook his head, “by an psychotic maknae. He came running at us out of no where screaming some sort of nonsense at us.”

The Carriers laughed at the exhausted Dominate. Him Chan sighed, “what did they fight about?”

About telling us what happened,” the Dominate sighed as he sat next to his bedridden mate.

The elder Carrier shook his head, “they shouldn’t be fighting about that.”

He just needs time,” the chocolate haired boy gave a weak smile.

A bang on the window caused Dea Hyun to scream scaring the Carriers and the babies began crying. Him Chan quickly got the babies from the cribs one by one, handing Young Jae his son first while the young Dominate glared at the blonde maknae behind the glass.

Let me in,” he gently tapped the window. “It’s cold.”

Did you lock the front door too?” the black haired man scolded.

Dae Hyun shook his head, “no I ran straight for the room, Jong Up came in after me.”

Go let him in,” the elder sighed as he gently rocked Hyun Ok. “Young Jae you better hope you children don’t end up like him.”

Yah,” the chocolate haired boy pouted as he unlock the room door.

Young Jae gently rocked his son in his arms with a gentle smile. He looked to the elder Carrier, “has Yong Guk come home yet?”

The elder nodded, “he came back when you and the twins were taking a nap.”

Have you figured out what you’re going to say to him?” the purple haired boy asked cautiously.

Him Chan shrugged, “not really. There’s a few things I need to do. I need to be able to place him at Dae Hyun’s home with Ji Eun.”

How are you going to do that?” the shorter boy asked.

The black haired man sighed, “I have an idea how, but he needs to be asleep.”


Jee Hye watched in amusement as Dae Hyun walked out of the room with a pout and walked to the front door. She knew the maknae was outside, but she wanted to see who would be the first to let him in. She probably should’ve guessed that it was going to be the one who made the mistake of running into the room with Him Chan. Jee Hye had to cover with her hand to muffle her laughter seeing the blonde boy attack his hyung the very second he unlocked the door.

The chocolate haired boy screaming as he tried to get away. The brunette maknae had managed to run into the room that the Carriers occupied for safety. Dae Hyun on the under hand wasn’t very lucky, Jun Hong had managed to corner him.

What did I miss,” her mate asked as he handed her a mug of tea.

She smiled, “Jong Up ran to the room when he noticed Dae Hyun was going to let Jun Hong in. Poor Dae Hyunnie tried to run back to the room but it looks like our little maknae caught him.”

Seo Gu laughed, “I heard the babies crying.”

I think Jun Hong went to bang on the room window.” She sighed, “Wait for it...”

The couple smiled as they counted down together, “three, two, one...”

Yah, you two that’s enough!” Him Chan yelled from the room, “You’re both scaring the babies.”

Seo Gu hugged his mate as they laughed watching the chocolate haired boy break away from the maknae’s grip and into the safety of his mate’s bed. Jun Hong huffed before turning to the kitchen in favor of having a snack.

Yong Guk walked out of the bathroom with a very confused expression, “did I miss something?”

The couple tried to calm their laughter shaking their heads. The brown haired man was not convinced, “then who was screaming? And why were the babies crying?”

Jong Up locked me out of the house,” the maknaes cried out as he rummaged thought he pantry.

It’s almost dinner time,” Jee Hye called out to the maknae.

Jun Hong pouted, “I just want a little snack.”

We have some cherry tomatoes,” Seo Gu smiled, “but only take five.”

The blonde haired boy pouted causing her to laugh, “it’s either that or a banana.”

The tall boy grabbed a banana before walking towards the room, “I’ll deal with a banana.”

Yong Guk watched the maknae walk passed him, laughing as the younger pretended to attack him. He shook his head looking to the couple. “Do I want to know why they locked him out?”

Jee Hye shrugged, “we don’t even know why. We were in the kitchen when Dae Hyun came barging in and Jong Up after him.”

They have way too much energy to be locked up inside the house,” The elder Dominate chuckled.

The younger Dominate nodded his agreement, “I thought they would be playing with the soccer ball they bought last week.”

I think they’re more interested in teasing one another,” the Seo Gu said before taking a sip of his tea.

Jee Hye smiled, “they might still be excited about the babies. I always hear Jun Hong asking if he could hold the babies.”

Let’s hope he doesn’t try to kidnap them,” the brown haired man joked, the couple laughing along with him.


Yong Guk sighed as he laid in the bed next to his mate, smiling softly seeing the younger’s eyes droop every so often. He pulled his mate closer kissing his forehead, “long day?”

I guess you could say that,” Him Chan was glad that he managed to sound tired instead of an emotional wreak.

Kids running wild?” he asked pulling the blanket closer around them, taking special care to make sure his mate was warm.

The black haired man shook his head, “no, just been feeling tired lately. I’m surprised the twins haven’t woken us up in the middle of the night.”

That’s because Dae Hyun has himself on their time,” Yong Guk chuckled. “He wakes up before they do and he wakes Young Jae up too so he could feed them once he changes them.”

The Carrier couldn’t help but smile, “I guess we were right, Dae Hyun is being a good Appa.”

The brown haired man nodded, “why’d you want to come up here if the babies don’t wake you up?”

I wanted to avoid the maknaes,” he pouted. “And I wanted to have a little time alone with you while I can.”

The elder laughed seeing his mate yawn, “maybe we should go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.”

Him Chan nodded, “what are they planning tomorrow?”

I have no clue, but Dae Hyun seems to be a little anxious,” he cuddled closer to his mate. “I think he might know what they have planned, because he’s trying to find a way to protect Young Jae and the babies.”

The younger nodded, knowing exactly what they were preparing for. The black haired man buried his face in his mate’s chest, pretending to fall asleep. He felt the elder place another kiss on his head before he felt him fall back into the pillows letting sleep wash over him. Now, all Him Chan had to do was wait. He knew it would take a few hours before the elder ended up mumbling in his sleep, but that was fine with him. It gave him time to get his questions together and think over what he would do if everything the maknaes had said was true. Would he leave the man he’s loved for five year, more if he included the time Yong Guk had tried to mate him? Would he stay with someone who betrayed his trust?

In all honestly, Him Chan didn’t know the answer. He didn’t know how he would feel if his mate did cheat. He wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to know, but could he really just turn his back on the possibility? Would he be able to put all of this behind him? He looked at the man next to him, his tears threatening to spill. Thoughts were running wild of the possible outcomes, none of which were making him feel any better. He loved Yong Guk so much that it hurt. The thought og him cheating was killing him. Would he tear his own family apart? What would he tell his daughter when she got to the age where she’d question everything? Did Yong Guk think about the possibility of him being pregnant before he laid with her?

Ji Eun, how could she be so heartless to Dae Hyun? He had done nothing to earn any of her resentment. He loved and cared for her, but she ignored him. She yelled at him, called him names, made him feel useless, and never showed him any kindness. He was at a loss of how they younger managed to stay in love with such a vile woman for so long. How did they even mate? How was Dae Hyun so calm? Well, the chocolate haired boy did make a point. He had no reason to care about what Ji Eun had done, he moved one. He had Young Jae and the babies now, he was happy. Young Jae had told him that Dae Hyun would help Him Chan if he needed it, that warmed his heart somewhat. He needed to know he had support in whatever he decided to do, they would protect him if he needed it.

He looked up hearing his mate sigh. Him Chan began to wonder just how long he was lost in thought. Hearing some incoherent words slip out of the elder’s mouth, he decided it was now or never. There was no turning back once he asked the first question, he knew that. He spent the last few hours preparing himself for the worse. He nervously chewed the inside of his cheeks, his first question slipping out of his mind. He had to take a deep breath to regulate his breathing.

The black haired man spoke softly, barely above a whisper, “where did you go after, playing soccer with the boys?”

Home,” came the soft reply.

Him chan scolded himself, that was too vague of a question. He need to be a little more direct. He sighed before asking another question, “did you have to work late?”

...no,” Dominate answered.

Did you go to Dae Hyun’s place when he had to?”

I was going to walk with him to work.”

Him Chan looked as his mate a little more than confused. “What happened when you got there? Was Ji Eun there?”

She let me in,” the brown haired man continued to answer unconsciously.

Did you have with her?” The black haired man tried to fight away his tears.

I couldn’t stop....” Him Chan couldn’t hear the last part. He covered his ears not wanting to hear anymore. He didn’t want to hear his heart shatter anymore than it already was.

The black haired Carrier turned away from his mate, curling into a ball as his tears fell softly. He fought to keep his sobs silent, he couldn’t face the elder now, not after hearing it form his mouth. Yong Guk was now just the man laying next to him. Pulling a pillow to his face, he cried a bit harder, thankful that his soft sobs were muffled within the soft material.

Slowly his crying died. The Carrier’s hand went to his swollen barely, gently rubbing circles. He was scared, angry and heartbroken, what was he going to do now? Would he raise his child with this man or was he willing to raise her alone? All he knew was he had to figure something out, before everything fell apart. He had only a few more hours before the sun came up marking the end of his prep time.

Him Chan just hoped he would be doing the right thing...

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Chapter 84: Toss between Nocturnal Bloodlust, Arlequien, Razor, and Lynch., but considering Versailles, the Gazette, or even Manteru Opera.
I think about this story from time to time and try to remember my favorites parts. (I made a movie in my head when i read it, and just played the bits i could remember). I knew it was removed but i was sad i couldn't remember the title in case it came back. Thank you for uploading it again, it's one of my favorites story, and i love that there are many chapters.
Sinii92 #3
Chapter 83: I just spent whole night reading this. Like I went to sleep in morning... I just wanted to know what is going to happen. And now I’m crying because of chapter 83 and I’m scared because of completed status but it’s not finished but at same time I think this is older fanfic and now my brain is malfunctioning