
My Favorite Idol

A/N: Hello! Sorry for taking so long to update chapter 6. I didn't manage to finish the chapter by Sunday because of mid semester tests and all the assignments. It was the mid semester break last week but it didn't feel like one because of the assignments and preparation for tests. I only managed to write the structure during the "break". Hope that you all will enjoy reading this one, hope that it is fluffy enough :) I almost cringed at what I wrote hahaha XD Find someone that treats you like a precious child just like fictional Jennie. A happy chapter, yay! ^.^

Btw, stay safe! The coronavirus epidemic is getting worse by the day.

Ok, tbh I don't know where to take this fic to, so there will be an update 2 weeks later (22 March, Sun). Ok, I have some accountability here, so most probably I will have a chapter ready by then. Hahaha feel free to send me a reminder if I did not manage to update by then!

Remember to read the story till the end if you like it and do give an upvote, subscribe and comment :)

Ok. I shall stop talking. Enjoy!


After that fateful night, both Jennie and Jisoo have been together for close to a month now.

“Jichu! Will you be free later?” Jennie called the older girl since she was done with her practice and exercise regime for the day. The first person she thought of calling is her girlfriend. She grinned at the thought. Finally having someone to spend her time with after a long day of work.

“My dear, today is a weekday. You do know I am working as an intern," teased the older girl while she was busy scanning documents. She had to use them as supporting documents in order to raise payment (also outstanding ones) for her department. She couldn't believe that there were outstanding payments even before she joined the company. Was it a gift or a surprise? Either ways, it was definitely a huge surprise and a gift when she received an email from her manager about the outstanding payment. He knew that it wasn't Jisoo's fault since it was a payment that was due in December last year, but he needed help as he was on his annual leave. Anyways, hearing Jennie's voice made her feel better and teasing mode Jisoo was switched on.

“Aww, there is this cool café that we can go," Jennie was so disappointed because she wanted to see the older girl soon. 

“Maybe later at night or during the weekends? Anyways, it's just 3pm, don’t you have a job, Ms Idol? Maybe friends too, you know like Kai,” the older girl teased again. This conversation was making her mundane job fun and being at the copy room, she had more freedom to answer phone calls.

“Haha dungeon time I suppose. I do have a few performance gig and photo shoots, but not till next week. I just went to practice, and I am done for the day. You know that the idol, Kai, isn't my friend and sadly I can't bring my pet, Kai, out. Yah, I just want to go to this cafe with you," the young idol could tell that Jisoo was teasing her and decided to add some sass to her tone, but she lost it towards the end. Her true emotions came out so easily when it involved Jisoo.

“You are a lucky girl though, done at 3. Ok, we will go to the cafe someday, ok? I do want to go there with you," the older replied sincerely. She was glad that there is finally someone in her life that she can explore cafes and doing fun stuff together.

“Anyways, fighting! I will hang up now, see you later. You are dropping by, right?” asked the younger girl hopefully.

“Definitely, bye princess Jenduekie. I love you."

Jisoo hung up the phone after hearing Jennie's sweet "I love you too".

Everytime after work, Jisoo will pop by Jennie’s apartment to spend time together, for most of the week. There will be times where Jisoo would not drop by because of being tired from a long day of work, and it is usually on a Monday or Wednesday. Jennie did not mind it as it does get tiring to travel.  However, on those absent days, Jisoo will facetime her so in the end, they are still spending time together every day.

Even though this feeling may be new to Jennie, she is glad to have someone for emotional support. She definitely loves the girl. Their monthsary is just next week but she has a photoshoot all day long, so she decided to celebrate it today. She did not expect anything from Jisoo but she knew she had to make it an elaborate celebration since this is their first monthsary. She was especially apologetic that they couldn’t go out because of her image as an idol but a celebration at home would suffice. She called her manager to shopping for decorations, food and a gift too.


Jisoo on the other hand was waiting for time to pass after raising the necessary payments. She was “busy” with her job, filing and shredding papers. At least the job was quite chill, and paid decently well. She went to focus on her task and made sure to complete everything before the end of the day. Besides, it is a Friday and she gets to knock-off 30 minutes earlier. She couldn't wait to meet her girl. When the clock struck 5pm, she gathered her things and left the building immediately, making her way to her girlfriend’s apartment. On the way there, she walked pass a jewellery store and was reminded of their coming monthsary. The jewellery was really pretty and suited Jennie. She went into the store.

She decided to buy 2 things, a gift for Jennie and a couple item for them. As she browsed through the display, she saw a pair of earrings that looked really beautiful, silver leaves tassel stud earrings. She knew that Jennie would like it. Next, she browsed through the couple rings section and bought two simple rose gold band with a diamond on it. After making her purchase, she asked for the items to be packed separately and put them in her handbag. She left the store for the idols' apartment.


After 30 minutes of travelling, the Yonsei student had reached the idol's place and was standing by the door, waiting for the girl to open it. Even though Jennie had given her the passcode, she preferred to wait since she felt that it was rude to enter when the owner wasn't ready. she chuckled to herself remembering that Jennie said that she was practically the other owner of the apartment. The older girl reminded the younger that YG was paying for the apartment and the latter became pouty. She had fun reminiscing how cute the younger was.

"Coming! Give me a few minutes!"

Jisoo could hear the brunette called out form inside and she thought to herself, "Jennie must be busy in the kitchen."

It was only after a while when the door cracked open and in front of her was the idol, not in her PJs but in her elegant white dress, and her brunette hair was nicely styled. It was wavy and Jisoo could tell that the girl also had more make-up on.

"Wow," the older girl gawked at her girlfriend, checking the girl out from head to toe, and that was the only word she could mutter.

"Come on in," the younger grinned and pulled the older into her house. Jennie knew that making Jisoo wait was worth it. She looks stunning and her perfect candlelit dinner will impress the older even more. As the student was led to the dining area, she was amazed at the set up. It had the banner, 'Happy 1st Monthsary' and the table had a plate of steak ready, with a candle in between.

"Happy Monthsary, babe," Jennie whispered into Jisoo's ear and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Oh, Happy Monthsary. Wow, Jennie. You prepared all this?" Asked Jisoo, who was seemingly impressed by the setting And the food.

"Yep, together with my manager. Do you like it? I wanted to have the celebration early because I will have a photoshoot on the actual day. I am sorry."

"I love it, thank you. Btw, I got you a present on the way here. Do you want it now?"

"Let's exchange it later. Try the steak that I made."

Jisoo went to Jennie's side and cut the steak for her before going back to her seat and enjoy her portion. While the girl was cutting Jennie's steak, she mentally gave Jisoo plus points. She was glad that her girlfriend was so sweet to her. She was even gladder when Jisoo took her first bite. The raven haired smiled brightly at the taste and nodded her head vigorously while praising the younger of her superb cooking skills.

"Jennie ah, you are a good cook! Marry me. I will live for your cooking!" Exclaimed Jisoo as she devoured the food.

Jennie grinned at the cute sight and was trying to dab off the sauce on the older's face and wondered who is the younger one or if Jisoo's real age was 4 years old instead of 24.

The two talked about their week and Jennie laughed at whatever office stories that she shared. She heard of office politics, but she didn't expect that instead of office politics, it was more of office humours like colleagues eating all of the snacks until the manager was whining for food or colleagues eating 24/7. Jennie, on the other hand, was sharing on her schedule and showed Jisoo some songs that she had been working on for the next comeback.

"The music is great! Hahaha, does this mean that I don't need to stream your music and do I get a free album?" asked Jisoo cheekily.

"Yah! Stream for me! Actually, you have free fan meet every day, getting an album doesn't hurt your wallet right?" Jennie countered back, smirking, as if winning the debate.

"Fine, you win," replied the older and sipped her red wine.

After the main course, Jennie had also served dessert, a no-bake cheesecake.

"You are really full of surprises," Jisoo remarked as she ate the dessert. It was so good that she finished it in an instance. On the other hand, all Jennie felt was warmth in her heart. She could do this everyday, cooking for someone she loves.

"You are really like a baby," Jennie, again, was doing her motherly duty of wiping the cream from Jisoo's face. While she was wiping the cream off, she could feel something soft and cold on the tip of her nose.

"Yah Kim Jisoo! I wiped the cream off you, and you put cream on my face. Come here!"

As she realised what happened, Jisoo had already ran away from the dining room, into the living room, using the cushion as a shield, while Jennie was trying to get cream on the childish girl's face. After a good amount of chasing, both collapsed on the couch and Jisoo wiped the cream off from the tip of Jennie's nose.

"Thank you for everything, I love you," said Jisoo with sincerity, as she looked into Jennie's eyes.

"It's my pleasure. Do you know that I can do this every day? Cooking for you, taking care of you and loving you. I love you too," the younger confessed back.

Silence engulfed them, but it was a peaceful one. Jisoo stood up to take her gift and gave it to the girl.

"Here is your gift. A pair of earrings. I hope you like them. Also, I got us couple rings, as a testimonial of our love."

Jisoo put the ring on for Jennie before putting on hers. She then took out the box of earrings and opened it. Jennie was so touched and teared. She loved all the gift, especially the rings, since both had the same one. She loved the earrings too and she would wear it out all the time.

"I didn't know that we are celebrating today, or I could have gotten flowers and chocolates. It feels like something is missing..." Jisoo was rambling off but Jennie just cut her off with a kiss. She was satisfied with everything. Even if there wasn't any gift, Jisoo's presence alone was enough.

"I love you and I love every item that you got. Nothing is missing because you are here, spending time with me."

Jisoo blushed and dived in for another kiss, a long passionate one. She did not want the idol to see her blush, but the blush was so obvious that Jennie had seen it.

The young couple were sitting on the couch, sealing their love with a long and passionate french kiss under the moonlight.


A/N pt 2: A single line to wrap up the chapter because let's give the fictional JenSoo some privacy, hehehe ^.^ Really hope that you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I do!

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Hello! A new update. This may be slightly confusing. There are 2 parts to the finale, chapter 9 and 10. Do catch both of them for continuity!


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re-reading this!
Chapter 12: This is so sweet and cute. Even in the firstly i thought it will be sad for jisoo cause she date a idol, but look Jennie is a whipped cute girlfriend. And how sweet Jennie said she always remind Jisoo about her. AWW I CANT THIS IS SO CUTE. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM!!!!????
Chapter 11: Woah, i realized im a silent reader on this one. I also love this... And also my chaelisaaaaaaa

*opens IG app and searches idol's acc* *remembers i cant speak Korean* *cries*
dkdldb #4
Chapter 11: This was nice
dkdldb #5
Chapter 11: This was nice
Chapter 11: That was good!
Chapter 11: This is really nice!
Chapter 11: That's great ending. I do love it.
Thanks you so much xD
575 streak #9
Chapter 11: Kekeke JenSoo and SeulRene jjang!!
Chapter 11: Best ending! ?❤️