Chapter 47

What I Want to Do If I Have a Lover


Yoseob’s POV

Mina was about to say something which is kind a really serious based on her tone, when a hard knock on the glass door interrupted her and caught both of our attention. As we turned our heads, it was actually Suzy who is knocking on the door. She entered and approached Mina. She told her something but I wasn’t able to hear it ‘coz they were talking a little far from me. Then when Mina looked at me, I just nodded at her to think that it was kind of an important thing … guess so. And then, Mina told me that she’ll be right back. She left us, Suzy and me, at the veranda.

“What is it about?” I asked Suzy.

“Someone is seeking for her outside.” She said while walking towards me and stood right next to me.

“Who is it?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Uhm …” she looked away from me. “I don’t think I’m on the right position to tell this to you but…”

“What do you mean?”

“Ugh-uhm … I-I don’t think I have the rights to say this.” she looked at me plainly.

“Just speak it up straight will you?!”

“Alright, but please calm yourself right after.” She paused. “It was essentially Gikwang looking for her.”

“So? What’s the big deal with that?”

“Don’t you doubt their closeness? I mean, haven’t you noticed that they are becoming closer than ever … you knew that Gikwang likes her too right? It’s just like-like …”

“Do you want to say that my girlfriend is actually cheating on me and has an affair with my friend? Is that what you want to tell me?”

She just gave me a blunt look.

“Ugh! Could you please stop that thing, all of us have been friends for a while so it’s natural to be close with anyone or everyone. Why are you making a big deal about it? Anyhow, you don’t have any proof though.” I burst out at her then furrowed my eyebrows.

She’s like so annoying. Why is she doing that? Why is she telling me such a made up story resembling to that issue? Psh! Does she want to ruin our relationship?! Argh! Moments later, she stared away from me, looked down on the ground then I just heard her murmur the words, “This is the reason why I don’t want to spill it out.”

“Say what?! Ya! What is it that I don’t know and you obviously know? Tell me!”

She turned her head on my direction sighing.

“Are you sure?” she paused for seconds. “Because this thing I’ll reveal is absolutely gonna make you crazy like hell.”

“Just burst it out!”

She breathed out heavily and then put her hands inside her sweater’s pocket. She suddenly pulled something out of it – a brown paper thing. She handed it to me slowly. I took it from her, opened the brown paper envelope and drew a number of rectangular firm papers. As I skimmed over the photographs, I can’t help but to gasp and widen my eyes. There were a couple of pictures showing Mina and Gikwang hugging each other. I exhaled deeply then bit my lower lip corner right after. Oh God! I don’t wanna believe what I see right now. This is not real! There is nothing malicious though. After scanning it all, I drew my head unto Suzy then gave her a serious look.

“This weren’t true right? And this isn’t enough to prove me that they are up to something. Anyway, there is nothing malevolent in these photos.” I said while waving the pictures in the air.

“I’m sorry if it bothered you a lot. Those were the photos I wanted to show you before, right after I had taken those, but I hesitated to because your relationship might get ruined due to that. I don’t wanna be the reason why, but then again, I can’t afford to see you being fooled by your girlfriend and your most trusted friend.” She sighed then took her seconds to speak again. “It was a coincidence … I happened to be there too where they are by that time, I hid myself when I saw them then thought of taking pictures to serve as an evidence. Henceforth, I thought of you – being hurt so I didn’t bother to show it. I even planned to burn those when I accidentally saw them again somewhere in the playground, holding each other’s hands, and happened to-to … kiss.” She hissed the word ‘kiss’.

I gulped hard controlling myself to burst out. I can feel the water filling my eyes. My heart was like going to explode and my breathing became difficult to catch. I so wanted to punch, hurt, go hysterical right now. My emotions got mixed. I clenched my fists. The muscles in my body were like shaking of so much angriness. And then, I recalled what Suzy just told me, that they were together outside. I rapidly walked through the glass door, along Junhyung’s living room then outside the apartment. There, I saw them together, on the ground – she’s over him. I got frustrated; my sight got dark and gone blind due to intense angriness. I yelped out Mina’s name that made them look at me. She stood up immediately then helped Gk to stand too. I glared at them fiercingly and walked towards them. As I reached Gk and Mina, without any hesitation, I swiftly drew my arm in the air then punched Gk on the face so damn hard to the point that he stumbled on the ground. I was about to beat him again but Mina stood in front of me with her arms in the air as if blocking me to hit Gk. I slightly calmed myself and put down my clenched fist. She helped him stand then yelled at me why I did that. We had an exchange of words – shouting and yelling and blaming one another. This was the first time we ever argued and in this hell stupid way. She even blamed Suzy for this happening, but then, I defended her from Mina. I know it hurted her so much. I can see her eyes became watery. I know she tries to hold it back. She then turned to Suzy, threw the photos at her and walked away from us. Gikwang calls out for her and so did the others, hence she didn’t even bother to glance back – what she did is to walk faster then afterwards run.

By the time she left us, we were like so silent, doesn’t know what to do or what. We are just like statues … locked on our places, on our positions. After sometime, Junhyung speak up and earnestly asked us what exactly happened.

“It was his fault!” shouted Gk pointing his index finger at me madly. “He keeps on insisting that we are cheating on him! That Mina cheats on him!” he turned his head on my direction. “I ‘am telling you, who ever told you and made that goddamn story, IT IS NOT TRUE! It’s not damn true!”

“Hey! Why are you blaming it all to me huh?! If it’s not true then explain to me those photos of you and the thing I saw here between you two earlier!” I yelled back at him.

“I don’t have to clarify things to you Yoseob, if and only if you just trusted her and believed her in the first place.”

“Hah! See, you can’t even clarify it youself. And I didn’t trust her?! Please! I’ve given her my whole trust but what did she do? And you?! Jeez!”

“Psh! Say so you trusted her?!” he paused then his smirking lips. “Wake up dude! Wake up! ‘Coz you didn’t! And you know what … you are the reason why she’s acting that way! You are the reason behind her tears!” he kept on pointing me his index finger.

I get annoyed of him doing that to me so I tapped his arm away from me then pushed him forcefully.

“Watch your words fool! And don’t ever aim your finger at me again!” I encountered.

He pushed me back hard. We’ve been doing this exerting forces than ever until he grabbed for my collar and gripped on it tightly, slightly pulling me upwards.

“You don’t know anything Yoseob! You know nothing but all lies! You’re a babo if you’re going believe that false story from someone than to have faith on your girlfriend whom you used to know and love.” He said while glaring at me.

“YO! YO! YO! That’s enough! Nothing will happen if you keep on blaming each other.” Said Doojoon hyung separating us, holding onto my shoulders.

“He’s right! We have to look for Mina first ‘coz it’s dangerous for her to roam around the city at this time.” Said Junhyung holding back Gikwang’s shoulders.

Gikwang pushed me away just after he took off his hands from his grip on my collar. Hyung and Junhyung managed to separate us then let us cool down. Yojin asked Hyungseung to call Mina because she left her phone inside the apartment. And so at the moment when he dialed Mina’s digits and put his cellphone near his ear, a sound suddenly filled the zone. It was that unique ringtone we had on our cellphones. It’s coming from somewhere in the garden area. Jiyeon and Yojin started to search for it all over the place, behind the bushes, on the plant boxes and everywhere else. They are following where the sound is coming from.

“Aha! I found it!” shouted Yojin while running towards us.

“Oh ! Tsk!” Junhyung gritted his teeth. “We must seek for her RIGHT NOW! We don’t have any means to contact and communicate with her since her phone is here. Let’s move pals!”

“Ya! Let me help too!” said Yojin.

“No! You stay here with Jiyeon and whoever will be left. Talk to your cousin instead!” he looked at me. “And give him some counseling thingy.” He turned his head to Jiyeon. “Jiyeon-ah, you also try to fix things up and help Yojin with it.”

“Deh! I agree! I’ll go search for her too.” Said Doojoon hyung.

“Count me in!” volunteered Hyungseung.

As all the volunteers walked through the garage and went to their own cars, Gikwang rapidly followed them just to see him walk like a limp. What the?! When did he get injured like that? I didn’t even kick him. Anyways, he called for Junhyung that made him to stop taking steps and glance back while the other two already drove away.

“Junhyung let me go with you. I wanted to look for her too.”

Junhyung nodded at him then let him hopped in to his car.


Your POV

I was lifelessly walking along somewhere along the streets with my head drawn down on the ground, with my eyes sticked on my feet watching it take steps alternately while letting the tears keep falling and flowing through my face. I just don’t understand everything. Why is it that he chose her; to defend her and believe her instead of me? I don’t get it! I can’t understand him. As I held my head high, I just then realized that I’m not familiar with the place I’am right now. I don’t exactly know where I was right now. I don’t know where my aching feet brought me to. I stopped walking then looked around, when all of a sudden; three scary drunken guys approached me asking my name or am I being lost and so on. They are really scary. They keep on brushing their fingers unto my face then to my arms. I was standing still in my place. I can’t move my legs to run as much as I wanted to. I’m so frightened. Then after a while, I managed to open my mouth and say a word.

“E-Excuse me please … I-I have to-to go now.” I stuttering said avoiding any body or skin contact with them.

Suddenly, when I took a step forward, one of them grabbed onto my left arm and pulled me right next to him. He scrubbed his hand to my face then leaned closer to me. I looked away and shut my eyes while biting my lips.

“Ooh … don’t leave pretty lady. We haven’t known each other yet.” He leans closer to me then sniffed that I can absolutely feel his face near mine down to my neck. “Aah! You smell so good … let’s go to my place and get to know each other more.” He said under his breath.

I shrugged my head, gulped, and then yelped “NO!” the guy holding onto my arm keeps on dragging me with him. I struggled a lot then pulled for my arm. He was just laughing so devilish along with the other two. I swiftly kicked him on the knee then hit him with my left knee on his weakest part – on his part as a proof of him being a man. He urgently lost his grip on me and knelt down of pain. As soon as he knelt on the ground, I quickly ran away from those maniacs even without knowing where I was headed to. The guy whom I beat shouted at his co-maniacs to run after me and catch me, and so the three of us had a ‘catch-me-if-you-can’ scene. I run as fast as I could. I don’t have any idea where to go so I keep on running and running and running. I didn’t notice that I was actually running slowly now. The two geezers caught me then took me to a dark narrow place between the structures. I was squealing non-stop, shouting at the top of my lungs that made them annoyed and covered my mouth. They leaned me on the wall then started to my coat. I was crying at the moment they gripped on my wrists and placed it on the wall. I was completely helpless. They get to take my coat off and ripped my shirt. I kept on shaking my head that gave me a chance to bite hard enough on the guy’s hand. He bursted out of hurt and pulled his hand off my mouth.

“STOP IT! PLEASE DON’T! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME! SEOBBIE-AH!” I yelled at the top of my lungs just before he covered my mouth again.

Moments later, as my eyes were shut with tears flowing from it, I just heard a smack then groan sounds. I heard one of the maniacs yelped, “Who the hell are you?!” and then, as my eyes were still closed … I felt the grip on my wrists loosen and heard banging on the floor. The other geezer told his colleague to run away and so they did. All I heard is the rushing footsteps away from the place and their shout-outs to one another like, “Ppali! Ppali!” I slowly sat on my position, curved my body, hugged my legs and rested my head over my knees. I cried and cried and cried, when all of a sudden; hands were placed on my shoulders that made me tighten my brace on my legs.

“Mina-ah, you’re safe now.” He said calmly.

Little by little, I moved my head upwards to look at him. He gradually placed his right hand over to my face then wiped the tears flowing from my eyes. He took off his jacket and then placed it over my shoulders. I sobbed and buried my face to his chest – hearing his heart beat and feeling his warmth. He wrapped his arms around me, embraced me tightly and let me feel that I’am protected.

“You are safe now Mina, you’re safe now.” He whispered to my ear.


*Wondering who might be Mina's savior? Kekeke! Gikwang or Yoseob? :P


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PLEASE FORGIVE ME SWEETIES for not updating in quite a while ... I've been kinda busy right now for school works. Please forgive me :( have a long patience.


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Chapter 27: Awwwwwww............
Chapter 22: WOW!Yoe guys who make stories on Asianfanfics are the best of the best!
Rizayang #3
Chapter 55: urm, i dont understand the last part.. so all the while she's just dreaming? from the start? did they even know each other? :S
Chapter 55: Ohh ! Yoseob is just sooooo cheesy ! More cheesy than a pizza ! And fluffier ! And softer !!! Good job , Nessa ! I hope he does that in real life to any girls but just not IU ! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT !!! Nessa , you are the best !
I just finished reading your story.. =)
Good luck for your final requirement bebe!!!! hahaha
Mistlea #7
Chapter 55: Hi! New Reader :D
I really love your story and it's ok if you're on hiatus *we're all busy*, as long as you still continue on with this story!
Subscribing! ^^
foreverbeastfans123 #8
Chapter 55: Authornimm,
Good luck with you life in college...:)
I really hope you could update... but its okey... we understand..
Just come back as soon as possible to update it...nae?
Chapter 55: NOOOO AUTHORNIM:'[[[ i really want to see what happens next:'[ ah well,good luck with school! hwaiting,you can do it!
@shin022311 oo ... hahaha!