Let's Break Up

Forbidden Love

For the rest of the day I walked like a zombie. My expression blank.

Minzy and Hyuna looked at me from time to time, worrying.

"_____! What did Jessica say?" Hyuna asked

I shook my head and kept walking

"Tell us _____!" Minzy pleaded


They kept on begging me to tell them.

"No" I said firmly

Hyuna sighed, "Fine but if its something bad, I'll get Jessica then!"

I shrugged and kept walking

"Yah! _____! Classes are over!" Minzy said

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah..." I turned back around

"Let's see Kevin!" Minzy said trying to bring up the mood.

I gave a small smile.

Hyuna and Minzy linked arms with me, as we walked out of the school.

"Jagiya~" Kevin sang once he saw me get out

I smiled and walked towards him. He smiled and held his arms out.

I hugged him tightly, inhaling his scent. Knowing this would be the last time I would be with him.

I decided that I was gonna do it...I was gonna break up with him...

I pulled away, and looked at him.

His smile turned to a frown, and he started worrying.

"Jagiya! What's wrong? Are you okay?" He said cupping my face looking at me

He was so caring....My eyes started tearing.... a dork. A cute, nice, funny, caring dork.

Seeing my tears he started panicking, "____! What's wrong? Are you sick? Should I call the hospital? Let's go to the mall! I'll get you something! Don't cry! I hate seeing you cry!"

People started crowding around as they heard Kevin's concerns.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jessica and her group smirking and smiling. She knew this would happen, she knew I would break up with him... But I couldn't deny the face that she was right...Me and Kevin. We were too different, it wouldn't work out.

"We should break up" I said

"Huh?" Kevin looked shocked then started nervously laughing

"This is a joke right? You wouldn't leave me! _____!" He started panicking when I didn't respond

"No! No! Wae?! We were perfect!" Kevin said crying, on his knees holding my hand

"Don't leave me..." He pleaded looking at me.

"I'm sorry...it wouldn't work....." Tears started falling as I shook his hand off

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!