Earning Glares From Others

Forbidden Love

"Hi Kevin" I pecked him on the cheek once I saw him on my porch waiting for me

"Jagiya, I missed you" He embraced me in a hug, "And we have to go on our first date"

I put my finger on my lip thinking, "Okay when?"

"Aigoo, so cutee~ Let's go tomorrow since its the weekend anyways" Kevin said

"Okay, are we walking or driving?" I asked

"Walk! Cause I wanna spend more time with ______" He said nuzzling my neck

"Yah! Don't do that, it tickles" I giggled

He smiled and interlaced his fingers with mine, swinging our hands back and forth. Soon we arrived at school and there were girls at the gate waiting for Kevin, once they saw him they became more energized and their eyes brighten. But then when they saw me, their grins turned to frowns. Some even glared.

The queekas pushed everyone aside so they could see Kevin,

"Oppa, are you two dating?" Tiffany twirled a strand of hair in her fingers

"Yeah, now excuse me, we're gonna be late" Kevin held me close as we passed through his fans

Some were whimpering, crying, glaring but the people who were surprised the most were the Queekas. They must of been glaring at me the whole time until we entered the school building.

"Alright, I'll see you later okay?" Kevin kissed my forehead then left for class

I stepped into my classroom and sat where I normally sat. I quietly sat there until Minzy and Hyuna bursted into the room, smirking.

"See told ya, so you confessed?" Hyuna asked

"Uhh....no actually he did" I said shyly

"Oooh, tell us more!" Minzy said and they both took their seats next to me.

I did, I told them all about us going to the mall, picking out a gift for his special someone, him dragging me along to meet his special someone and then confessing to me.

"Ahahaha! Told you! You guys are like perfect for each other!" Hyuna said

"Well...." But then I was cut off because the teacher walked in

"Tell us later" Minzy whispered

I nodded and turned back to face the teacher. But even though I sat in the back, I could feel people staring and whispering about me. I suddenly sulked down in my chair, well what's gonna happen today?

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!