
Backstage Secret .. shh!!


“GAHH!! So tired! What do I have later hyung?”

“you need to attend a variety show, strong heart”

“aigoo! What weird story should I reveal! Never mind, I’ll get that later” I said and took out my iPhone

I took a picture of my food and decided to post it on me2day I added a caption


‘ yum! Don’t forget to eat your lunch! And no! you can’t have any! :P ’


I said playfully I was going to eat my food when I saw manager hyung staring at me ?, I followed his eyes and I suddenly defended  “I know that look, NO HYUNG! You can’t eat anymore! You’re already full!” I took my lunch away from him while he just chuckled.

“arasso~ I’ll just buy some for my poor self” he said or more like trying to make himself look pitiful I gave in and planned on share it with him but he sarcastically added “I am so full that I can hear my stomach growling.” He made a ridiculous pitiful face that made me want to .. punch it.

I made a mehrong face and spoke “don’t worry hyung. I’ll make lots of money for you but! You should teach me how to drive!” I said he raised a brow and chuckled “since when were you interested in driving?”

“since.. now! I don’t know, it just randomly popped in my mind” I confessed and he started laughing

I frowned “oppa so mean~”

“so you’re calling me oppa now?”

“and you’ve turn deaf, yes. I called you oppa.” I clarified

“oppa eh? you really want to learn how to drive huh?” I half nodded  I’m just calling him oppa when I wanted something or of course, when I’m at my real gender.

“awright, when the time is right”

“yay! Thanks hyung!”

“uhuh~. anyways, hurry and finish that up so you can rest some more or else I’ll snatch that”

“Nuoo!” I protectively held my lunch. he chuckled but nodded his head and left.

I took my iPhone out once again to check on comments

(A/N : Sorry if there’s a mistake. I seriously don’t know how to use me2day -.- fail)


‘cute! Please share some with noona~’

‘oppa! eat healthily and gain some weight! You’re all height!’

‘that’s right eat more! Hyung will always cheer for you!’


One comment caught my eye, I saw the username and It was from L.joe


‘yah! enN! Come eat with your favorite hyung some other time!’


I chuckled, favorite hyung? He hasn’t even texted me after the radio event haha~


I replied to him

‘hyung! You didn’t contact me! Why did you get my number in the first place!? Was just that for display!? XD I’m sorry~ I need to go now, manager hyung’s calling. Contact me alright?! :P ’

I fibbed a little and started eating my lunch peacefully






I came to be a guest at strong heart and revealed a very funny story when I was at xx Gayo Daejun. I even showed them my own weird choreography of cha cha (ballroom dance) they all laughed, questioning me, who dances cha cha alone.

I just did haha~

Seunggi sunbae was so pleased with my antics that he crouched down on the floor laughing. May be I was meant to be a gag-dol. (gag  idol)


We finished the recording and I was so tired. They all congratulate me and I thanked them. I was resting inside the van when I received a text


From : unknown

```nice job! I just finished watching strong heart, you were so funny! I didn’t expect you to be like that!

If you’re wondering who this is.. don’t wonder anymore cuz it’s your favorite hyung :P

Feel free to save my number ;)


I smiled at the text. I saved his number and replied


To : myfavoritehyung (self proclaimed :D)

```thank you!

when did you become my favorite hyung? :P



From : myfavoritehyung (self proclaimed :D)

```since you became my favorite dongsaeng :D

Where are you now?



To : myfavoritehyung (self proclaimed :D)

```oh really nao? Was I supposed to be touched?

I’m on my way home. Wae?



From : myfavoritehyung (self proclaimed :D)

```up to you :P

well we just finished practicing~

 So maybe you want to buy food with me? You know..To strengthen our bond?

 C’mon my little bro, say yes~


I thought for a while, my stomach suddenly growled. I didn’t have to think twice and replied


To : myfavoritehyung (self proclaimed :D)

```sure hyung! I’ll just make manager hyung drop me off there. Give me the address and I’ll be on my way!! :D


He texted me a place where we’ll meet and not their address -.-  This hyung is stubborn


I told manager hyung about our plan. I’m lucky he agreed

“just be careful alright?”

“I’m always careful hyung”







I was walking around our meeting place with my hood over my head, hiding my face. I took out my phone and called him


“Yah hyung! Where are you?!” I said and looked around. I spotted him and walked towards him


He looked at the sign at his back “I’m here at-“ “never mind.. just turn around already” I cut him and he quickly turned around


“whoa! When did you get here?” he asked as he was shocked to see me

“since now”

He eyed me for a while and spoke “.Hey.. you’re still wearing your makeup”

“and you’re not. c’mon I’m hungry already. Let’s eat dukkbokki”

He nodded and we went to find a near dukkbokki stand.


“THERE!” I pointed and we both raced towards it


“Ahjumma,good for 2 persons please~” I asked. She smiled at us and took her for a while to bring our orders


“mm! yum!” I said as I ate my food with full force


“you can’t stop me! I’m hungry!”

“aigoo~ where did my cute dongsaeng go?” he asked

“there was no cute from the start!” I said and added “just super cute!”

He chuckled and we continued eating.






“hey! Isn’t that L.Joe from Teen Top?!” we heard someone say.

“KYAAAA!!!!!!!!” a group of girls squealed.


I glared at L.Joe and saw him with his hood removed “really smart L.Joe hyung”


“who’s with him? An ulzzang?” someone questioned

“I think that’s umm… em or en something”


L.Joe smirked at me “you too dongsaeng” I touched my head and realized that my hood too was removed


“he’s cute! …. L.Joe oppa! over here! KYAA!!!”

“en who?”


I frowned and pouted after hearing that. L.Joe chuckled at me


“an idol! C’mon! let’s go take some pictures!!”


We paid the ahjumma and started leaving when a girl asked for L.Joe’s picture

I pouted some more. They were all swarming to L.Joe.


I think 'fame' came up to my head, I'm not that known after all. aigoo~ why the heck did I expect that much?


I kicked childlishly at the ground. Suddenly, a cute noona with her friend went to me and asked

“umm excuse me~ are you that solo artist that sang ‘Time’?”

I blinked twice. Someone recognized me?

“ah, yes that’s me”

“kyaa!! enN right? Annyeong Haseyo! I really like your song! Can we take a picture together please?”

I smiled in disbelief and nodded eagerly. She chuckled and handed her phone to her friend. I slung my arm around her and I can hear her uneven breaths. I made a peace sign. Her friend also took a picture with me and I did the same.


“you look really handsome … and beautiful even in close up! I think this noona can be your fan!” she beamed

I smiled and thanked her. she once again asked a question “what is your fan club name enN ssi?”

“well I don’t kno-“ “it’s doubleN” L.Joe suddenly interrupted.


doubleN? Fan club name?


“waa! not bad hyung!” I said my thought out loud

He chuckled and smiled at the girl “and I’m his number one fan.. thank you ladies, we’ll be going now”

He said and dragged me away. I turned to her again “ah! thank you! Bye noona! and noona’s friend too! I’ll be working harder now!”  I said and we left






“Thank you hyung!” I beamed

“for what?”

“for giving me a fan club name. I really like it!”

“of course you would! After all, it’s THE L.Joe that named it”

I rolled my eyes and mocked “ahahahaha~ are you trying to be funny? Cuz THE GREAT enN isn’t laughing”

“this bish” my eyes widened at his word and replied jokingly while pointing at him “yah! This bish just called me a name!”

“hey! You did too!”

“whatever, van’s here bye bishy hyung! See you some other time!”

“you too bishy dongseng!” we both chuckled. I waved at him and went my way

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joannexo23 #1
Update please
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 13: this is such a fun read!
AshleyEvans306715 #3
Chapter 13: Awww, L.Joe's so sweet and lol at enN becoming jealous XD I wonder whether Hyuna knows L.Joe's using her to make enN jealous... Anyway, I hope you update soon, this story's fun! :)
AshleyEvans306715 #4
Chapter 9: Haha, this chapter was hilarious! I just love the relationship you've developed between enN and L.Joe, and enN and the Cube members. It's adorable :3
Chapter 13: Wahhhhh I love your story! Update soon authornim! Hwaiting ♥♥ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Chapter 13: kyaaa!!!!! new reader imnida! .. sweet L.Joe!
InfiniteGenerationSP #8
Chapter 13: Update update update update ♥
Update soon ! This story is DAEBAK!