
Forgotten Melody

~Naoki’s POV~
At first I just couldn’t believe my eyes. I wouldn’t. Everything had happened too quickly. The concert. Miu’s concert. A potential start to her career had come crashing down like the stage light that had caused the crowd to go into a frenzy and the ambulance to come and take away the girl I loved. If Miu didn’t come out of surgery alive, I felt as though a part of me would disappear, leaving a gaping hole in my heart. My chest felt tight imaging a life without her. I grasped my hands together tightly, praying for a miracle as I sat outside of the E.R. awaiting to hear Miu’s fate. Across the hallway, a clock hung high on the wall. I’d been here for 3 hours. Felt like an eternity.
Just then, the doors beside me flung open and a group of tired-looking men in crisp white uniforms came trudging out. One of them turned towards me “The surgery was a success Hisakawa-san” he said with a tight frown. My heart skipped a beat and I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. “However” he continued, causing me to hold my breath. “The poor girl’s hit her head pretty hard so she may be slightly …confused.” As the surgeon finished his sentence I dashed into the ward. There, I saw Miu lying on a hospital bed with a white bandage wrapped around her head. Her eyes were closed and her soft, brown curls spread out around her face.
She’s beautiful. I thought, blushing. Without thinking I leaned over her and softly kissed her forehead.
“AAIIIEEEE!!!” I heard a high-pitched scream before I was pushed off the bed and onto the cold floor.
“What--?” I scratched my head in confusion and looked up at Miu. She stared at me with horrified eyes and had wrapped her blanket protectively around herself. Then, her lips trembled and she asked me something that my brain refused to compute:
“Who are you?”

~Miu’s POV~
I gazed expectantly at the stranger who stared back at me like I had just punched him in the face. “Well?” I asked impatiently. He took a deep breath then smiled.
“I’m Hisakawa Naoki. Didn’t mean to disturb you. Sorry about that…” I slowly nodded; somehow this seemed familiar.
“I’m Naka-Nakamura Miu.” I stammered, blushing. A small smile spread across his face and a dimple appeared.
Oh my gosh. I thought, feeling my face turn redder. He has dimples.
The guy let out a chuckle and I scowled. “I’m going to the bathroom.” I muttered angrily and slid off the bed. It made my head spin almost at once and I sat back down, nursing my head in my hands.
“Are you okay?!” Hisakawa Naoki piped up, reaching towards me.
“I-I’m fine.” I lied, ignoring his helping hand and limping towards the door.
“No you’re not!” Naoki shot back. I turned and glared at him.
“What do you know? Who the heck are you anyways? And why am I here?!” I turned and glared at him and he hesitated like as if he was about to say something but caught himself. I was about to turn to continue my way to the bathroom when I was suddenly hoisted up into his arms and taken out the door and down the corridor. Bridal-style too. Turning bright red I started squirming in his arms, “P-put me down!” I yelled furiously. “I don’t know who you are…y-you’re obviously deranged and if you don’t put me down this instant, I’m calling the police!”
“So call them.” Naoki smiled and poked his tongue out. My stomach twisted into a tight knot, keeping me silent for the rest of the way to the bathroom.

~Naoki’s POV~
I chuckled. Might as well have some fun before Miu comes to her senses. I thought. She must have hit her head pretty hard if she’s acting like a completely different person. She’s so confused. But she’ll come around sooner or later. Just a small case of amnesia, that’s all.
I stole a quick look at her in my arms and blushed. At least she’s still Miu on the outside.
She’s just…confused.

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Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^ I love the story so far :D
Oh, okay. sure thing. :3
Thanks, but I want the original picture.
The photo for our poster? Well, I actually edited two pictures into one, but here's a link. :)

Thanks for reading ;v;)b
Love it soooooooo much.
Just hope Miu's amnesia by pass soon!

Update soon!

Oh by the way I just have a favor to ask if you don't mind, where do you find the photo for your poster? Thank
"Oh my gosh, he has dimples," LOL, Miu-chan, I love guys who have dimples too! ^_^
I sure hope it's just a temporary amnesia...
KAwaii_aKumA just sent me the next chapter to edit, so....soon! :DD
When are you gonna update? :(
Wowie (:
cHoC_wInGs #10
nice ;)