Complete change.

Everything happened because of a 'Fake' Will. (His Parent's Will and Love.)

That very night that Lynette drag me into the car and said something about 'Mission start', was about 2 weeks ago. Yes, 2 weeks. And I haven't seen Myungsoo oppa for that long. I didn't return back to his house. Instead, I moved out of there, thanks to Woohyun and Lynette, They took my belongings out from the house. The very next day, I took a plane and off I am right now, In Jeju island. Lynette is staying with me in a small apartment here while Woohyun is back in Seoul right now. He would occasionally come and visit us or should I say, Lynette? I'm guessing he has a crush on Lynette. What are we doing here, you may ask. Well, Lynette told me that I needed a change. I took a leave from school for 2 months with reason being family problems. Here, Lynette made me wear clothes that stands out, changed my hair to the colour of light red and side fringe with a long wavy curls for the rest of my hair. The last one that she wanted me to change was my character. I was taught by her to fight back whenever I got bullied, go for what I want and not to blend into the crowd but stand out. I am going to stay here for another 2 weeks and I will be back in Seoul. To complete her 'Mission'. She told me that I will be fighting for Myungsoo oppa and I will need lots of energy. Seohyun and Goo Ara? Revenge time. Right now, I am totally a different person, completely different from my old self.

"Eonni!" I heard her shouting for me in the kitchen.

"Coming!" I walk towards the kitchen and saw her making... CHOCOLATES?! WTH!

"Why are you making chocolates?!" I asked her.

"These are for Woohyun oppa! He told me he has a craving for homemade chocolates so I am making for him." She replied while still stiring the mixture.

"I see, There's something going on between you two I swear!" I nudge her while wriggling my eyebrows.

"Well, for now, nothing. But I can't say the same for the future." She face me with a smile and went back to the chocolates.

"Anyway, why are you calling me here?"

"Aye... I need some help with this!"

"Alright alright. What do I have to do?"

"Pour this in there." I took it and pour slowly into each space.

-2 hours later- 

We finished making chocolates and I packed it into a box and wrap it with a ribbon. You may think Hyeonae Eonni change a lot. But to tell you the truth, She haven't change much at all. She may act different and all but deep inside, She still has that innocent side to her. 2 more weeks and all our efforts would be paid off. Anyway back to earth, Woohyun oppa will be in 30 minutes so, I guess I gotta get change right now.

"I'm going to get chage now! Sleep early tonight, I won't be back that early!" I shouted to eonni.

"Alright!" Honestly, I'm still a little worried that she might think a little to much if she's alone.

After changing and everything, 30 minutes passed and I had to go. I left the house and went for my 'date' with woohyun oppa.


I am alone again..  Well, I guess this is a good time to relax on my own. I wander around the house, cleaning up and stuff. Soon, it was night time so I prepared my own dinner and cleaned up. After that, I went to sleep, another day gone again. The day to see Myungsoo oppa is nearing and I am curious about what he thinks of this new me. Beauty calls, I needa sleep. So long, Myungsoo oppa, Good night.


I couldn't update for so long! I'm so sorry guys): I am busy this few days. Enjoy, I'll update again!(: I'll try my best to update as often as I can. I am also having a writer's block~ AHHHHH!

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 78: Really amazing story!!!
darkdaredevil #2
Chapter 51: The story's awesome
Kamilia98 #3
Chapter 43: Hahha sorry im newbie i read ur story and it is DAEBAK i will subscribe ones i finish reading it :)
Shereen_JiaYi #4
Chapter 4: I thought L's surname is "Kim" not "Lee" ?
kayla982 #5
Chapter 43: Sorry I'm a newbie here but i'll subscribe as soon as i finish your story :)
amyyy99 #6
Chapter 78: LOLOL! im dying over Myungsoo and his needs for 50 kids XD
zyierra #7
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
zyierra #8
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
It's a good story ^^ ... But I'll think you have to more develop the "drama" scene ... When she want to take her revenge with Woohyun we don't know exactly what she doing with him ... and when Myungsoo learnt for his parents I'll think you can more describ his emotion ^^.
Chapter 8: I just don't get one things ... She don't want to live with Lynette but che accept to live with Myungsoo ...