
My Favorite Idol

A/N: Oops, didn't know that this chapter was released previously. I forget to edit it to draft mode. Sorry to those who have read it already! Yep, this author-nim is really clumsy. Apologies! I have updated the updated version. Don't worry, the idea of the whole chapter is still about the same, just fluffed it up to make it flow better. Really sorry about it, enjoy~ 

Happy Sunday!

Spy's out!


After 6 months into Jennie's debut, YG had created an official Instagram account for Jennie, OfficialYGJennie. This is the account where Jennie can interact with fans and admins can also update on Jennie's new release or any activities. Jisoo, who already had an account, went to follow the account. She looked through the post. Ok there is 3. She went to like all the photos and commented on them. It would not be difficult to miss her. Her snarky comments, her beautiful goddess like profile picture and a bio that has her name and other details of hers. Furthermore, her instagram account is full of her photos. Definitely shows the one and only Kim Jisoo.

Soon, she received a message from the OfficialYGJennie.

OfficialYGJennie: Hey, are you Jisoo?

sooyaaa: The one and only Kim Jisoo.

OfficialYGJennie: Can you follow my private account @ jennierubyjane?

sooyaaa: Of course, can’t turn down a private invitation

OfficialYGJennie: Cocky much

sooyaaa: I should be. I snagged an idol ;)

OfficialYGJennie: What do you mean? O.O

sooyaaa: Oops, maybe English isn't my forte. Learnt it from a friend. She might have taught me the wrong stuff. I will kill her for you.

OfficialYGJennie: I will let that slide then. Quickly follow my own account. I will delete the conversation here. My manager also manages this account.

Soon after instead of replying, Jisoo followed the private account and started chatting there.

sooyaaa: Alright, princess.

jennierubyjane: Thank you

sooyaaa: No schedule?

Jennierubyjane: Nope, vacation

Sooyaaa: Where are you right now?

Jennierubyjane: LA

Sooyaaa: Enjoy then

Jennierubyjane: Thanks. See you.

Sooyaaa: See you.


Jisoo was bored and decided to look through instagram. Jennie really likes to post a lot of photography stuff and places that she visited. Jisoo liked them all and also left comments, but not revealing Jennie's name else it will cause chaos. She even commented in English so that fans didn’t realise that it is Jennie's private account.

Soon, she received a message.

jennierubyjane: Unnie, whatcha doing?

sooyaaa: Looking at your posts

jennierubyjane: I can tell.  You were literally liking and commenting on all my posts. Now I am starting to wonder if you are really fluent in English or your friend is right beside you, telling you what to type.

Jisoo laughed inwardly. Maybe she got Chaeyoung to give her an English crash course. She had never learnt something so hard during her Uni life. Besides, Yonsei students are required to understand basic English.

sooyaaa: anyways, how are you princess?

jennierubyjane: is this your way of talking? Princess huh. Do u call everyone that?

sooyaaa: Nope, my nickname for you

jennierubyjane: Gimme a special one

sooyaaa: Hmm... jendeukie princess

jennierubyjane: sounds cute! I like it

sooyaaa: alright then, jendeukie princess it shall be

jennierubyjane: I shall call you jichu unnie then

sooyaaa: chu~

jennierubyjane: chu~

sooyaaa: i guess we are being silly right now huh?

jennierubyjane: You started it first. Anyways, I got to go. Text ya later!

sooyaaa: Date?

jennierubyjane: Yep, my friend invited me over for coffee.

sooyaaa: Enjoy~


-3 months later-

Dispatch reports that YG solo artiste and Kai from EXO are dating. They have been dating for 3 months. YG stated that they started out as a Hoobae and Sunbae relationship but feelings developed as time progresses.

Jisoo tossed her phone on her bed. She didn't know why her heart started to ache. She quickly picked up her phone and dialled her best friend.

"Hello~" said Chaeyoung as she picked up her ringing phone. She knew that Jisoo preferred to text over calling. It must be urgent.

"Chaeyoung ah, I am not feeling too good. Can you come over?" the brunette sounded so weak. Her voice was hoarse and the line felt so lifeless.

"Wae? Ok, I will go there. Give me 30 minutes," reassured the younger but it was obvious that her voice was laced with concern.

"Thanks," whispered the devastated girl as she hung up the call before tossing the phone to the other corner of the bed, while she was curled up on the right, with tears streaming down her face.


"Unnie!" Chaeyoung barged into her room and found the said girl laying on her bed with a blank expression.

It can't be... Chaeyoung thought to herself. The last time she saw Jisoo being like this was 3 years ago. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as last time. The last time she came in, the older's room was in a mess, furniture and items strewn all over the room. The then Jisoo laid restlessly on the floor, tears flowing non-stop. At least this time, the room was not messy and the brunette was not crying anymore even though she could see that her cheeks were stained with dried tears. Nonetheless, she knew that it was still serious.

"What happened to you?" cried the Aussie as she made her way to Jisoo’s side, embracing the vulnerable girl on her left sight.

"I am sorry. I guess I should have listened to your advice," the brunette whispered softly. Voice still strained.

"Tell me everything. I kinda get what is happening but not quite." The blonde Aussie girl the older’s head, hoping that this would calm her down as she recount everything she’s feeling.

"Jennie... She is dating Kai. I thought that I would be ok with it but I turns out that I fell for her. I know I should have controlled my emotions a bit more but I can’t Chaeyoung ah… I can’t."

"Unnie, you know that you aren't good at controlling your feelings. I thought one Im Nayeon was enough," Chaeyoung sighed as she gently rubbed her shoulder.

"I don't know that I like her to that extent. I swore it was just platonic," confessed the older. She thought all this was for fun. An outlet to relieve her stress. Turns out that things just got out of hand.

"Come here. I think the best thing to do is to just accept the fact that you are romantically in love with her and wish her well. This would help you get over your feelings for her," said the blondie as she sat on the bed and pulled the sad girl into a huge embrace. Sometimes, Jisoo just needed a hug to feel better.

"I feel so silly for liking someone that I know I couldn't have. Yet, it is not the first time." the older girl had a huge ego and making any tiny or a recurrent mistake would make her feel as though she was a failure. She would break down so badly.

It was not the first time Chaeyoung witnessed it. She just hoped that Jisoo will not slip into depression again. The brunette had slipped into depression once, after being in Yonsei and because of that Im Nayeon incident. She did not want to recall what happened. It took Jisoo the courage to step foot into the therapist's office after being in emotional pain for so long. The older girl she had known way back in high school was always very bright and dependable, but became someone who was so withdrawn and whose words were so harsh and practical that made the world seemed like it was difficult place to live in. It was only after 3 months of therapy where Jisoo returned to her normal self but not quite as there was a newly formed barrier around her. The older even decided to put on a fake cocky appearance to make sure that she never get cheated on again. The pure and innocent Jisoo became a cautious person, hiding her true feelings to the world since that fateful day. It was only until Jennie came along that brought her back to her normal self. The younger thought that Jisoo’s fangirling hobby would get her out of the pain she experienced but the blondie didn’t know that it would escalate into something that may potentially turn out bad.

"At least you know how to ask for help. Shh, it's ok, I am here with you. Let it all out. Just know that we can't control our feelings and that falling in love is a beautiful feeling that God let us experience,” the younger whispered kind words into her ears.

After letting Jisoo cry for a while, she heard soft whimpers but soon turned into light snores. The girl must have been too exhausted that she cried herself to sleep. Chaeyoung knew that she had to do something, for the friend of hers. She knew along the lines that older brunette had been keeping in touch with Jennie via Instagram and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"I am sorry Unnie. Please forgive me," Chaeyoung reached out for Jisoo’s phone that was laying on the other side of the bed and went into the app, pulling out the DM page.

Jennierubyjane. This must be it.

She went to follow Jennie's account on her own Instagram account before crafting a text to the said girl.

roses_are_rosie: Hi, you must be Jennie Kim. I am Jisoo's best friend. Please stay away from Jisoo. She is hurting so much after she knew that you are dating. You must think that she is a normal fan that has feelings for her idol but no, she is a very sensitive person and someone who values building relationship with people. She loves you romantically and is now hurting very badly. I think it is best for you to stay away from her. Just make it clear to her if you don't feel the same way. Thank you and I sincerely hope that this message reaches you and you would know what to do.


Jennie knew that it was her instagram when her phone lit up. Ever since her dating news had been released, her work phone was basically lighting up very frequently. She did take a look at her phone at first. Her official instagram account was flooded with messages from NiNis and EXO-Ls. Some congratulated and wished her well in her relationship while some were just curses and EXO-Ls telling her to leave their oppa. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

She immediately picked up her work phone and switched off the notification to instagram before calling her manager.

"Manager oppa, what is going on? Why is news spreading that I am dating EXO's Kai?" The angry Jennie was literally raising her voice at her manager.

"I thought I said that I am not? You know that I was at Paris for work right. Trust the company to distort the facts," continued the fuming girl. She worked hard to gain the fanbase that she had. She will not let some scandal affect her hard work. 

"Jennie, just let the management handle this. They will probably meet up with you soon. It is not the first time that YG used dating scandals for publicity. You know that right? Dont worry, I will ask the management for an answer. Just take the day off to do some stuff. Don't use your phone or just delete instagram. I will get you some food and drop by your apartment later," replied her manager calmly.

"Thank you oppa," the girl thanked her manager. She knew that she should not have raised her voice at someone who had taken care of her ever since she had became a solo artiste. She scoffed internally, hoping that management would do something right. 

After the conversation with her manager, she put her work phone aside and went to grab her personal phone.

"At least I won't get harrassed here." she thought to herself.

As Jnenie her phone, she saw a notification. A DM from someone she didn't know. She went to the app and read the message.

roses_are_rosie: Hi, you must be Jennie Kim. I am Jisoo's best friend. Please stay away from Jisoo. She is hurting so much after she knew that you are dating. You must think that she is a normal fan that has feelings for her idol but no, she is a very sensitive person and someone who values building relationship with people. She loves you romantically and is now hurting very badly. I think it is best for you to stay away from her. Just make it clear to her if you don't feel the same way. Thank you and I sincerely hope that this message reaches you and you know what to do.

Jennie gasped. She was confused with everything that was happening. First, her dating scandal and now her fan-friend's friend had approached her. She didn't know that being an idol was this tough but she was definitely affected by Jisoo more. She wanted to clear the air and reach out to her favourite fan but it seemed like it wouldn't be a good time now.

jennierubyjane: Hi, I am sorry but the dating scandal is fake. Please, believe me. It is some ploy by the management. I will explain to Jisoo. I really treasure our friendship. I do have good feelings for her but maybe not as much as she has for me but I promise, the feeling is mutual. Thank you for reaching out.

The young idol went to her DM page and her finger tapped onto hers and the fan's mesaging thread. 

jennierubyjane: Jichu unnie, the dating scandal is fake. Please don't believe it. It is some ploy by my management. I am worried about you. Let's talk about it.


A/N pt 2: Ok, why do I make YG ent sound like a bad company, hmmm. Hope you have enjoyed this update. Next one 2 weeks later! Ciao! 

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Hello! A new update. This may be slightly confusing. There are 2 parts to the finale, chapter 9 and 10. Do catch both of them for continuity!


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re-reading this!
Chapter 12: This is so sweet and cute. Even in the firstly i thought it will be sad for jisoo cause she date a idol, but look Jennie is a whipped cute girlfriend. And how sweet Jennie said she always remind Jisoo about her. AWW I CANT THIS IS SO CUTE. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM!!!!????
Chapter 11: Woah, i realized im a silent reader on this one. I also love this... And also my chaelisaaaaaaa

*opens IG app and searches idol's acc* *remembers i cant speak Korean* *cries*
dkdldb #4
Chapter 11: This was nice
dkdldb #5
Chapter 11: This was nice
Chapter 11: That was good!
Chapter 11: This is really nice!
Chapter 11: That's great ending. I do love it.
Thanks you so much xD
575 streak #9
Chapter 11: Kekeke JenSoo and SeulRene jjang!!
Chapter 11: Best ending! ?❤️