Terror and Surprises

Adonis Camp II


Hangeng shifted in his seat, sighing with relief. Heechul had finally stopped going on and on and on and on about random crap. His conversation (more like rants) ranged from new girl group dances that he liked (or disliked) to how expensive the face cream he was using had become, but he couldn’t just stop using it because it was the only kind that truly complemented his skin type and “brought out his true potential”. The only reason he shut up was because Kibum purposefully brought up the topic of twitter, and so obviously the popular big space star needed to check his account.

Hangeng sent Kibum a grateful look, and Kibum only nodded knowingly. They both loved their hyung to death, but he could be a bit much at times.

Hangeng turned to look out the window, watching the other cars that either raced by or fell behind their coach bus. His mind wandered as he zoned out, when suddenly, a thought struck him.

“Hey, Kibum-ah, where exactly are we going?”

Kibum opened his mouth to answer, then realized…he didn’t know! He let out a short laugh of disbelief, shaking his head.

“I…don’t think I even know. Wow, I didn’t even think of it until now. I think Teukie-hyung said we were going to a beach of some sort, but I don’t think he ever mentioned where exactly we were going…”

Hangeng nodded in agreement as he thought back. “Yea, I remember that part, but I think afterwards everyone just got so excited, we didn’t even find out.” He craned his neck, trying to figure out where Leeteuk was sitting.

“Um, Leeteuk-hyung?” he called out.

“Neh?” Leeteuk answered immediately, whirling around in his seat to face Hangeng. “Is there a problem? Did something happen? Is our vacation being cancelled? No, that couldn’t be…what else? Is Shindong and Heechul teaching Henry how to swear again? No, I already told them off for that…ack I know! Is Wookie crying because of Kyuhyun again? Aish, I swear, that evil magnae!”

“No, Wookie’s not crying—“ Hangeng tried to interrupt.

“Really? Ah, I know, he stole Siwon’s bible again, didn’t he? Or hid Ddangkongma again? Or, oh no, don’t tell me he’s the one who packed the food! I need to call poison control!! Is Shindong the victim??” The frantic leader was simultaneously pulling his hair in frustration while fumbling for his phone.

“YAH!” This time it was Kyuhyun that interjected, causing Yesung to jerk awake in his seat.

“I didn’t do anything, okay? I know you’re old and losing it, but come on, get it together ajusshi! I’m gamin’ here, don’t be so loud!” Kyuhyun smirked. Even without lifting his eyes from his PSP, he knew his leader was fuming at the moment.

“Why you… I’m gonna…..” Leeteuk struggled to come up with suitable words for this situation, but ended up just deflating like a flat tire in his seat.

“Fine…argh!” He growled, crossing his arms and pouting crossly.

“No, no, nothing happened, don’t worry!” Hangeng interjected hastily before Leeteuk could jump to any more random conclusions. Leeteuk let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank Shisus! What do you need?” He inquired.

“Actually, Hangeng-hyung and I were wondering…where exactly are we going?” Kibum asked.

“You only said we were going to a beach, but you never went into any details, like what city, where we would be staying, and stuff like that,” Hangeng added.

Leeteuk’s brow unconsciously furrowed as he tried to recall.

“Umm, let me think. Manager-hyung told me about this like a week ago. He said he’d rented some sort of a private beach house or villa for one week for us, and that we wouldn’t have to worry about fans. He told me the date and time the bus would pick us up from the dorm, what to pack, and…I think that’s it!” Leeteuk’s eyes widened in realization.

“He never told me where we were going!” he exclaimed. “Oh my, I don’t even know what city or beach we’re going to! What are we going to do?”

“Well, the bus driver seems to know where he’s going,” Kibum pointed out. “Why don’t we just ask him?”

“Yeah! Hey Leeteuk-hyung, why don’t you go ask him?” Hangeng proposed. “I think manager-hyung might’ve wanted the exact location to be a surprise, but if that’s the case the bus driver will probably just tell us that. It won’t hurt to ask.”

“Neh, I’ll go ask him right now.”

Leeteuk rose from his seat and briefly stretched his cramped muscles from sitting so long. He made his way up the aisle, scolding members here and there for random things. When he reached the driver’s seat, he put a hand on the pole behind the seat and cleared his throat. The bus driver, a man in his mid-thirties, looked up expectantly.

“Um, excuse me, but I have—“


~Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding ding~


The bus driver’s (Shinee ringtone) cell phone went off, interrupting Leeteuk’s question.

“Ah, mianhae, just a minute,” the bus driver said with an apologetic smile.

“Oh, no, it’s fine,” Leeteuk quickly replied with a trademark smile, dimples and all, but couldn’t help feel a bit miffed on the inside that the man’s ringtone wasn’t a Super Junior song.

“Yobosayo?” the bus driver answered. He listened for a moment.

“Ah, yes, this is.” His brow furrowed at the next comment.

“Um, yes, I believe so.” He listened further.

“Bwoh? Are you sure?” The bus driver seemed to be shocked and gripped his phone tightly. Leeteuk looked on curiously.

“O-okay. What am I supposed to do now? I have other passengers on this bus now!” the man exclaimed, panic written all over his features. This sentence caught Leeteuk’s attention, and he started to feel alarmed. What was going on? How did it concern them?

The driver listened tensely for few more seconds, then let out a shaky sigh. “Alright. I’ll call you back when…” trailed off, sighed, and hung up.

“I’m sorry to be rude and for listening in, but what was that about?” Leeteuk immediately blurted out, worry lacing his voice.

The man bit his lip, putting on the right turn signal for the bus. “I-I’ll tell you in a minute. Rather, I’m gonna need to tell all of you in a second. Just let me pull over first…”

Leeteuk swallowed nervously as endless possibilities swirled around in his head. He turned around and clapped his hands loudly.

“Yah, quiet down and listen up!” he projected his voice out. All the members quieted down quickly, recognizing the commanding tone that Leeteuk had used.

“Is something the matter?” Siwon inquired, concerned at why they were pulling over. The bus driver stood up, rubbing his hands together nervously, his eyes darting all over the bus.

“Well, uh, I-I just received a call from the previous passengers that were on this bus before you guys. They’re an education wildlife tour that brings around specific animals and such to put on free shows,” he started.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Heechul demanded impatiently.

“Well, uh, they just discovered that one of the tanks weren’t closed securely, and they’re almost positive that, that, well,” the bus driver began to stutter.

“Well well well what?” Heechul stood up, but was pulled back down by Hangeng.

The bus driver cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Well, they’re pretty sure that two, two tarantulas escaped and are on this bus right now! And they ARE poisonous!” the bus driver finally managed to get out, before all chaos broke loose.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Both Eunhyuk and Ryeowook shrieked, jumping onto their seat. “I HATE SPIDERS!” They yelled in unison.

Heechul, too, began to throw a tantrum.

“What do you MEAN there are TARANTULAS on this BUS?!” he yelled, furious. “We could be DEAD by now, DEAD!”

“Just, just calm down everyone!” The bus driver stuttered. “I’m going to call animal control right now! Just, keep your eyes open, and if you see it, STAY AWAY FROM IT!”

“No, really, Einstein,” Kyuhyun said sarcastically. “We were all planning to try to pick it up and keep it as a pet! Pshhhhh.” He smirked, but there was obvious fear in his eyes as well.

Leeteuk, this whole time, was standing frozen, unable to comprehend what was going on. He continued to stand there with a horrified expression on his face as everyone else was too “preoccupied” too help their poor traumatized leader.

“Aish just SHUT UP! Only scream if you see them!” Kangin bellowed, trying to establish order. “If you see it, I’ll just crush it, for Shisus’s sake!”

“But what if we can’t find it?” Donghae whimpered. “What if it bit one of us already? What if I’m dying already?” He quickly scrambled onto Siwon’s back, holding on for dear life, sobbing into his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, God will protect us,” Siwon tried to reassure him, but he seemed to lack his usual conviction. “Besides,” he added, trying to get Donghae to smile, “no matter what you’ll be safe up there, unless tarantulas can jump!” He suddenly frowned as he thought more about his joke. “They can’t jump, right? No, of course they can’t,” he mumbled while Donghae started to wail again.

“I don’t wanna dieeeeeee~”

Shindong, on the other hand, was on his cellphone. “Oh Nari, Nari, I love you sooooo much!” he gushed. “If I die, I just want to know how much I love you….”

“A-aish, Shindongie-hyung, don’t say that,” Sungmin’s voice was shaking. “No one is gonna die, we’ll be fine!”

“Of c-course you’ll say that, Minnie-hyung! You’re like a ninja, you’d be able to kill it in an instant! B-but, what about me?” Henry cried. “Playing the violin won’t be able to scare them away! Unless it’s Donghae-hyung playing, but he’s too busy trying to stay on Siwon-hyung’s back!”

“Haha, that was funny!” Sungmin laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. “We don’t need Donghae to scare away the spiders, Wookie and Hyukjae’s shrieks will be enough for that!”


At this moment, a rapid knocking sound came from the front of the bus, causing everyone to become silent in anticipation. The driver immediately opened the doors, revealing two people wearing animal control uniforms. They both wore bulky clothing with long pants, boots, and gloves. One was a younger man in his twenties, and the other even wore a protective mask covering his/her face, making it impossible to see what they looked like.

“Thank goodness you guys are here!” the bus driver gushed, making way for the two.

“That’s our job, sir, no worries now that we’re here,” the young man said confidently. “I’ll have to ask that all of you stay on the bus for now, there’s a small chance that, well, they may be on one of you, we’d like to inspect each one of you, too, just in case.”

He gestured for his companion to start in the back of the bus, while he started to check under and in the bus seats. All the members shuffled around nervously but too scared to move around too much.

A couple minutes passed without them finding anything, when Eunhyuk let out a startled shriek, causing everyone to look up in alarm. He pointed to the back of the bus with a shaking finger.


With these words, Zhoumi turned death pale, his eyes widening in fear. And indeed, right smack dab on Zhoumi’s head, as plain as daylight, was a furry tarantula.

“NOOOOO GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF~!” Zhoumi panicked, shaking his head and his entire body. It would’ve been a rather comical sight, if not for the very obvious present danger.

“NO ZHOUMI DON’T MOVE!” Leeteuk yelled in warning, but it was too late. Luckily, it didn’t seem like the spider had bitten the Chinaman, only dropping to the ground.

However, before anyone could react, even the masked animal control personnel that had been standing directly behind Zhoumi, a bare hand with no gloves on scooped up the deadly spider. Every looked up in shock to see…Yesung.

“What are you doing?” Ryeowook yelled in alarm, and was soon joined by many other frantic voices. Yesung looked at all them, confused.

“What are you guys all so worried about?” he asked, cupping the spider carefully in his tiny hands.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU’RE FREAKING HOLDING A TARANTULA!” Shindong exploded, just as Kibum yelled, “DROP IT, HYUNG, DROP IT!”

The uniformed animal control started to move towards him, when Yesung let out a laugh.

“What are you guys talking about? This?” he held out the spider, causing everyone around him to jump back in fear. He laughed again.

“I like bugs, but even I wouldn’t have picked up a live tarantula!” he laughed again. All the members looked him in confusion, not comprehending what he was implying. Yesung chuckled again.

“Guys, this is a fake! Can’t you tell?”

A couple of the closer members leaned forward, taking a careful look at the spider, before quickly backing away.

“That looks pretty real to me, hyung!” Sungmin squeaked, jumping back. Siwon, on the other hand, didn’t look so convinced.

“Hmm, maybe you’re right, hyung, the eyes do look a bit…fake, maybe?” he thought aloud, but backed away just in case.

“Trust me, it’s fake! I’m holding it in my hand, aren’t I?” Yesung reassured.

“But what would a fake tarantula be doing on bus?” Heechul’s eyes narrowed as he looked the bus driver.

“Ah, so close, so close,” a female voice said in a disappointed tone. Everyone whirled around, trying to find the source of the voice. All of their eyes landed on the masked figure, who giggled.

“Oh well, I think it went really well regardless, but it seems like this can’t go on any longer. Therefore, I’m going to declare right now, that…


She guffawed at the absolutely priceless expressions of shock on all the members’ faces. A couple opened and closed their mouths a couple of times, but were unable to produce any sound beyond a whimper.

The mystery woman didn’t even give the traumatized boys a chance to recover.

“I think I can reveal who I am now, too,” she said as she slipped off her mask.

Leeteuk’s eyes widened in recognition; she was the last person he would’ve expected.

“Y-you….” he stuttered, collapsing into a seat with shock. 










A/N: Kekeke it's a cliffy!! I'm so evil. >:D What I can tell you is that it's not the same host as the original Adonis Camp. I thought about using her, but eventually decided against it. Good luck guessing who it is! ^_^

I'm really trying hard to make sure each member get's a good part in the story, but it's difficult to get all fifteen in one chapter! >_< Therefore, if someone is a bit under-appreciated in one of my chapters, I'll be sure to try to give them a bigger role in the next one, I promise! For example, I tried to focus a bit more on Hangeng and Kibum in this one, cuz they barely showed up in the previous chapter. Leeteuk just kinda got a big role as I was writing, I really didn't plan that. xD I'll probably try to get more wookie, henry, and shindong in the next one, hopefully!

Oh, and on a random side note, donghae playing the violin was a reference to this.

I've also decided that I'm going split them up into 3 teams of 5. I pretty much have the teams already set in my head, but I still wanna hear your guys' opinions too! I tried to keep OTPs together, not for romance obviously, but because I like how they interact. However, emphasis on tried. xD So, please do comment, it really really really helps me update faster and stay enthusiastic for this story! :D Also, constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome, as long as you say it nicely! :P I don't have a beta so I try to proofread, but typos still find their way past me. xD

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Finally updated! xD


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 10: Please please return and complete this hilarious fic, I was looking forward to more of Kyusung!!! It's a joy to read :D
ZionCrushforever #2
Chapter 4: Wait.... Who was punished?
ZionCrushforever #3
Chapter 2: God this is hilarious! And I hope Leeteuk doesn't lose the whistle.
Chapter 10: Omg this is halarious and great so far
Chapter 10: Yay, u updated!!!! I was practically cracking up when I read it. XD

"We are Eunhae!!!" *silence* ehmagawd, I totally cracked up. XD Seriously, author-nim, u have to update faster. U so made my day when I saw that u updated. Fighting!!! ^_^ can't wait for more kyusung!!

I read this on my school break time and everyone was giving me odd looks, but it's okay! Love eunhaes adorkrableness and please update soon about kyusung^^ i really love this fanfic, thanks for the chapter. Keep up the good work <3 <3
Chapter 10: XD i adore so much childish and clueless!Donghae with hmm, constipated(?)!Eunhyuk ?? well, Eunhae always be the winner after all, lmao..
Plot-less and crack you said, but it's pretty good, Ti.. good luck with the school and your stories too ofc ^^
Chapter 10: UNNIE UPDATED!
Lol, I understand why you haven't updated. I feel ya.
Seriously, I love this story. Oh, Eunhae...you idiots. XD Poor Shindongie!
lahdeedah000 fighting~!
incubus #9
Chapter 10: Wah~ You updated, lol I love the eunhae chapter~ =D
Chapter 9: eunhae...you're all doomed! LOL! please update soon XD this is really entertaining. just read all the chapters in one go^^