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My Services

  • Graphics

About Me

name } Call me Rally (like... rau-ly)~ lol it's not my real name but... CLOSE ENOUGH.
gender } I be female, thank you very much.
birthday } I was born on July 7. Not giving you the year cause the month and date is all you need to know. *nodnod*
likes } good grammar, k-pop, typing, reading, Photoshop, the internet, the color  teal, apply fics, day dreaming~
hobbies } making posters, reading, writing, listening to music... yea. Thw works.
ethnicity } I am 100% Chinese. ; w ; 
pairings (in a certain order) } Woogyu, Eunhae, Jongkey, Adam Couple, Milky Couple

Bias List
[ In no specific order... well, except for the first three. > w < ]