Chapter Two | We Like to Party

◎ BullsEye (불즈아이) || You're Our Next Target - Apply closed~
Sunmi turned around to face the confused souls that sat before her. "We are going to have a party."
Hyorin looked at her and gasped. "Won't we get in trouble?"
Chanmi laughed. "By who? Ms Kim? Hahaha! Who's coming to the party?" 
Everyone turned to hear SunMi's answer. "My YG friends, some SM friends. Friends." She caught the hint of worry in their faces. "Don't worry! There will only be a couple of people and their group. And they'll bring food."
All worry was alleviated by the word "food". "Well, what should we do while we wait?"
The girls exchanged glances and shrugged. "Why don't we get to know each other better." Kyungsoon added.
"Whoa. It's not that kind of party." Yoora laughed. 
Kyungsoon glared at her. "You know what I mean."
The girls gathered around in a circle and introduced themselves one by one. They talked about their parents, their dreams, they relationships, and any trivial thing they could think of. Sunmi's phone flashed a bright blue. 
"Hello? You can't make it? Why not!? You owe me for not coming!" Sunmi threw her phone onto the couch and pouted. "They're not coming."
"Who's not coming?" A familiar voice boomed into their ears.
Yoora shot up and immediately answered. "Ah, Ms. Kim. Sunmi was just saying how her parents weren't going to visit her...this weekend."
"I see you've finally made it." Chanmi smoothed out her shirt and eased her way to the couch. "Took you long enough."
"Well," She turned to Hyorin and smiled. "I was talking to my new boyfriend. I'm sure you know him Hyorin. What am I talking about? I bet you all know him."
Andrea nudged Hyorin. "What's she talking about?" Hyorin shrugged and continued to listen to Ms. Kim.
Ms Kim's phone flashed. "Oh my! He's calling me already!" She cupped her face and acted as if she were really surprised. "Hello honey. How's my Jinki?"
Everyone gasped. Everyone except Chanmi gasped. Instead of looking shocked, Chanmi simply laughed. To her, it was funny. Ms Kim and Lee Jinki? No way. There was a ten year . Her personality wasn't even that great. "Stop lying!" She gasped for air and continued. "There is no way!" She managed to choke out a few words between her fits of laughter.
Ms Kim giggled. "You're so sweet. I've got to go, I have to take these brats back to their dorm. See you tomorrow!"
Hyorin acted as if she hadn't heard a word of it. On their way home they bombarded her with questions about Ms. Kim. She answered as vaguely as she could. Anything that didn't need to be made public wouldn't be revealed and if did it would reveal its self. After a while, the questions ceased and they went back to their own activities. The rest of the ride home was slow and awkward. A mysterious heaviness lingered in the air and everyone could feel it.

I decided to go on with the rest of Chapter Two.
Debut is coming soon! I'll also do chapters were it is solely dedicated
to one character. So they'll be like side stories.
I don't think this was a cliffhanger. I also think this chapter was more focused toward Hyorin.
Next chapter will be about all the girls. Then the following chapters will have parts that are 
directed to certain girls.
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This needs an update...
Or else I will like die x.x
I suggest that we know more about all the girls, like some sort of song that would describe all the girls! I want a kiss scene!
Sorceress #4
I can't wait for the next chapter.
You're getting me so anxious. D:
I like Andrea's flirting skills. O - O
I can see they all work hard. ^^
You're making me sooo excited for the next chapter where they actually debut and where you put all our suggestions and ideas in!! Haha. Combination of all *0* Anyways, sleep away! LOL.
Simrac #6
Nice ''pre''-chapter for the debut. ^^
Wow... they do seem really~ tense, so something will MOST definitely happen 2morrow. x3
Hahahaha, and Andrea seem like the most relaxed of all the girls, going around flirting. ;P
its nice to know that the girls didnt magically get along right away c:
kyungsoon is working hardd. c:
also andrea is an amazzzing flirt.
well after all, it is kiseop c:
i cant wait for the debut chapter!
Everything goes smoothly, yet once the performance end someone slips down the stage and a featured person from another debuted group/band comes over and picks this girl up and they kiss! TADA! All three in one! Smooth, yet still a little messed up because of the fall and someone rescues her and they accidentally kiss! AHA <3
LOL, update soon
Sorceress #9
I hope someone gets kissed. >//w//<
& omg was that BAP? They're the only full blonde group I know xD
Poor Taemi. :c I guess she must have been really nervous. D:
I hope that AndiRoxie is right! I want some action!