Chapt. 08

Half Cursed Half Blessed



Dahyun had an objective the first thing she entered the school, to try and talk to both Sana and Momo. Tzuyu's words from before were still lingering in her mind, they held on tightly, no planning to let go. All throughout, classes came ended like a breeze, faster than expected, which was what she wanted, she wanted to talk during lunch, she was eager, to say the least. So here she is, running through the halls towards the cafeteria, spotting the group at the usual table.

And of course, nothing has to happen as planned.

As Dahyun was walking towards their table, a strong grip was placed on her shoulder, it was painful, before Dahyun could react, the grip spun her around harshly, grabbed her neck and pinned her down on the floor. Loud gasps echoed through the walls, everyone was shocked, two, in particular, were fuming.

Dahyun looked up to see a guy, a Demon, his grip strong and hard on her neck, she was starting to be short on air. The guy examined her closely, leaning down towards her face. Dahyun's mind began to form illusions, the mad scientist flashing before her eyes. Dahyun reached up to grab his arm on her neck, trying to pry it off. Only hearing a scoff.

"So you were the talk of the school while I was gone. Weak ugly ." He snarled. Dahyun frowned deeply, she was pissed. Her grip on his arm tightened, waves of electricity sparking rapidly through her hands, the guy quickly changed to a shocked expression, the electricity dashed through his arm and impacted itself into his face, causing him to fly off. Hitting the ground hard. Dahyun quickly sat up and massaged her neck, breathing deeply. The guy groaned loudly, she looked around, a crowd of students stunned, shocked. The guy quickly stood up and walked towards Dahyun, but thankfully keeping his distance this time.

"Do you know who I am? I can get you kicked out in seconds," The guy hissed to Dahyun, Dahyun only smiled.

"No, do you know who I am?" Dahyun replied calmly.

"No, and I don't care," He replied with a smirk.

"Good," Dahyun smiled again and walked off, leaving the guy dumbfounded and students smirking. Dahyun almost at the table when she quickly turned around and catch the object in hand, Dahyun examined the object, a dagger. She looked to see a more stunned Demon in a throwing position, Dahyun could only chuckle, he tried to injure her. Dahyun then quickly threw the dagger back towards him but at the floor in front of him, causing him to jump and squeal like an idiot. Dahyun was finally able to sit back down on the table, taking out her packed lunch from home, she quickly looked up only to see shocked faces and an amused Tzuyu, Dahyun sighed and proceed to eat as if nothing happened. The atmosphere eventually died down and everyone started to talk, all except Sana, Momo and Dahyun. Dahyun was again sitting beside the two awkward Japanese Angels.

Dahyun sighed and took opportunity, she placed her two hands on both of their tighs, causing them to jump, the two looked towards Dahyun.

"Meet me after school, at the garden," Dahyun whispered to the both of them, the two quickly nodded and they dropped the topic quickly, that will be dealt later.

"Dahyun unnie, how did you do that?" Chaeyoung asked her. Dahyun only shrugged.

"I had a hunch he was gonna do something when I turned my back on him, didn't want to look like an idiot in front of many students," Dahyun replied.

"That was very cool unnie," Tzuyu winked at her. Dahyun gave a small smile and shook her head, it was then the bell had rung, lunch was over, everyone packed their things, biding their goodbyes and heading to class. Dahyun had class with Tzuyu, since they are both taking literature. 

"How do I tell them Tzuyu?" Dahyun asked quietly.

"Take your time unnie, you also didn't intend to tell me in the first place, was the wind," Tzuyu replied.

"But how will I know they won't run away?" Dahyun sighed.

"I suggest maybe tell Mina unnie, she's very accepting," Tzuyu suggested.

"Are you sure? I barely talk to her though," 

"It's fine, whenever you're ready and when you and Mina are alone, you can tell her," Tzuyu held Dahyun's hand, Dahyun smiled sincerely to Tzuyu. She was very thankful, to say the least.

"Are you two done talking in my class? Would you like to share with the class?"

Oh boy.

Dahyun waited patiently at the garden, appreciating the soft grass, the clear water, the clean fresh air, it was peaceful and Dahyun loved it, she felt relaxed and comfortable, Dahyun played with the fishes in the pond, it was then she felt the presence of others, she turned around to see the two people she wanted. Sana and Momo. The two stood awkwardly at the front entrance of the garden, Dahyun smiled softly at them and gestured them to come towards her. The two went and sat down next to Dahyun but kept distance. There was awkward silence, the two staring and watching Dahyun play with the water for a few minutes before finally turning towards them. They expected Dahyun to be cold towards them, they expected her to lash out towards them and break their friendship, but all they saw was a small smile behind that mask and dull eyes that weren't cold, they started to loosen up and gain confidence.

"Dahyun, we are so sorry," Momo began, having enough of being far apart from Dahyun.

"We didn't mean to Dahyun, please forgive us," Sana begged. Dahyun released a small sigh before looking directly at them, at their eyes.

"You two know very well there's no excuse to what you two did, but I can't stay mad at you two forever," Dahyun began, "I'll forgive you if you don't ever do this again and wait until I'm ready," 

The two quickly nodded and even crossed their heads.

"Then I forgive you both," The two jumped in joy and immediately embraced Dahyun, Momo hugging the front Sana hugging her back, Dahyun was shocked but eventually sank into the warmth of the two. She felt it again, happiness, warmth. Dahyun had always wanted to feel those feelings again, and here she is, feeling them with her two Angels hugging her with so much feeling and care. Dahyun loved it. Dahyun finally realized her source of happiness, where she can find them, in the heart and arms of these two, Dahyun wants to forever be with these two, in their arms. In their hearts. Dahyun's own heart started to beat fast, feeling a nervous sensation in her stomach, now all she has to do is accept it, accept the fact, that these two were who she forever wants to be with, let them enter her walls and break them down for the two, let them into her life. Let them know, her true self. Dahyun smiled brightly, the brightest she had ever smiled for a long time and snuggled deeper into the long embrace. She felt at home.

"Search for her as much as possible, I don't want any information left behind," A man ordered his crew, the crew nodded in dispersed around, quickly getting to work.

"Commander, I don't see the meaning of this," A voice behind him slammed his hand on a round table in the middle of the control room. " She's only a young girl!"

"You have no idea what she possesses, she's powerful, she should not have existed!" The man shot back.

"But she does exist, you have to accept that!" The voice replied.

"It was because of that stupid man of a scientist! It's all his fault!" The man slammed his fist down on the round table and looked directly at his right-hand man, his best friend.

"It's too late, what's done is done! You can't change it now commander!"

"But I can! It's as simple as killing her and extracting her!" The man laughed.

"But there is an outcome!"

"What? What's the outcome huh? All I know is that I'm helping them from destruction!" The man laughed louder.

"That very girl can help bring everyone together! Angels and Demons can finally come together and end this war that shouldn't have started in the first place!" His right-hand man shouted at him.

"Angels and Demons, together? as one? You're out of your mind if you think that can ever happen again!" 

"But it was before! There was no war, there was peace, you grew up before the war happened and you knew full well how amazing it was back then!"

"That was in the past! You know very well what had gone can never come back! You should know that, you should know that every since she passed away!" The man smirked, knowing he had hit a weak point.

"Don't you dare bring her up! She has nothing to do with all of this! Leave the poor girl alone!" 

"And risk the world? Absolutely not! Now stop this, I have a mission to fulfil, you can't deal with it you can leave until you're ready," The man gestured towards the door, his right-hand man stood still for a second, before leaving, walking out the door. The man smirked, he had won this fight, but he still had a pest to take care of. He went towards his holographic desk and pulled out a picture of a girl.

"I know who you really are, that scientist shouldn't have made you, you shouldn't have succeeded. I will show the world the unwanted pest you are, I will kill you and extract your DNA, blood and so on. I will kill you and save the world, Kim Dahyun, mark my words,"


Author's note:

Happy new years! Hope that everyone would have a better 2020! And I'm starting school tomorrow, wish me luck! May everyone enjoy themselves this new year!



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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
Chinguuu #5
Chapter 13: MiHyunJeong!!
15 streak #6
Chapter 13: Cleaver dubs and hopefully tht dream will lead her to one who will help her
Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever