Day 3, Helpful Kevin

Forbidden Love

"Day 3" I said as I walked in the halls with Kevin carrying my stuff

"Yup...and I'll get you....back" He huffed as he carried my stuff

I looked at him, "Are you sure they aren't heavy?"


"Give me my books back" I held out my hand

"No" He moved the books away

"Come on, if you're having troubles just give it back" I reached for them


"Aish, fine" I walked away

"Aww, wait for me!" Kevin whined trailing behind me

I walked to my locker and took my lock off, "Kevin?"

I turned around and saw him still walking, he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Come on!" I gestured him to come faster

"Alright, finally" I was about to take my books but he held them away

"No, Kevin will put them away"


He placed them one by one in my locker, I checked the clock

"Kevin~" I said full of aegyo

"Yes?" He looked at me with a cute smile

"At this rate, I'll be late for class" I frowned

His eyes widen, "Okay! Okay! Don't be sad!"

He quickly placed all my books in my locker and took out the stuff I need.

"Thank Youu Oppa~" I gave him a cute smile

"Aigoo! So cute, now get to class" He pinched my cheeks

"Alright! Get to yours too!" I smiled then went to class.

Class went by pretty quick. Soon the bell rang, and it was time for lunch.

"I'm so hungry" I groaned as dumped all my books into my locker

"Hmm? Jagiya hungry? Let's go eat!" Kevin appeared from no where

I looked around then back at him, "Where do you come from?!"

"What do you mean? I come from my mom's tummy" He blinked

"No! You pop out of no where!" I exclaimed

"Oh..." Kevin laughed nervously

"You don't stalk me do you?" I eyed him

He raised his hands up, "No! No I don't!"


"Fine, maybe....just a little....

"How about 24/7 ?"

"Most of the day..."

"Aish! Take me out to eat!" I pouted, "Let's skip school, too lazy"

"Okay! Anything for my Jagiya!" He happily took my hand in his and skipped down the hall towards the door.

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It ended a bit quick but good job!
Great story! I love it <3
keep updating~
Aww. Last chapter already? I think they should end up together ^^
There's this eensy weensy teeny tiny part inside of me thinking that her and Jessica suddenly becoming friends doesn't sound so good... But most of me is a little bit okay with it :P
keviiiiiinnnnn~ you superrrrr cute creature. kkkk~ update soon.
Aww, Kevin is soo sweet and cute~ <3 I love your story!