Chapter 3: Friend

Juri’s POV


The school bell was ringing. It was time for lunch. Every student was busy organizing their thingy before went out to cafe. They must be really hungry but who won’t right? Five hours in the class, just sat quietly and listened to teachers. It was kind of tiring.

After finished tidying up my desk, I stretched my arms.

Ah, so refresh!!!

The class slowly became empty as the students already went out to full their empty stomachs. I stood up to make a move but then I saw Jaejoong was still at his place. 

What's he doing? Doesn’t he feel hungry? Aish!! Juri, just ignore him. You’ve promised to yourself before, right? He won’t notice you whatever you do. So, don’t embarrassing yourself.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of his picture from my mind and also from my HEART.

Hyejung must be waiting for me in cafe. We are always together in everything we do. We're so close to each other and I really love her more than everything. Sometimes, she looks most like my younger sister as she's four months younger than me.

As I was walking slowly to the cafe, I could feel someone was following me from the back. I tried to walk fast and then I could hear that “someone” also was walking fast.


I turned back immediately to see who's that “someone”. I was shocked to know it was A GUY who were following me just now. I never expected this.


He was also shocked with my sudden action as I saw his eyes were getting bigger.

But he still looks charming in my eyes. It's unbelievable for someone who has a beautiful look and charming like him to sneak on me. But what does he really wants?

“Hi... Hi,” he waved his hand and smiled awkwardly.


I was still in disbelief. I looked around, thought that he might be speaking to someone else. But I could see no one except me. This was surely not a dream. THIS WAS REAL!!!

“Hi... hi, what...what can I do for you?” I stuttered.

Oh God, this is really embarrassing. Why must I get so nervous in front of him? His aura is really strong. I don’t think I could resist myself from his gaze. What a beautiful eyes he has!!!

“Nothing, just want to be friend with you. Shall I?” he asked me calmly.

FRIEND?? WITH ME?? A NERD GIRL IN THIS SCHOOL?? Kim Jaejoong, are you kidding me?? You make me crazy. I bet no one will reject your “special” offer. Of course I want to.  Juri, control yourself!!!

I took a deep breath.

“Friend? With me? Are you serious? This is not a prank, right?” I asked him back. He looked at me weirdly but then quickly shook his head.

“Definitely it’s not a prank. I really really want to be your friend,” he replied. I strongly looked at his eyes and I could feel his sincerity.

Maybe this is my luck!!!

I slowly nodded my head and spoke.

“Why not and nice to know you, Jaejoong,” I said. He then smiled sweetly to me.

Jaejoong’s POV

Lunch time~~ I turned back to see Juri but she didn’t notice me as she was busy tidying up her things. Maybe I should wait for a while. I started to tidy up my desk too. Later, I saw Juri stood up from her place and made a move to cafe. She must be wanted to meet her “friend”. I slowly followed her from behind. I carefully tried not to make any sounds but then I saw she took a quick steps.

DAMN!! She has noticed me.

I just didn’t care and I walked quickly too. She stopped suddenly and turned around.

OMG, I'M SHOCKED WITH HER SUDDEN ACTION. Thank God I don’t have heart attack or I will just die here in a second.

She seemed very shocked too to see me behind her.

But who won’t right? To see a gorgeous guy like me became a stalker. It's rare.

I laughed deep inside my heart.

“Hi... Hi,” I said.

It's awkward to speak to her at first as I’m not a person who will easily talk to girls in school.

I looked at her.

She's not bad but her glasses really took my attention. It's really thick. She must be so hard-working in studying. But I don’t think it is a bad idea to be friend with her. She looks different than any other girls.

“Hi... hi, what...what can I do for you?” she stuttered. It might be her first time talking to a guy I guess. She seemed nervous and I could see her face was blushing. She was so funny. I tried to control myself from laughing.

 “Nothing, just want to be friend with you. Shall I?” I asked her calmly.

Once again she waso shocked hearing my question. She looked at me strangely.

Why girl? Doesn’t believe?? Yes, this is real. I want to be your friend and please say YES!!

"Friend? Are you serious? This is not a prank, right?" She asked me carefully.

A PRANK?? Absolutely it's not. I sincerely want to be your friend and I know I could know more about your best friend too. Of course I won’t use women to get what I want. That's not my principle!!

She slowly nodded her head after hearing my answer and smiled.

“Why don’t we have a lunch together?” I asked her. She looked at me surprisingly. I looked back at her and nodded my head.

“Don’t worry about others. They won’t dare to bully you as long as you’re with me” I said while smiling to her. She seemed hesitate at first but then we slowly walked together to the cafe. I couldn’t wait to meet my lovely princess.

Thanks Juri for accepting me as your friend and I swear I’m not using you to get “her”.





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please please please update this!!!!
erichfrancisco #2
andaru #3
why didn't you update soon?:(
YoBuddy #4
I sorta want her with Junsu XD but this is good Please udpate sooooooooon!=D
erichfrancisco #5
Wake up! Hahaha. He confessed. OhMyGass. Love it. Update. :D
OMG!!! And now what and now what?<br />
I need the next one!!<br />
Thanks so much for the update dear^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Sooo sweeeet!! He likes her! Oh my god sun! Update more!
oooooh....! did Jaejoong finally confessed!?