
Forbidden Love

I was walking down the halls after classes to lunch, then after lunch I would have one more class then I was free to go and able to be with Kevin. As I was walking, someone pushed me and I fell down.

"So , how's it going?" I looked up and saw the Queekas smirking at me

Then Krystal kneeled down, "How's it feeling to be the Kingka's girlfriend? Hmmm?" She put her hand on her ear, "Have nothing to say?"

"Krystal don't mess with someone like her, she's just like everyone else" Jessica scoffed not caring if everyone was in the halls looking at what was happening now

"Yeah of course, cause we're better, prettier and better than all of you" Krystal said as she got up dusting off her skirt

"Come on stand up, you can't be this weak" Yoona said not even looking at me

I slowly started to get up, avoiding eye contact with them.

Tiffany held out her hand, offering to help me get up. I refused to take her hand since I knew that she was going to do something.

"Rejecting the Queeka's offer?" She said looking down at me

I didn't say anything, and stood up. She rolled her eyes then pushed me back down onto the floor. My hand twisted as I landed onto the floor. Tears started to form in my eyes, as I held onto my injuried hand.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" I heard that voice I knew very well, Kevin's

Someone was picking me up bridal style.

"No one can mess with my girlfriend, especially all of you girls. If anyone does they'll regret it" Kevin growled saying each word strictly, with that he walked off carrying me to the nurse's office.

"Sorry _____.....I wasn't there to protect you....." He whispered as he was walking

"It's okay, you're busy and everything....I understand" I said

"But I wasn't there to help and protect you! You got pushed to the ground twice and now your injuried" Baring his teeth as he said each word

"Did you see everything?" I said in a low voice

His expression soften, "I'm sorry, I should of helped you......"

I looked at him but said nothing. Soon we were at the nurse's office, she said that I sprained my wrist and that I should be fine in a few days. We thanked her then left.

"I'm going to teach those Queekas something" Kevin said as he had his arms around my waist

"No don't, really its okay" I pleaded

He sighed then turned to face me, "______, you have to learn to defend yourself"

I openned my mouth to say something but then Hyuna and Minzy came running towards us.

"______! Are you okay?" Minzy asked

"Sorry we weren't there" Hyuna said as they tried to catch their breath

"She's fine, but I'm gonna go see the Queekas and I will" He said the last words firmly

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!