
My Favorite Idol

Jisoo was at home, lazing on her head while reminiscing the fanmeet. She really enjoyed the fanmeet. It was not her first fanmeet but Jennie's one was definitely the best. She got out of her bed and took the album that was on her side table. She then laid on the bed again, lifting the album above the face and read the note written there. She lightly touched it and smiled to herself.

"See you at my next fanmeet," the sweet voice and the beautiful face was etched on her mind and repeating like a broken record. To Jisoo, it was a promise to keep. She had been keeping a lookout for the schedule from the YG regularly and even begged Chaeyoung to help her.

"Yah unnie, thank God that I am doing it as a favour for the mic that you are going to buy for me. To be honest, I should just work at YG from now on," said Chaeyoung. Jisoo chuckled as she remembered meeting Chaeyeong at the coffee house near her school. Chaeyoung was slightly annoyed that she had to do this for her unnie, but nonetheless, Jisoo had always stuck by her side and gave her advice back in high school. She had to do the same for the angel unnie.

"You sing and dance yourself. You should consider," remarked the older one. She was impressed by how the younger sang a bunch of English songs and even freestyled once while they were at the karaoke room.

"Nah, you know that they have a bad rep when it comes to their girl groups right? They are infamously 2nd, behind Pledis. Actually, I think it is the ill-treatment to all of their groups," replied the younger. Chaeyoung had always wanted to be a producer. Maybe singing and dancing is her passion but she would rather do it at the side. With the rise of live streaming, she could always sing and dance during her free time. She would rather spend most of her time learning and working on TV shows or films. That is where her dream lies, being a famous producer.

"Consider solo then. They are doing a good job with Jennie though," Jisoo had always encourage the girl to be an idol since it is a waste of talent to hide it by being backstage. Being a producer is way difficult. At least the idol route would get her a steady income that could last her a long time, even after retiring from the music industry. Anyways, Jisoo wanted to respect Chaeyoung's decisions. At least she has a dream, unlike the older, who still do not know what she wanted to do. The degree of hers could probably get her an office job. Maybe she could go into acting, Jisoo knows that she is good looking anyways.

"Unnie, you do know that Jennie just debuted like a week ago. You should wait for a year or 2 before making such comments," the younger rolled her eyes and drank her coffee.

"Touché," replied Jisoo, raising her hands up as she conceded defeat.

"Anyways, your eyes only have Jennie. Have you considered what if she is dating another idol or a famous celebrity? You will be crushed," said the girl as she stared into Jisoo's eyes. She had the 'you know what I am referring to' face. (A/N: Maybe a sad chapter to feature a crushed Jisoo :/)

"Whatever, it's not like I am in love with her anyways," Jisoo immediately avoided her eyes, she felt a strange feeling in her, maybe guilt. Jisoo had not been on the lucky side when it comes to love.

"Keep your feelings in check. I don't want a second round of moppy Jisoo unnie," the Aussie girl reminded the older, sipping her drink, as she looked out of the window. She knew that Jisoo would not be feeling too good after being reminded of the incident that happened back in high school.


Jisoo was looking through the dates of the music stages she got from her dear friend but unfortunately due to school, she can't make it until the last stage.

"I must get hold of it!" Jisoo thought to herself, determination can be seen through her eyes.

She then looked through the fanmeet dates released from YG. She will be going to Busan after her final exams. She might as well go to the fanmeet at Busan. It was a promise to keep.


-2 months later-

Jisoo had finally finished her last paper. The last paper was alright but the other papers that were held earlier that week were not to her expectations. Jisoo knew that she could still graduate with a degree.

"Whatever, it is just a piece of paper to enter the workforce. I will accept whatever grade I got," she spat bitterly. She tried really hard every semester, but it may be because her peers are smart. Her university is referred to one of the SKY. She wondered why that acronym though, but after 4 years there she knew why. Majority of the students will fall from the SKY. Only those who are a genius would be able to survive. Sometimes, Jisoo still wonders why she chose that University out of the many in the country. She could have chosen the lower ranking ones to save her agony. Maybe it was the location. Yonsei was the nearest to where she lived.

"Nevermind that, it is internship during the final semester, I am already out of that hell," Jisoo thought to herself. She was happy that she could spend her time doing what she love which is binge watching to many dramas, variety shows, and even listen to her favourite songs 24/7.

She did all that once she reached home but suddenly remembered about the Busan trip that she planned during the recess week. Thank goodness she had 3 days pack her belongings. Jisoo had planned for a solo trip to Busan to clear her mind. She had always wanted to travel alone. Even though it was just within the country, she could feel as though her wings of freedom were about the spread out from her back proudly. Even when she hit the age of 21, her parents did not allow her to travel out of Seoul alone. Whenever she had invitation from friends to travel abroad together, she had to ask her parents for their permission. Her parents would only agree if the location was deemed safe. It only recently where she had the courage to ask her parents to grant her a little more freedom where she managed to go to Busan alone. She even did up a PowerPoint presentation to cover her itinerary. She didn't have to worry where to stay because her parents still kept her grandmother's house even though she had passed away in May last year.


- D-Day: Busan Trip -

"Jisoo ah, here is some money for you. Enjoy. Do you need Appa to drive you to the KTX station?" Her mother caught her just in time when Jisoo was about to leave the house.

"Aniya, I can go there on my own. Thanks for the money. I have enough for the trip. I will just keep it just in case of emergency. I will return it back," replied the Korean girl. Before she left the house, she waved goodbye to her mother.

Jisoo was on her way to the nearest KTX station, which was a few bus stops away. She was glad that she had decided to bring a haversack instead of lugging around a luggage. She contemplated to bring her mini-sized luggage for the 2 week trip, but decided against it as she remembered she had some clothes left at her grandmother's place. The whole journey to Busan was about 2h 30 min after reaching the KTX station. In the train, she was so excited for her trip and most importantly to meet her favourite idol. She was scrolling through Jennie's fansite which had the latest updates on her news. She was against sasaengs' actions of stalking idols but at least even the craziest NiNi fans do repect Jennie's privacy. (A/N: Have y'all heard of Nayeon's sasaeng fan? It is downright harrassment.)

On the way there, Jisoo was listening to Jennie's album. Even though it only have 5 songs, it was on loop. She had listened to all 5 songs for a million time, but all the songs felt as though they were newly released. Her favourite song was definitely the acoustic version of Whistle. It showcased Jennie's years of training. Her clean powerful husky vocals that sounded like honey coated her eardrums. When it transited to the rap, the soft nasal and velvety rap sent shivers down her spine. She really liked how someone's voice can bring different layers of emotions.

Once she reached Busan, she took the bus to her grandmother's house. She had three more hours before the fanmeet. She decided to take a short nap before changing out into a nice outfit and did her make up to see her idol. Jisoo wore a baby blue knitted top and paired it with a black pencil skirt. For her makeup, she decided to go for a summer look. She lightly drew her brows with he brown brow pencil to give them a more even look, used pink and light brown eye shadow to accentuate her cat-like eyes and a light pink blush to highlight her strong cheek bone. Lastly, she used peach coloured lipstick to give a more youthful look. She was aware of her one year and did not want to look obviously older than the younger. Lastly, she did her hair. She arranged her see-through bangs. She had grown bangs during the semester because she wanted a new look. She felt giddy with excitement. It felt almost like she had to dress to impress her date. The girl decided to grab the cab there as she did not want to ruin the make-up and the hair with all the sweat. It was already summertime and Busan gets really hot during the summer season. (A/N: Author-nim is bad at make-up but imagine a very beautiful Jisoo. It is not that difficult right ;))

- Fanmeet Time -

While waiting for Jennie to appear on stage, she took out her legendary banner from her bag and her light stick. After the debut stage, she decided to go all out with her fangirling mode. It was what got the ice princess' attention. When Jennie graced the stage with her presence, Jisoo could tell that Jennie did look surprised to see her in Busan and maybe because of her new hairstyle. She remembered Seulgi could hardly recognise her when she sent a photo of her look before she left her granny's house. She saw a wink from the ice princess, and she could feel her cheeks feeling hotter than usual. After a few songs. It was time for the fansign. She was glad that she was the first few to meet her favourite idol. Instead of feeling nervous during the first one, she had become much more confident. Maybe that wink of validation from the younger had boosted her self-confidence.

"Hey there, I have waited. Can't believe I get to see you at Busan," the young idol smiled at her fan. Jennie did wait not expect to see Jisoo so soon. She thought that she would meet her fan on her next comeback.

"Sorry to make you wait. Finally done with school. I am at Busan for a holiday and you happen to be here. So why not just swing by," said the older.

"You make it sound so easy. Anyways, are you graduating soon?" asked Jennie. She was writing a note on the album while listening to Jisoo.

"Nope, 1 more semester but it is an internship. Had my last paper a few days ago." The older replied and there was a hint of happiness but sadness soon laced towards the end of the sentence.

"All the best!" The younger replied, hoping that the encouragement would at least comfort the older.

"Thanks, I would need it," the older sighed. Her right hand then propped her head as she stared at the younger writing.

"Why?" Jennie then looked up as she asked. The conversation felt as though they were having a casual chat over coffee at a cafe.

"Uni had been wrecking my life. But it is bearable, because of you," replied the older, as she stared into the younger's eyes.

"You are getting really confident nowadays, must be your new look huh?" remarked Jennie as she looked away, not wanting her fan to see her cheeks turning pink.

"You like it?" Jisoo continued to look at her intently, hoping that the idol would say yes.

"Definitely. You do know that you look like an idol right, with this look of yours?"

Jisoo was beyond thrilled but a cocky smile soon plastered on Jisoo's face.

"I know, many people say that I look like Dara."

The younger rolled her eyes and wanted to turn the table around in their conversation but her manager had tapped on her back, signalling that Jennie should wrap up the conversation.

"I guess it is a goodbye. See you again, someday!" the younger gave her a huge grin.

"See you, my favourite idol." The cocky smile soon replaced with a genuine one.


A/N: Hope that y'all like this chapter! Hopefully the next one will be updated 2 weeks later. I will try to post during the weekends, fortnightly. The plan is to have maybe 6 to 8 chapters. The next chapter will be more JenSoo centric. This chapter is to mainly introduce Jisoo's character in the story a little more. Feel free to give your suggestions :) 

Since it is a new year, all the best to who are still studying and to those who are working, get the promotions and pay rise! Have a great weekend readers! :)

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Hello! A new update. This may be slightly confusing. There are 2 parts to the finale, chapter 9 and 10. Do catch both of them for continuity!


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re-reading this!
Chapter 12: This is so sweet and cute. Even in the firstly i thought it will be sad for jisoo cause she date a idol, but look Jennie is a whipped cute girlfriend. And how sweet Jennie said she always remind Jisoo about her. AWW I CANT THIS IS SO CUTE. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM!!!!????
Chapter 11: Woah, i realized im a silent reader on this one. I also love this... And also my chaelisaaaaaaa

*opens IG app and searches idol's acc* *remembers i cant speak Korean* *cries*
dkdldb #4
Chapter 11: This was nice
dkdldb #5
Chapter 11: This was nice
Chapter 11: That was good!
Chapter 11: This is really nice!
Chapter 11: That's great ending. I do love it.
Thanks you so much xD
575 streak #9
Chapter 11: Kekeke JenSoo and SeulRene jjang!!
Chapter 11: Best ending! ?❤️