Day 5, Normal Kevin / Forgiveness

Forbidden Love

"Hi ____!" Kevin waved to me as soon as I got down the stairs.

"Hey" I smiled at him

"We're walking today"

"Alright then, Bye Mom!" I shouted as I closed the door

Kevin stuffed his hands in his pockets and didn't say anything

I looked at him, "You seem so normal today"

He looked at me then smiled, "Today's the last day!"

I looked forward, "I know..."

"So then tomorrow you'll tell me...if we can be...together again?" He tilted his head

I laughed, "You're so cute! No, I'll tell you at the end of the day"

"End of the day..." He repeated

"Yeah, at like night 7 or 8" I said nodding my head

"Oh, alright then" He nodded and smiled

We finally arrived at school, "____, I'm gonna go to class early. Bye bye"

Kevin waved then walked towards the door.

I sighed, Kevin's acting so...normal today... I wonder why. I checked my watch and had 15 more minutes until I had to go inside. I sat down under a tree and took out my IPOD and headphones. Hmmm, I scrolled through my songs. A smile appeared on my face when I saw 'Neverland' by UKiss. UKiss was a band that included Kevin and his friends, Xander and Kibum had left because they were busy. I had always thought that their singing was amazing and had asked them to audition, but they said they weren't good and all that stuff. They were always in Kevin's studio singing and recording stuff. I always added their new songs onto my IPOD. I was about to play the song until I saw a shadow above me.

I looked up, "Yes?"

To my surprise it was the former Queekas, they had nervous looks on their faces. Including Jessica.

"_____-sshi" They bowed

"We're sorry for causing you all the trouble" Yoona said

"Yeah, we didn't mean to cause you any harm or anything" Tiffany said

"Please forgive us Unnie!" Krystal said

Jessica looked up and faced me, "No, its none of their fault. It was me. It was always me even from the beginning. I'm sorry _____ I guess it was all jealously, that made me do all that bad stuff to you. I realize that now. We're here to appologize, even if you don't accept it, its okay. I know you might never forgive me for all those things"

"Its okay, I accept your apology" I looked at them

They all looked up, "Really?"

"Yeah, so how about a fresh start? No arguing or fighting over Kevin or anything? Just as friends" I stood up and held my hand up

Jessica looked at me and smiled, "Okay a fresh start, as friends"

I smiled, "Hello there, new friend"


Ending coming soon! Probably the next chapter!

So should _____ end up with Kevin again?

And I finally reached 100 Subscribers! Thank youu! <333 ^^

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!