
Forgotten Melody

~Miu’s POV~
A few weeks of healing in the hospital passed. During that time, many people came to visit me. My parents, friends from school (some I couldn’t remember), and especially that boy. They’d all told me the same story. A stage light had fallen on my head which caused me to lose many parts of my memory. They also told me my personality had seemed to switch.
“That boy, Hisakawa Naoki is here to visit you again.” My nurse said, popping her head into my room. I slouched back in my bed, not bothering to take my eyes off the TV.
“I don’t wanna see him.” I replied coldly. I would never forgive him for kissing me and refusing to put me down upon our first meeting. At least, I think it was our first meeting. I admit I was curious to know what kind of relationship we had before my accident, but at the same time, I would never forgive myself if I forgave him so easily. I knew he was dying to see me, and that’s what made his punishment so much sweeter.
“I understand.” My nurse said softly. No sooner had those words left her lips, that boy rushed into the room. Dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t slept in days, ruffled hair, and a desperate look on his face.
“Miu, why won’t you let me see you?!” He asked, exasperated. I kept my eyes glued to the TV.
“Sir, you have to leave.” The nurse pleaded, taking his arm. Naoki pulled away and walked over to me.

~Naoki’s POV~
I snatched the remote control to the TV from Miu’s hands and turned it off.
“Hey!” She complained, looking me in the eyes for the first time in weeks. I held her gaze until she broke first and looked away.
“Can’t even look at me in the eyes anymore.” I muttered, annoyed. But my anger quickly faded when I realized the nurse had left the room to get more people to drag me out. “Miu…listen—“
“Just go away!” She snapped. “I don’t wanna see you!”
“You’re well enough to walk now, and the doctor said you could leave this place by tomorrow.” I continued. “Let’s go for a walk then. I’ll be here when you leave the hospital, okay? I wanna talk to you some more—“
“Why are you so clingy?!” She exclaimed. A few doctors entered the room and took my arm, pulling me out the door.
“Miu, I need to talk to you!” He said quickly, fighting with all his might to stay in the room longer. “Miu!”

~Miu’s POV~
Once the doctors had pulled Naoki out of the room, the nurse adjusted my pillow before leaving as well. Taking the remote controller back into my hand, I flipped the TV back on. One of my favorite shows was on, but my mind was somewhere else completely…

I stepped into the hospital lobby where my parents and friends were waiting to take me home. They asked me questions on the way out, such as “how are you feeling?” “has some of your memory returned?” “how is the hospital food?” “ is there any place you want to go see?”.
When we stepped through the hospital doors, I immediately saw him. Tired, but not as bad as he looked yesterday. “Get well” balloons in his right hand, a bright bouquet of flowers in his left. I glared, but on the inside I was a bit surprised and touched.
“Hey.” Was all he said, as he stopped in front of me. My parents said something about getting the car started and before I knew it, I was standing alone with this boy in the parking lot.

~Naoki’s POV~
“Hey.” Was all she said with a glare on her face.
“You’re still mad at me for kissing you?” I asked and saw her face burn bright red. She was about to snap at me again, when I placed the flowers and balloons into her hands. “I got these for you.”
She said nothing and we stood in silence for a moment.
“Why are you doing this?” She muttered before dropping the bouquet and releasing the balloons. She looked at me, expecting to see hurt of confusion. I only smiled. That made her angrier.
“What is wrong with you?!” She exploded. “You’re like an emotionless robot or something!”
“Can I take you somewhere?” I asked, holding my hand out to her. “There’s a piano store not too far from here.”
“What am I going to do there?” She scoffed. “Besides, my parents are waiting for me.”
“Come on.” I pushed. “It’ll be fun…you might even get some of your memory back.”
“Leave me alone!” She snapped furiously. “Look, Hisakawa Naoki was it? I mean this in the most offensive way possible. I. Hate. You!!”
I dropped my outstretched hand to my side, nodding slowly.
“…Maybe next time, then.” I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets. “See ya.” With that, I turned and began walking home.

~Miu’s POV~
I watched his back as he slowly began walking away. At the sight of his leaving, I felt a pang in my chest. Even so, I wouldn’t give in and forgive him. Not yet, at least. I turned to go my own way then stopped. What in the world was I doing? Why was it that whenever I saw his face I became so angry? I suddenly began to regret not going with him. But if I turned back to him now, would he simply ignore me and hate me? I looked back and saw he had just crossed over a nearby street. Guilt began to eat me up inside. And before I knew it…I was chasing after him.
“H-Hisakawa!” I screamed desperately, tears starting to spring in my eyes “Hisa-AHH!” I slammed into something and flew to the ground making my head spin. Then, someone grabbed my arm “Hey~ little lady. Did your boy-hic-friend break up with ya?”

Great, I’m being hit-on by a drunken old man.

“No, I’m fine, thank you” I say, trying to ease my arm out of his grip.

“C’mon let’s go and have some fun, aye” says the man wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I start to panic and look over my shoulder at the horizon – the sun is disappearing and there are very few (sober) people around to help me, I am alone. I stare up at the darkening sky with tears falling down my face “Naoki…san” I mutter inaudibly and the world went black.


~Naoki’s POV~

“Hisakawa-san” I heard and turned around expecting to see Miu running after me…but she wasn’t. The woman looked like an older version of Miu with shorter hair and a stern look on her face.“Hisakawa-san” she repeated

“Uh, yes?”

“What did you do with my daughter?”

My stomach twisted into a knot and I crossed my fingers behind my back. “Hah,” I let out a nervous laugh “Wh-what do you mean? She told me she hated me so I let her be”.

Mrs Nakamura let out a tired sigh “My daughter is missing”.

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Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^ I love the story so far :D
Oh, okay. sure thing. :3
Thanks, but I want the original picture.
The photo for our poster? Well, I actually edited two pictures into one, but here's a link. :)

Thanks for reading ;v;)b
Love it soooooooo much.
Just hope Miu's amnesia by pass soon!

Update soon!

Oh by the way I just have a favor to ask if you don't mind, where do you find the photo for your poster? Thank
"Oh my gosh, he has dimples," LOL, Miu-chan, I love guys who have dimples too! ^_^
I sure hope it's just a temporary amnesia...
KAwaii_aKumA just sent me the next chapter to edit, so....soon! :DD
When are you gonna update? :(
Wowie (:
cHoC_wInGs #10
nice ;)