
My Favorite Idol

A/N: Hello! An early update because I finished the chapter before the supposed deadline :) I am starting to like this fanfic a lot (just like how chefs like to compliment their own cooking hahahaha). Just wondering, what is your favourite chapter? Mine is definitely chapter 4, View, and maybe this one too. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! Hopefully this may connect some dots that were left untouched in the previous chapters. Ok, enjoy!


After their monthsary celebration, Jisoo and Jennie's relationship is getting stronger than before. It is the weekend and they are spending time at Jennie's apartment as usual.

"I can't believe that you bought us couple rings too," Jisoo chuckled as she looked at her Cartier ring and up at Jennie. She was laying comfortably on the younger's lap.

"It's a wedding ring," said Jennie as she was the older's hair.

"I know, you are trying to tie me down. The ring is beautiful, thank you, pabo-ya," the older girl replied.

"Wae, pabo?" Jennie was curious.

"You are my fool," replied Jisoo with a grin.

"You even gave me flowers and chocolates on the actual day. Remember when you said it was rude to enter someone's house," said Jennie, as she hit Jisoo's head lightly.

"It was meant to be a surprise. So, I went in unannounced. But I left you a letter to explain everything. Anyways, you like it too right? I suppose" the older gave the younger one a wink.

"Thank you too, my pabo," Jennie nodded abd thanked the older before giving her a peck on the lips.

"My graduation is two months away. Do you want to come by to Yonsei?" asked the older.

"I will free up my schedule. Let me know when it is. I will bring Lisa along and you can bring your friend, Chaeyoung," said Jennie, with a slight chuckle.

"Sure. She's your dance instructor right? Are you planning to match them up together?" asked Jisoo, as she played with the younger's hand, tracing the two rings on the soft hand.

"Lisa's interested in Chaeyoung. Remember when she followed you on Instagram? She saw Chaeyoung's picture and asked me about her."

"I remembered. You even texted me about it. I thought you were the one who is interested in Chaeyoung," Jisoo joked.

"I am all yours," replied Jennie with a smile. Their relationship is going well if Jisoo could crack such a joke.

----- 2 months later -----

Jisoo was out from the convention centre and was finding her family and friends after her graduation ceremony. Her family members had met Jennie and they were surprising shocked to find the eldest daughter to be attached, but nonetheless blessed the young couple since the girl is happy.

"Hey, you guys seem chummy," Jisoo teased Chaeyoung, who was already sticking really close to Lisa.

"She's fun to be around," replied the girl while blushing. The older girls just laughed at how Chaeyoung was embarrassed, while Lisa was just smirking, as if getting the first prize.

After taking pictures with the graduate, Jisoo's family when to grab food while the group of friends were talking, or mainly the older girls were teasing the soon-to-be couple. The graduate soon heard a familiar voice calling her.

"Hey, Jisoo. I didn't expect to see you at Yonsei," said the person.

As Jisoo turned around, all she saw was someone she didn't want to meet.

"Im Nayeon..." she muttered under her breath.

All the memories that she tried hard to erase were flooding back into her mind. She remembered her high school school mates hating on her because of the false rumour that Nayeon started. She gritted her teeth and her eyes were trying so hard to avoid Nayeon's. Her head became blurry and everything started to spin. She did not know what to do but her first instinct was to run just away. As she turned around, she took off her graduation robe and passed it to Chaeyoung, before fleeing to the nearest bathroom. She was glad that her parents were not there or else she would have a hard time explaining about it as they did not know about her high school rumour. Surely her depression had started then but they thought it was due to the stress from SATs.

"Yah, you do know that Jisoo doesn't want to see you and you showed up in front of her. Please leave her alone and don't say hi to her even if you see her on the streets," the Aussie girl confronted her high school senior.

"Calm down Rosie girl. It has been 4 years. I thought she was over it. Can't believe she is still as weak as before." Nayeon taunted, her eyes were sparkling, as if she had won from destroying Jisoo with just words.

Chaeyoung wanted to rebut but was stopped by Lisa. Nayeon just walked away, but not forgetting to taunt Chaeyoung about her beloved Jisoo unnie. Jennie, on the other hand was confused. She decided to ask Chaeyoung what happened before she catch up with Jisoo.

"Nayeon spread rumours about Jisoo cheating on her even though they were not officially together. In short, she is a love scammer and a horrible gossiper," explained the Australian but one could hear the anger in her tone.

As soon as the story ended, Jennie went to find Jisoo. She cursed under her breath because of the shades she was wearing to avoid being recognised. She really wished that she could take it off to see better. But soon, she spotted the restroom at the direction that Jisoo was heading and figured that the raven-haired girl would be there.

"Unnie, please, tell me which cubicle you are at." Jennie called out as she stepped into the restroom.

She could hear the sound of sobbing and figured that her dear unnie was in the handicap cubicle. She knocked on the door repeatedly, while calling out for her.

"Please, just open up. I will take you away from here," reassured the younger.

Soon, Jisoo opened the door but the girl walked out, still sobbing. The younger was heart wrenched but embraced her into a hug.

"Just let it all out. It must be hard to shake off the bad memories. Just let it all go," Jennie whispered into Jisoo's ear and patted her head, in hopes to calm the older girl down.

"Can we... can we just... leave here?" said Jisoo softly. She was clearly embarrassed to show her weak side in front of the younger, but she needed the comfort.

"I will text my manager. Lead me to the taxi stand. I will let him know to pick us up there. Pass me your phone. I will text Chaeyoung for you."

Jennie made sure to inform the different parties before walking with the older to the taxi stand. On the way there, she was whispering words of affirmation to calm the girl down even though she wasn't that clear with Rosie's version of Jisoo's past. Her manager was there within 5 minutes and the two girls board the car and left.

"Do you have anywhere to go, to clear your mind?" asked Jennie, when her manager was signalling to Jennie on where to go. Jisoo didn't respond to the younger, as she was visibly rather shaken from the bad memories and sighed before making the decision to go back to her apartment.

"Oppa, please drive us to my apartment."

On the way to the apartment, Jisoo couldn't believe that she had let out her weak side. Nayeon's words just replayed in her mind.

----- At the Apartment -----

"Jennie, I am sorry," said Jisoo, as soon as the girls stepped into the apartment.

"What for? It is not your fault," said Jennie, looking rather confused.

Jisoo inhaled deeply before muttering the thoughts that were running through her head during the car ride.

"I am sorry, I think we should take a break."

Jennie was even more confused of what the older had said and all she could ask was, "what do you mean?"

There was a deafening silence and the younger probed again, "are you breaking up with me?"

Jisoo her lips. Eyes wandering but she wanted to be strong. She can't be the same weak girl that she used to be. Being weak is embarrassing and letting Jennie see her vulnerable made her feel inferior in front of the idol. The raven haird didn't answer. All she did was to walk to the door but was immediately stopped by younger.

"I won't let you go until you tell me straight in the face," said the younger. The entire sentence came out rather harshly. Jennie didn't care. She just needed an explanation at that moment. "Weren't they happy in the first place?" This was what Jennie thought ever since Jisoo initiated the "break".

"Let me go, please," said Jisoo. She was uncomfortable in that situation and the tightness around her wrist was hurting but not as much as the pain she is feeling in her heart.

"No." That was all the idol could say in a assertive manner.

"Fine, Jennie Kim. I had enough of all this. Let's break up. This ring here, I am returning it back to you."

Jisoo yanked Jennie's hand off her wrist and took the Cartier ring off before giving it back to the younger. This was it, the final straw. Jennie was pissed. She couldn’t believe that her girlfriend would break up with her after seeing Nayeon again. Jennie slapped Jisoo's right cheek, hard. She wanted to wake the older up. However, after that slap, Jennie's eyes started to tear. She was hurt. She was hurt by what the older one had done but even more so of what she did to the older. The slap that she justified was not justifiable anymore. She promised to love Jisoo but she ended up hurting her. On the other hand, Jisoo's face remained blank but with the red hand mark still evident on her cheek on her cheek. She didn't feel the pain from that hard slap, as if she was beyond numb from all the bad memories.

"I am sorry for hurting you, but please, don't break up with me. I really love you. Whatever it is, let's just work it out together," pleaded Jennie, as she held the older's hands and brought it close to her chest. She really didn't want to lose the older because of Jisoo's past. She thought that Jisoo would really have enough after that slap. She really loved the older ever since she came into her life.

Jisoo's heart panged at the sight of Jennie crying. She knew that the younger was strong. She thought that Jennie would despise her after seeing her weak side because Jisoo herself find that side of her rather pathetic. She is the pathetic loser that hurt the person closest to her.

"I am sorry. I just can't control my emotions and think clearly. I am sorry. Please, don't cry. It is my fault."

This time it was Jisoo who brought Jennie closer, into her arms and held the younger. The two girls then sat on the floor, hugging each other, comforting each other with their hugs.

"I am sorry, Jennie. I didn't want you to see my weak side, but you've seen it. I thought you would leave me. I don't like to be abandoned, so I decided to initiate it. But your words, they woke me up. I feel so stupid."

"You are not stupid. Please, stop saying all these derogatory terms on yourself. I love you for who you are and to me, you are perfect. Don't change anything about yourself. Show me every side of you. I love you no matter what."

During the entire evening, the couple did not say anything until Jisoo broke the silence. The silence helped her to think better.

"You deserve to know what happened."

Jisoo was ready to reveal the past that haunted her for years. She took a deep breath before telling Jennie her past.

"Nayeon and I go way back in high school. I confessed in my final year, but she took advantage of my feelings for her love of materialistic things. When I wanted to stop all contact with her, she spread false rumours of me cheating on her with many guys and girls in my high school. I slipped into the dark hole and after entering University, I slipped even more because of the pressure, competition and stress."

Jennie figured that the dark hole was Jisoo's depression. She brought the older closer and let her rest on her right shoulder.

"Thank you for sharing. It has been tough, but now, you are at a better place, with me, walking with you, for the rest of your life."

"I am sorry. I love you. Let me take the breakup nonsense back."

"You are mine and I am not letting you go. Don't you dare take off the ring unless I tell you so," Jennie broke the hug and slipped the ring back on Jisoo's finger, before bringing the girl into a hug again.

Sometimes, being in a relationship is tough but it is important to be understanding and supportive. This way, it would help each other to grow. That was what the couple had learnt from this saga. Jisoo promised to treat Jennie right. She was always running away from what may seem bad but now, she knows that even if life is bad, there is always someone waiting for her at the end of the dark tunnel. Jennie will always be there, shining a light, leading her out of the dark hole. Jennie, on the other hand, vowed to be patient and strong. She knows that Jisoo is still adjusting to a better life and will always wait for her even if it may take a long time. Maybe that is why they say it takes two hands to clap for every relationship.

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Hello! A new update. This may be slightly confusing. There are 2 parts to the finale, chapter 9 and 10. Do catch both of them for continuity!


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re-reading this!
Chapter 12: This is so sweet and cute. Even in the firstly i thought it will be sad for jisoo cause she date a idol, but look Jennie is a whipped cute girlfriend. And how sweet Jennie said she always remind Jisoo about her. AWW I CANT THIS IS SO CUTE. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM!!!!????
Chapter 11: Woah, i realized im a silent reader on this one. I also love this... And also my chaelisaaaaaaa

*opens IG app and searches idol's acc* *remembers i cant speak Korean* *cries*
dkdldb #4
Chapter 11: This was nice
dkdldb #5
Chapter 11: This was nice
Chapter 11: That was good!
Chapter 11: This is really nice!
Chapter 11: That's great ending. I do love it.
Thanks you so much xD
575 streak #9
Chapter 11: Kekeke JenSoo and SeulRene jjang!!
Chapter 11: Best ending! ?❤️