The Concert

Forgotten Melody

This chapter somehow got lost. Sorry 'bout that! ><

~Miu’s POV~
My hands shook nervously and I took in a deep, shaky breath. 
I can’t do this… I screamed in my head. I can’t do this, I can’t do this, I can’t do this! I wiped at my eyes to stop the tears from appearing. Naoki had talked me into playing at the music festival and immediately after he made me sign a form that allowed me to take part, I’d gone home and practiced. Practiced until my fingers bled. Now after weeks of playing my piece over and over again, and endless support from Naoki, I was here standing backstage about to go on next. I stood up then began pacing to try and get my jitters out to no avail. My legs felt weak and I was going to be sick from all the butterflies in my stomach. No, not butterflies. Snakes.
“I can’t do this…” I cried as a tear slipped down my cheek. I sank back against the wall behind me and hugged my legs. “I’m sorry, Naoki-san…I failed you. I failed myself. I can’t do it. I’m too scared!” I pressed my forehead against my knees and began to cry. My shoulders shook with sobs and small whimpering noises escaped my throat. Naoki was out there waiting for me to come on, but I couldn’t move.
“I’m sorry, Naoki-san…” I sobbed and hiccupped. “I’m so sorry…”
“Miu?” A voice called and I looked up, blinded by tears.

~Naoki’s POV~
“M-Miu!” I exclaimed then ran over to her. “What’s wrong? Wh-why are you crying?” I knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I can’t…” She sobbed and wiped at her red eyes. “I’m…Naoki-san, I…I’m so…!!” Fresh tears ran down her face and I felt a sting of regret.
“It’s okay, Miu…” I comforted her softly, smoothening her hair gently. “You don’t need to go on if you don’t want to. I’m sorry. This…this is all my fault. I’m sorry for forcing you into this, Miu… I’m so sorry…I can’t stand seeing you like this. Mui…please…please, please, please don’t cry…Miu…?”
She took in a soft, shaky breath and I felt my heart break at the sight at her so terrified. I slowly took her into my arms and held her shaking, fragile body.

~Miu’s POV~
I took in a sharp, startled breath. Naoki was holding me. I couldn’t breathe. My heart began to beat against the inside of my chest and my face flushed with heat.
“N…Nao…ki…” I breathed quietly. I buried my face against this warm shoulder and held on. After a moment, I pulled away and he wiped away the rest of my tears with his finger.
“Come on.” He said, offering his hand to me. “Let’s get out of here. You don’t need to play, it’s okay, Miu. Maybe…maybe next time…” I could hear the disappointment in his voice and closed my eyes. I swallowed then opened up my eyes to look at him. 
“Thank you, Naoki.” I said only loud enough for him to hear. “I…I’m so grateful to you. Somehow…I’m not scared anymore…I…I’ve decided I want to play for you.” He dropped his hand to his side as his eyes widened with concern.
“Are…are you sure, Miu?” He asked uncertainly. “You don’t need to, really! There will be other chances! Other times and places!” I shook my head.
“I want to play.” I insisted and slowly, a smile that made me melt appeared on his kind face.
“I’m really proud of you, Miu.” He said and I blinked in surprise. No one had ever said that to me before. I couldn’t help but smile back at him, I was so incredibly happy I wanted to laugh. I gulped. Here. Right now. It was time. I took a deep breath then looked Naoki directly in the eyes.
“Naoki…” I began, my whole body shaking. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and right now, we were the only ones in the world. “Naoki…from the moment I met you…I…I wanted to tell you… I w-wanted to tell you that I…I lo--!!”
“Hold that thought!” He said taking my hand and helping me up. “It’s your turn to go on stage! T-tell me after, okay?”
“But—“ I began.
“It’s time!” He said, leading me towards the stage. “I’m sure you’ll do great, Miu. Good luck!”
“But, Naoki-san!” I began and he gently pushed me onstage. I froze. The lights above me burned brightly and I wondered how a light could be so incredibly hot. I swallowed, seeing the size of the crowd then looked back at Naoki who gave me a thumbs up. At the sight of him, I felt strength flow through me and I made my way towards the piano sitting under a large spotlight.
I see. I thought with a smile on my face. This is fate. If I can get through all of this…I can tell Naoki my true feelings for him. I can’t fail no matter what then!
I sat down on the smooth bench and took in a deep breath before laying my fingers on top of the ivory keys. Then, I let the music do the rest of the talking.

~Naoki’s POV~
I watched Miu’s hands dance up and down the keys with professional grace. Her eyes were closed and I wondered what it was she was thinking. Was she scared? Nervous? If she was, it didn’t show on her face. She was incredible. The melody carried all around and by the looks on their faces, the crowd had already forgotten about the people who played before Miu. Now, all their attention was on her and they were loving every minute of it. As was I. She was something special. And not just her talent. Whenever I was around her, I felt different. When she was happy, I was happy. When she was sad, I wanted to be her pillar of strength. Life without her…I couldn’t even begin to fathom what it would be like. I smiled then quickly paused when something caught my eye. The light above Miu’s head dangled by a cord and I gasped. There was no time to think.
“Miu!!!” I cried, running onto the stage. Time suddenly passed in slow motion. One second Miu was looking at me in confusion, and the next, blood stained the stage floor.

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Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^ I love the story so far :D
Oh, okay. sure thing. :3
Thanks, but I want the original picture.
The photo for our poster? Well, I actually edited two pictures into one, but here's a link. :)

Thanks for reading ;v;)b
Love it soooooooo much.
Just hope Miu's amnesia by pass soon!

Update soon!

Oh by the way I just have a favor to ask if you don't mind, where do you find the photo for your poster? Thank
"Oh my gosh, he has dimples," LOL, Miu-chan, I love guys who have dimples too! ^_^
I sure hope it's just a temporary amnesia...
KAwaii_aKumA just sent me the next chapter to edit, so....soon! :DD
When are you gonna update? :(
Wowie (:
cHoC_wInGs #10
nice ;)