Prince & Princess

Forgotten Melody

Er...Hi everybody! Sorry for the long wait, but here's the next chapter! I'm animeK_oss, the co-writer of Forgotten Melody. Now the full-time writer.

I'm sad yet honored to say KAwaii_aKumA has graced me with the privilege of continuing her story without her. Even though I'll be writing the rest of the story without her help, I hope you'll still read it. >< Thank you very much - I'll do my best!


~Naoki's POV~

This is all my fault.

Those words rang in my head like a chant. Over and over. 

I was the one that pushed her to perform in the concert. I was the one that wasn't fast enough to save her when the light fell.

And now, just when she's barely been released from the hospital, I left her side. It hurt when Miu said she hated me. It hurt so much I'd left her. But I should've at least stayed with her until her parents came!

Gritting my teeth, I pumped my arms harder. My legs stung from running so long, and it felt as if my lungs were about to burst. I didn't care, though. I had to find Miu. I had to find her and make sure she was safe.


~Miu's POV~

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was the horrid smell. Cigarettes and alcohol.

"Oi!" A man called, looking down at me with a lazy grin. "She's awake, Taka!" He seemed somehow familliar, but I couldn't place it.

"Where am I?" I asked hazily, putting a hand to my aching head. I looked at the man before me. He seemed old at first glance, but now I saw he was only a couple years older than myself. From the strong odor of alcohol and the slurring of his words, I realized he was completely drunk. That's when it hit me! The parking lot! This was the man who'd kidnapped me!

His friend, Taka, trudged over, almost tripping along the way. 

"Uwaaaah..." Taka grinned then took another swig of the beer in his hand. "Your right, Gen. Real cute. We're gunna have lots of fun with this one." He grabbed my arm tightly, too tightly. I cried out in pain and panic and reflexively smacked him across the face. His head snapped to the side then slowly turned back to look at me.

"Real bad decision, girl." He growled, venom dripping in his voice. My blood turned cold.


~Naoki's POV~

I stopped, panting hard. She couldn't have gone too far, right? Then where could she be? If she'd somehow gotten hurt, I would never forgive myself. Miu...Miu!

Then I'd heard it. A small cry. It was faint, but it wasn't far! To my right sat the remains of an old, abandoned factory. The kind of building you could pass by every day of your life and not even notice. I charged ahead and crashed through the doors of the dark factory. Throwing all caution to the wind.


~Miu's POV~

Boom! A loud sound echoed through the building and the two men before me turned their heads.

"What was that?" Gen asked and stood up. "I told you to lock the doors, didn't I?!"

"Yeah, yeah." Taka growled in response, digging a hand into his pocket. He pulled out a switchblade and I gasped. "I'll go check it out. Calm down."

Taka got up and left the room (but not before taking another swig of alcohol). 

"Okay, come on!" Gen ordered, grabbing me roughly by the arm. I didn't struggle, afraid that he might have a weapon on hand too. Pulling an old supply closet open, he pushed me in, locking it behind him.


~Naoki's POV~

"Oi, oi, oi!" A man called to me. I squinted against the darkness, but finally made out the shape of a figure decending a metal staircase. "Who are you and what business do ya got with bein' here?!"

"I'm looking for someone." I replied, the strong smell of alcohol hitting my nose. 

"...A girl?" The man asked, scratching his head. "About this tall? Cute? Kinda fiesty?"

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, praying with all my heart this drunkard hadn't done anything to her.

"Nope." He shrugged. "Never seen her. Don't know what you're talking about. Now go run on home, boy. Before ya get hurt."

I raised an eyebrow at his stupidity. Note to self: never, ever, ever drink.

"Idiot!" Another man said, slapping the first behind the head. "Taka, what the heck is wrong with you?!"

"No, no, Gen," Taka hiccuped. "It's all under control. I told this kid that the person he's looking for isn't here, okay? So it's fine." Without missing a beat, I charged. Tackling them both to the ground. Something flew out of Taka's pocket (a weapon, I assumed), and out of sight, hidden in the shadows.

"Where is she?!" I roared, surprised by the ferocity behind my words. I pinned them both to the ground the front of their shirts clutched tightly in my hands. When the didn't talk, I shook them.

"Okay, okay!" Gen exclaimed, looking sick to his stomach. No doubt from all the alcohol he'd comsumed. "J-just quit shaking us...ugh... She's closet."

"Thanks." I spat, slamming their heads together. There was an audible bonk! and they were out cold. I raced upstairs, desperate to find Miu.


~Miu's POV~

I still remember the stories when I was younger. 

The princess, locked away in a tower, guarded by a dragon. For years she waits for her savior. Then one day, her wish comes true - her prince comes, defeats the dragon, and they live happily ever after.

But this is real life, right? Where people get into accidents and sometimes lose their memories. Where we say things to people that we don't mean, but can't take back. Where girls, like me, get kidnapped every day and are never seen again... I felt the stinging tears in the back of my eyes, waiting to fall. Then the next thing I prince is here.

The closet door swung open so fast, I thought it would break off it's hinges. 

"Miu!" Hisakawa stood, panting before me, like he'd just run two marathons. He broke down to his knees and pulled me into a hug, so tight it was like his life depended on keeping me in his arms. "Miu...Miu!! I'm so glad you're safe!!"

"Hi...Hisakawa..." I gripped him tightly and cried like a small child. For who knows how long, I sat there, wailing like a baby, safe, in my prince's arms.

Sorry for the wait!!! Thanks so much for reading!!!!!!!! ♥

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Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^ I love the story so far :D
Oh, okay. sure thing. :3
Thanks, but I want the original picture.
The photo for our poster? Well, I actually edited two pictures into one, but here's a link. :)

Thanks for reading ;v;)b
Love it soooooooo much.
Just hope Miu's amnesia by pass soon!

Update soon!

Oh by the way I just have a favor to ask if you don't mind, where do you find the photo for your poster? Thank
"Oh my gosh, he has dimples," LOL, Miu-chan, I love guys who have dimples too! ^_^
I sure hope it's just a temporary amnesia...
KAwaii_aKumA just sent me the next chapter to edit, so....soon! :DD
When are you gonna update? :(
Wowie (:
cHoC_wInGs #10
nice ;)