Chapter Two, Part One | y And I Know It

◎ BullsEye (불즈아이) || You're Our Next Target - Apply closed~
A loud bang alerted Hyorin that someone was at the door, and they weren't very happy. She opened the door and was greeted with the unpleasant face of her dance instructor, Ms. Kim. She gave her a weak smile and welcomed her into the dorm. 
"Wake the others up." Was all Ms. Kim said.
In haste, she woke them up and warned them of the surprise visitor. The reason behind her visit was unknown and sent the nerves of the girl haywire. As usual Taemi's nerves shined through as she bit off her nails one by one. Andrea got up without ay fuss and continued on to the bathroom. Chanmi sat and stared directly into Ms. Kim's eyes.
"Why are you here Ms. Kim?" She tried to remain as calm and respectful as possible, despite her grogginess and disdain for the instructor.
Ms. Kim smirked and looked over at the crowd that had gathered near the door. "Is this a spectacle?!" She yelled. 
The girls immediately sat next to Chanmi on the coach. For about five minutes, Ms. Kim and Chanmi had a stare down. It was as if Ms. Kim was daring Chanmi to say something, anything and Chanmi was daring Ms. Kim to say something first. Kyung Soon coughed to interrupt their showdown.
Ms. Kim cleared and began to speak. "Lee Soo Man, has sent me here to give you your schedule. The excitement has been building around your debut and people would like to interview you." She cleared once more and glared at Chanmi. "You will all be going on this schedule together. Any questions?"
"Where is our manager." Andrea asked curtly.
"I am your manager until the company assigns you another one." Her glare as now directed to Andrea.
Andrea returned the glare back and continued. "Do you not teach dance anymore, instructor?" 
"Aish, you kids. I don't know how long I'll be able to put up with you." She d inside her dark bag for a small piece of paper. "Dress code is, black pants or skirt, heels, and a white or grey top. Go get dressed."
The girls dispersed and headed straight to their joint closet. The dress code definitely served no purpose. Each girl came out in the outfit of their choice. Confidently they stood in front of Ms Kim in neon, chucks, dresses, jeans, and anything else they wanted. Ms Kim was outnumbered and her arguments would surely be disregarded. She was defeated and decided to let them do whatever they want. In her mind, if they did anything wrong, the boss would reprimand them.
The first stop on their schedule was a small radio show. It was run by an older man and comedic sidekicks, who introduced old and new idols and groups. The studio was small and comfy. Before they even got into the studio, the managers informed them of the content and the questions that the host would ask them. They told the members honest answers are always funny and to not forget to laugh and joke around.
Hyorin groaned and sat at the farthest chair away from the host and his buddies. Taemi sat close to her and so did Jian. Kyunsoon, Chanmi, and Andrea sat closest to the microphones and Yoora and SunMi sat at the other end. 
"So, are you ready?" A familiar voice whispered behind them. Andrea smiled to herself and spun around in her chair to face the stranger.
"I always am." She looked up and saw Kiseop. "Are you?"
The radio host took notice of their small encounter and made a mental note to mention it. "Stirring the pot is always fun!" He smiled. One of the managers started to countdown, the time left until the sign above would flash "On Air". The rest of U-Kiss entered and space got just a little tighter. 
"And we are on! Welcome to Idols R Us! Today we are featuring idol group U-Kiss and rookie group BullsEye!" The host revealed his loud and almost obnoxious voice.
"Hey, I just thought of funny thing!" On of the sidekicks snickered. "How about, You Kissed by BullsEye?"
The studio erupted in laughter. "Yah! Kim Han Ju! This is a family show!" The host joked.
"I would like to apologize for Han Ju's inappropriate humor, kids of South Korea." The second sidekick interjected.
"Now back to the idols. We've done our research and we want to know more. BullsEye. Are you currently dating?"
Yoora blushed and Taemi winced. Andrea looked behind her at Kiseop and winked. The rest of the girls laughed or hid their faces. "Yea right!" SunMi laughed.
"Wow! Pretty girls like you. I wonder why no one has snatched you up yet!" The host persisted, inching more and more to the topic he really wanted to discuss. "How about you Andrea?" 
She looked at the host as soon as he said her name. "Not dating. No one has asked yet. I'm sure they will though."
The hosts marveled at her answer. "So confident! I'm sure they ask soon too." Han Ju commented. 
"How about you guys?" The host pointed to the girls on the end.
"No one has asked yet." They replied in unison. 
The hosts shook their heads. "You hear that boys? BullsEye is on the market." The host looked at the U-Kiss boys and winked. "Anyway. I want to thank BullsEye for stopping by. I'm sure we'll be hearing more about them soon."

This chapter didn't reveal much. I'll edit later and look for any typos. 
Stay tuned for part two!


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This needs an update...
Or else I will like die x.x
I suggest that we know more about all the girls, like some sort of song that would describe all the girls! I want a kiss scene!
Sorceress #4
I can't wait for the next chapter.
You're getting me so anxious. D:
I like Andrea's flirting skills. O - O
I can see they all work hard. ^^
You're making me sooo excited for the next chapter where they actually debut and where you put all our suggestions and ideas in!! Haha. Combination of all *0* Anyways, sleep away! LOL.
Simrac #6
Nice ''pre''-chapter for the debut. ^^
Wow... they do seem really~ tense, so something will MOST definitely happen 2morrow. x3
Hahahaha, and Andrea seem like the most relaxed of all the girls, going around flirting. ;P
its nice to know that the girls didnt magically get along right away c:
kyungsoon is working hardd. c:
also andrea is an amazzzing flirt.
well after all, it is kiseop c:
i cant wait for the debut chapter!
Everything goes smoothly, yet once the performance end someone slips down the stage and a featured person from another debuted group/band comes over and picks this girl up and they kiss! TADA! All three in one! Smooth, yet still a little messed up because of the fall and someone rescues her and they accidentally kiss! AHA <3
LOL, update soon
Sorceress #9
I hope someone gets kissed. >//w//<
& omg was that BAP? They're the only full blonde group I know xD
Poor Taemi. :c I guess she must have been really nervous. D:
I hope that AndiRoxie is right! I want some action!