Chapt. 06

Half Cursed Half Blessed


[Ding Dong~]

Dahyun jumped to her feet, adjusting her oversized hoodie and hood and checking around her house one last time for anything out of the ordinary before she went towards her front door. She took in a deep breath before she slowly opened the door and as expected, there was Sana and Momo with big smiles on their faces. Dahyun returned a weak smile and let them in, the two entered and sat on the couch.

"You two need anything? Drinks?" Dahyun offered.

"Ice water will do," Sana smiled, Dahyun nodded and headed towards the kitchen and soon returning back with three cups of ice water. She sat them on the coffee table in front and sat down on the individual couch beside the two.

"Okay, Sana? Care to explain?" Dahyun started. Sana sighed and leaned back into the couch, feeling the softness that relaxed her.

"I'm sorry for not telling you this before Momo, I really am. If I had just told you when we were younger this wouldn't have happened," Sana apologised.

"Hey, it's okay, you can tell me now," Momo reassured. Sana smiled softly before she started to explain.

"Well, you see, there is a downside to the cupid trait, although we are able to make anyone fall in love with either us or others. If that person fails to be tricked and fails to fall in love like Dahyun here, that would create deep negativity to those with cupid traits, we will start to feel very angry due to the negativity, it controls us, even if we don't want to, it does. That negativity will then be taken out through any competition. For example, it sees competition in you because you too, like Dahyun, same as me. So it takes out towards you and wanted to brawl you," Sana explained.

"So the person I was brawling with wasn't actually you, but the negativity?" Momo asked.

"Yup," Sana answered.

"That already explains a lot," Momo smiled.

"So let me get this straight, you both like me?" Dahyun asked shyly. The two nodded and Dahyun started to blush.

"W-Well we aren't here to focus on this, we're here to clear the friendship between you two," Dahyun stuttered.

"She's right, I'm really sorry Momo," Sana apologised again.

"I already accept your apology Sana, but next time you have to tell me things," Momo patted Sana on the shoulder.

"I will Momo," Sana smiled brightly, the two then proceeded to hug each other, Dahyun watched with a small smile, how she missed hugging the people she loved.

"Dahyun! What are you waiting for? Join us!" Sana gestured for Dahyun to join in their hug, Dahyun was hesitant but still joined them either way, the three hugged each other tightly. For once, Dahyun felt warmth, a feeling she lost long ago, yet here she is feeling it all again, her heart started to flutter and her stomach felt butterflies as her lips automatically curved upwards. She felt happy in their arms.

After the small hugging session, the atmosphere has become lighter, the three were talking freely towards each other, talking about whatever comes to mind.

"Hey, Dahyun," Momo called her.


"Why are you still wearing that mask? And why are you wearing baggy clothing even in your house?" Momo asked. Dahyun knew this answer would come eventually, she knew she couldn't keep it for long, not with these two constantly asking about it.

"'s my style you know?" Dahyun smiled nervously, sweat starting to form on her forehead.

"Even at home?" Sana joined in.

"I'm weird like that," Dahyun quickly answered.

"Then what about your mask? You can take it off when you're with us, and you kinda exposed it in front of the whole school already," Momo commented, inching forward. Dahyun started to back up noticing that both Sana and Momo were leaning forward. Dahyun regretted not taking her potion, but she only had a few left, she has to save it.

"I-It's personal!" Dahyun replied, louder than expected.

"You can tell us, you trust us right?" Sana beamed.

"I-I do but-"

"But what?" Momo interrupted.

"You wouldn't want to see what's underneath!" Dahyun started to sweat profusely, she started to climb up her couch as the two were inching closer and closer.

"Dahyun-ah, you know we're going to keep plastering you until you tell us," Momo spoke softly.

"Y-Yes but still," Dahyun stuttered, they were getting to close for her liking, they were just inches away from her face. Sana grabbed both her hands and pinned them down while Momo held her face and reached for the mask, Dahyun tried to free herself, she struggled but to no avail, she has only one choice left before her fangs will be revealed. Dahyun's hands started to produce sparks of lightning, it electrocuted Sana and she jerked back, freeing her hands. Dahyun then proceeded to push Momo back. Momo was caught off guard and stumbled back. Dahyun was breathing heavily, she stood up, standing tall and fierce.

"Dahyun-ah, we-"

"Leave," Dahyun interrupted coldly.

"Dahyun please, we're sorry, we didn't mean to-" Sana pleaded.

"I said leave!!" Dahyun started to shout.


"LEAVE!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" Dahyun yelled loudly towards them, the two flinched and lowered their heads, taking their stuff and leaving the house. Dahyun breathed in deeply and she flopped back on the couch, she was furious, that whole event triggered so many bad memories that she wanted to forget, her breathing started to get unstable as she tried to calm herself down, everything was starting to get blurry, her hands where Sana pinned them down on started to get itchy and heavy, sparks of lightning started to snap from her palms. Dahyun had to remind herself that she was no longer in that situation. When was the last time she had taken her medication?

"So how has it been going?"

The gang were currently at their weekly meeting (All Chaeyoung's idea), they had all gathered together again to discuss their secret mission or whatever they were doing.

"Dahyun seemed to be getting more comfortable with us," Mina shrugged.

"That's good, but did you all see Dahyun when her hood, cap and mask was off?"

"Yes Chaeyoung, we all did, even the whole school," Tzuyu deadpanned.

"I don't get it, there's literally nothing wrong with her, not even a scar or a pimple," Chaeyoung sighed.

"Hey, Momo? Sana? You two seemed out of it, did something happen?" Mina asked in concern. Everyone snapped their heads towards the duo, who were quiet the entire time with a rather sad look on their faces and their head lower than normal. The two looked like they were in deep thought, with gazes fixed onto the table in front.

"H-Huh? Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it," Momo waved towards them.

"Don't lie to me Momo," Mina crossed her arms, her cold tone sending shivers towards them.

"Alright, alright, we were at Dahyun's house earlier today," Sana replied.

"What happened there?" Chaeyoung asked.

"We sorted our problem and talked. But we got too needy I guess, we were invading her personal space and was pinning her down to remove her mask off," Momo answered, head lowered.

"You really shouted have done that," Tzuyu commented.

"But we've already seen her without it, I don't see the point of hiding anymore and she still wears baggy clothes, even at home!" Momo exclaimed.

"After we did that, Dahyun yelled loudly at us and kicked us out of her house," Sana continued.

"Are you serious? That seems like something Dahyun would never do, that's very rare for her," Chaeyoung frowned.

"Maybe it triggered something, who knows," Mina added.

"She's hiding something deeper than that," Jeongyeon suddenly spoke up, throughout the entire meeting, Jeongyeon had been quietly listening to everyone but not say a single word, she too looked deep in thought, for her to finally say something now must be a big deal.

"What do you mean?" Momo asked. Jeongyeon reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bottle, the potion bottle she found on the ground.

"Wait, is that the devil potion bottle?" Mina squinted her eyes at it.


"Where did you get that?" Tzuyu asked.

"On the ground at the cells in the arena, exactly where Dahyun had stood before interrupting the brawl," Jeongyeon explained.

"Maybe she just had an empty bottle and dropped it?" Sana suggested.

"That is possible, but the bottle looks and feels new, the cork looks recently pulled out as well," Jeongyeon added. "Plus, Dahyun is the only Angel with the electricity trait, a trait had only specific demons have,"

"Wait, so what you're implying is that...." Chaeyoung placed a hand towards .

"Yes, Dahyun could possibly be a demon," Gasps could be heard throughout the room, everyone was in absolute shock.

"But Dahyun has wings!" Momo exclaimed.

"Yes, that's one thing that throws off this whole theory, we wouldn't know for sure if Dahyun is a demon," Jeongyeon sighed.

"She has Angel potions and they work on her, maybe she's not a demon and she's just lucky I guess?" Tzuyu shrugged.

"That's why we're going to find out if she really is one," Jeongyeon smirked.

"How are we going to do that?" Sana asked.

"I'm surprised Chaeyoung isn't the one saying all this," Tzuyu commented jokingly, earning a small smack to the arm by Chaeyoung.

"Hey! I'm just as surprised as you are!" Chaeyoung whined.

"Alright, I've compiled a list of things that Demons genuinely hates or are scared of," Jeongyeon spoke, placing a rather short list on the table.

"Wow, you're prepared..." Mina trailed off.

"This list was written a while back, maybe around a year or two ago," Jeongyeon added. The gang looked at the list, surprising themselves with its content.

-Anything related to religion
-The feeling of being trapped

"This can't work, Dahyun is Cristian!" Chaeyoung flopped back into her seat.

"Dahyun is religious?" Sana asked.

"Very," Tzuyu answered.

"Why jealousy?" Momo asked Jeongyeon.

"Demons are a jealous bunch," Jeongyeon shrugged. Momo nodded in response.

"How the hell are we going to get acid, or steel or silver?" Mina groaned.

"Feeling of being trapped? Really?" Tzuyu added.

"It's all the knowledge I know," Jeongyeon shrugged.

"This is useless, this list can't prove anything!" Sana facepalmed.

"Should we just try everything and anything?" Momo suggested.

"Wouldn't that be a waste of time?" Mina asked.

"I mean, it's worth a shot I guess," Momo answered, leaning back on her chair and crossing her legs.

"I did notice something," Tzuyu spoke, "I saw Dahyun's wrists,"

"I saw them too!" Momo exclaimed, raising up her hand.

"They had marks," Tzuyu continued.

"Marks?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Red marks, they circle around her wrists, it looks like something was wrapped around her wrists tightly and for a long time, causing the marks," Tzuyu explained.

"That shows that Dahyun could have been kidnapped," Mina added. Tzuyu nodded in response.

"This is good, we at least have clues and theories, I think this is a good place to leave it here," Jeongyeon suggested, the gang agreed, packing up their things and getting ready to leave.

"You think she'll forgive us?" Sana broke the silence. Mina, Sana and Momo are walking back home with an unbearable silence, the tension was high and the atmosphere was stiff, it was until Sana spoke up.

"I don't know," Momo could only reply.

"You guys shouldn't have done that, both of you know that Dahyun is very conservative and insecure, you shouldn't have pushed her, she has to open up herself," Mina reprimanded them, the two could only lower their heads in shame, knowing they could have broken their friendship with the one they like.

"Now you two have to mend your relationship together if you want her to like the two of you back," Mina told one last time, they finally reached their house and went in, locking the door behind them of course. The two instantly went to their rooms as soon as they stepped inside and flopped on their bed,  hugging their pillows with heavy hearts.


Author's note:
I'm sorry, I literally forgot that it was Wednesday and had to write this last minute so sorry for the short chapter.


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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
Chinguuu #5
Chapter 13: MiHyunJeong!!
11 streak #6
Chapter 13: Cleaver dubs and hopefully tht dream will lead her to one who will help her
Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever