Watch Out, Here I Come

Forbidden Love

"Oppa, I'm fine" I pleaded him as he kept on walking

"I know you are, I'm just going to pay the Queekas a little visit okay?" He my hair

I openned my mouth to say something, but then Kevin turned the other way and smiled then waved.

"Jessica~" He cooed

Jessica's eyes brighten as she saw Kevin walking towards her she started to twirl her hair on a finger, "Yes?"

"Oppa, why are you here?" The other Queekas asked him giving him a seductive smile

"I have to talk to you guys about something" He said casually

"Are you leaving ____ fo--" Jessica said giggling

"No. I would never leave her" Kevin stated bluntly, "Just telling you some new rules in the school"

Kevin started to pace around them, "Number 1, no one will mess with ______. Number 2, no one will touch or harm her. Number 3 I declare her a Queeka and she has more power than you four. Number 4 stay away from her. And Number 4, we will have a happy school year. Alright that's it, have a nice day now ladies"

Kevin walked away with his arm around me, " didn't have to do all that for me..."

"Of course I had to, you mean everything to me" He looked at me with sincere in his eyes

I smiled, "I love you too"

"Alright sorry to interupt, but Kevin what did you say to them?" Hyuna asked

"I kinda just said that _____ was going to be a Queeka that had more power than them and told them to back off" Kevin shrugged with one arm around me and the other in his pocket

"Ahahaha! Thats perfect!" Minzy said

"Bet they won't bother _____ anymore" Hyuna said

"They better not" Kevin growled

I looked up to all three of them, its nice to have such caring friends I thought and pulled Kevin closer to me hugging his waist.

"Oppa, you're too thin" I said looking at him

"I am? Okay then, I'll eat more for you, my Jagiya~" He cooed


From the distance were the Queekas, all glaring at you in some way. But Jessica was the most furious, glared at you with pure hatred and anger.

"Oh _____, I'm gonna get you in some way, I guarantee that" She hissed

"Just be careful so Kevin Oppa doesn't catch you" Yoona whispered

"Oh I will, just watch out _____, here I come!"

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!