Fear Fall

Forgotten Melody

~Naoki ~
“Miu? Is that you?” The girl jumped from surprise then turned to look at me. I’d just entered the downtown café/library, Shiki, when I saw her. “It is you!” Her dark hair was in pigtails like before and she was sitting alone at a table.
“Oh, h-hello again…” She mumbled while avoiding eye contact.
“Whatcha readin?” I asked, peering over her shoulder at the book in her hands. “’Music History?” I read.
Miu suddenly shut the book and I grinned.
“You really like music, huh?” I pointed out and her face flushed.
“I…I suppose…” She uttered quietly while putting down her book
“So? You’re going to be a famous pianist one day right?” I exclaimed happily.
“No!” she squealed “I-I can’t I couldn’t…” she shrank back.
“Why not?” I asked surprised.
“Well…I really do love playing piano but in front of people I get too embarrassed and I-I just...my whole body freezes and my legs jut start running away on their own and oh, I’m sorry…” my stomach twisted with guilt as I saw Miu close to tears.
“No, I’m sorry” I sighed and patted her softly on the head. It was such a waste I thought she has such great talent…
Then, I had an idea.
“Hey why don’t you try to be braver?”
“H-How?” she sniffed.
I grinned “Come with me”.

~Miu ~
I stared up at the huge tower in front of me as a bunch of reckless teenagers were slowly lifted up to the top before plummeting back down at a dangerously fast pace screaming their heads off. “H-Hisakawa-san are you sure this is a good idea?” I mumbled fearfully.
“Of course! Only the bravest of the bravest have the guts to go on the fear fall…” Hisakawa-san replied with a tiny gulp. Was he…scared? I wondered as the queue moved forward and we were lead towards the fearful tower. I whimpered as the safety bar came down and my feet were lifted off the ground. My heart started beating like crazy as all the people below me turned into little specs; carefully I peered at Hisakawa-san and gasped. Was I just imagining it or was he shaking? Before I could see if he was alright, my stomach dropped and I went flying back down to earth screaming my lungs out.
Once we were back on the ground I felt my legs wobble and my eyes water panting with fear I glanced at Hisakawa-san- he was frozen. After a moment he turned to me, “Feeling any braver yet?” he asked and I shook my head vigorously “Then let’s go again”.

By the ninth time I refused to go on it again “H-Hisakawa-san!” I squealed “I-I think I’m braver now”.

“Thank goodness!” I laughed with a wide smile. “You kind of get used to it after a couple of times, aye?”
She looked me with her eyes wide.
I guess not… I thought inwardly.
“T-thank you so much!!” She said, bowing her head down as she came back up her face went red and I tilted my head in confusion.
“Is something wrong?” I asked and she quickly shook her head.
“I-I’m just…really happy. No one’s ever done such a nice thing for me.” She explained with a small smile. Suddenly, my stomach did a weird flip-flop thing and I felt my mouth drop open. Her brow furrowed and I realized I was gawking awkwardly at her.
“Uh, s-s-sorry!” I blurted, wiping the dumb look off of my face. “I mean! What I meant to say—Er…just…it’s just…this is the first time I’ve ever seen you smile, and…well…you have a nice smile, is what I’m trying to say…”
Her face went red as a silence spread between us.
“…Y-you should do it more.” I said. “Smile, I mean! I-it suits you…”
After an awkward silence stretched out between us Miu piped up “I-in that case…I’ll…make sure to smile more often for you…Hisakawa-san…”
I looked at her in astonishment, my heart beating fast and grinned warmly.
“Call me Naoki.” I smiled “N-Naoki…san?” Miu said shyly.
Ahh well, I thought. Good enough for me.
“So you’re gonna play at the music festival right?” I continued.
“What! No, I-I couldn’t!” Miu stammered. I tilted my head back towards the fear fall and grinned at her. Miu glared at me – making me want to more.
“Oh, alright” she muttered.

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Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^ I love the story so far :D
Oh, okay. sure thing. :3

Thanks, but I want the original picture.
The photo for our poster? Well, I actually edited two pictures into one, but here's a link. :)


Thanks for reading ;v;)b
Love it soooooooo much.
Just hope Miu's amnesia by pass soon!

Update soon!

Oh by the way I just have a favor to ask if you don't mind, where do you find the photo for your poster? Thank
"Oh my gosh, he has dimples," LOL, Miu-chan, I love guys who have dimples too! ^_^
I sure hope it's just a temporary amnesia...
KAwaii_aKumA just sent me the next chapter to edit, so....soon! :DD
When are you gonna update? :(
Wowie (:
cHoC_wInGs #10
nice ;)