Chapt. 01

Half Cursed Half Blessed


Dahyun heaved a deep sigh as she looked up at her new environment, she was hesitant, she didn't know if she would fit in. Unlike the others, she wore baggy clothes while the rest wore whatever clothes freely. She wore blue baggy jeans and a grey baggy hoodie, with a cap underneath her hood and a black facemask that covers her nose and mouth, she will say she may be trying too hard, but it was all you have to do to cover up what you're not supposed to be. But she let her wings she so luckily still have out, making people think she's an Angel.

A few years ago, she escaped the laboratory, she tried to go back to her parents' house, but she found the entire house to be empty, Dahyun was obviously confused. The house was still furnished, like how it always was, but there was no trace of life. Dahyun look around and saw the kitchen, what fond memories she had in the kitchen, but she saw something out of the ordinary, there were pieces of paper, all scattered on the kitchen counter. She went towards it and was shocked, there was a sheet of paper with her face on it, in big bold words above her picture, [MISSING]. Dahyun continued to read through, not believing her eyes.

[A case has been filed of a PURE angel going by the name of 'Kim Dahyun' has gone missing on a Monday of 2005. She was last seen by her parents when leaving for elementary school near her their house. Police are currently trying their best to try and locate and find the missing girl. Multiple search parties have been released to help with the search, if you manage to spot a small brown-haired and pale-skinned girl, please report to the police immediately].

Dahyun was overwhelmed, while reading the paper, something fell out of it that caught Dahyun's eye, Dahyun bent down to pick it up, it was a nicely folded piece of paper. Dahyun carefully unfolded the piece of paper and start to read. It was worse than what she read before. She cursed herself as tears started to roll down her cheeks. It was a torn piece of a news article.

[Breaking News: The parents of the missing child, Kim Dahyun, was involved in a massive accident. The married couple were driving late at night, probably on the search for their missing child, when they were hit by a large truck at high speed. The truck collided into the front of the car with a great amount of force, crushing the front of the car and unfortunately, the married couple along with it. When the ambulance and police arrived at the scene, they were declared dead. The driver of the truck was reported drunk and will face law consequences and will face a few years in jail. The police see no other alternative to continue the search for the missing girl and dropped the case. Deep condolences will be given to the married couple that went through many tough years.]

Dahyun started to sob, the pain suddenly struck in her chest, it was unbearable for her. She held her chest as she started to cry harder and louder, the empty house filled with cries and sobs. Dahyun poured all her emotions out, she cursed and cursed, turning sore. She never expected to lose her parents at such an early age, she still wanted to create more memories with them, but she can't anymore, she starts to regret all things she has done that made them angry, apologising for all the hardships she has caused them, she regrets not spending more time with them and ignoring them when she was angry, she regretted all her bad actions. How was she going to survive on her own now? She's only seven years old. Strange how she feels older than seven years old, she no longer feels the energy she had back then. Dahyun suddenly remembered there was something else she saw that really caught her attention, it was a rolled-up sheet of paper, with a red ribbon tied to it. Dahyun removes the ribbon gently as she unrolls the paper, reading the first sentence on it already made her burst back into tears.

[Mr and Mrs Kim's written will to their daughter, Kim Dahyun.]

[Mr  and Mrs Kim to Kim Dahyun:
We want this will be delivered to our daughter when she accepts the truth, it may be hard for her but she cants dwell on it forever. Kim Dahyun, we did our very best to raise you, now it's your turn to raise yourself. We raised money in order for you to live a happy life, we already made sure the money will be given to you after our passing. We want you to stay happy, stay healthy. Don't be sad, move on. You can take everything we own. We will always love you. We hope you have a brighter future than us, we will keep the house and not sell it to anyone, Your future family can live here. We love you, Dahyun. Take care.

Written: September 7, 1995
Printed and given out: April 13, 2010]

Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, 2010? Isn't it still 2005? How long has she been gone? Dahyun looked around, everything does seem to be older, it was more run-down than the last time she saw them. Dahyun spotted a calendar, it wasn't torn out on the year 2005 buy the year 2010. This was all recent. Dahyun looked around again and saw a light switch, she went over to switch it on and instantly the house lights lit up, revealing dull colours. Dahyun remembered her house used to be bright, full of life, now, it's all just basic colours. It was then reality hit her hard. 2005-2010. Five years, she has been missing for five years. Dahyun fell to her knees, eyes and body shaking in shock, more tears started to stream down her face. What was she doing to do now?

Now, years later, and in the present. There Dahyun stood, in front of her hard years of work, earning money, studying hard and living on her own. She had survived and was feeling more alive than ever. Dahyun took a deep breath before finally took the first step into the college she worked so hard to get into. She started to walk towards the front entrance before a voice called her.

"Hey! Are you the new girl?" Dahyun turned around to be met with a fellow angel, Dahyun looked up to her head, there was a halo hovering over her head.

"A pure angel, just like I was before. It was a blessing, now I'm cursed." Dahyun thought. She nodded her head towards the bright smiling angel in front of her, her gummy smile and bunny teeth showing brightly.

"Great! My name's Im Nayeon! I'm the vice president of the current Student Council here at the college, I'm a pure angel if you couldn't tell, I'll be showing you the principal office to get your schedule," The angel named Nayeon spoke excitedly. Dahyun nodded quietly.

"Not much of a talking huh? Doesn't matter, this school will bring you out of your comfort zone and interact with others," Nayeon exclaimed. She seemed so confident, so happy, Dahyun wished she could have her happiness back, unfortunately, she now stuck forever without it. Dahyun followed Nayeon silently, taking note of the route and her surroundings. A while later, they stopped.

"If you haven't noticed, this school is divided into two, a bright side and a dark side, which means an Angel side and a Demon side. This is the principal office, go in and get your schedule, I'll wait outside," Nayeon smiled, Dahyun, again, nodded silently headed inside. Inside the principal's office, the interior had a comfy atmosphere, it was relatively small, but not so small. The principal gave a Dahyun a warm smile before reaching to his drawer and checked her profile.

"Kim Dahyun, majoring in Music and theatre. Here's your schedule, good luck," The principal waved at Dahyun, Dahyun gave a small wave back before walking out the door. As expected, Nayeon was still outside, waiting for her. As soon as she saw Dahyun exit, she quickly smiled and went towards her.

"Let me see your schedule, what's your first class? Oh! Science! That's my class too! I'll walk you there, how does that sound?" Nayeon asked Dahyun. Dahyun didn't really catch up on what she was saying, she was too hype and talkative to her, Dahyun nodded for the third time, not planning on opening . Nayeon lead her to class, sitting at her assigned seat, Dahyun looked around for a sit, she found one at the back of the class beside a window. She went towards it and sat down

A few minutes later, the teacher came in, silencing the class.

"We have a new student, come to the front of the class and introduce yourself." The teacher spoke, Dahyun hesitantly stood up and went towards the class.

"My name is Kim Dahyun, please take care of me," Dahyun bowed. Immediately, the classroom burst into whispers.

"Why is her right eye red?"

"She's quite pretty,"

"Why is she dressed all baggy? Does she not feel hot?"

"For a room full of Angels there sure gossip and question a lot," Dahyun thought.

"Wait, is she the Kim Dahyun that went missing a few years ago?" Someone spoke up, the room filled with gasps, Dahyun lowered her head and walked back to her seat, trying to ignore the stares on her. Dahyun didn't like this already, she didn't like the attention still on her, she was thankful when the teacher hushed the class and started teaching.
The school bell finally rang, first class was over, Dahyun finished packing her bag and was about to walk out before Nayeon talked to her.

"Hey, Dahyun, I'm sorry I never noticed before, but you really do have a red eye, is it true you were the Kim Dahyun that went missing a few years ago?" Nayeon asked. Dahyun kept quiet for a while, eyeing Nayeon up and down, before finally saying her first word to Nayeon, or rather, first sentence.

"Is my case really that big?" Dahyun replied. Nayeon was frozen for a few seconds, she never thought Dahyun would reply like that, her voice was deep, her tone sounded dead. Nayeon really was shocked.

"W-Well, yes. It was all over the news and newspapers, so it is true?" Nayeon stuttered. Dahyun nodded and walked off, leaving Nayeon standing there. On her way to finding class, a hand stopped her, she turned around and her eyes widen, there in front of her, were two girls, one tall, one short but both teary-eyed. Dahyun recognized immediately who the two were, they made up her childhood. Son Chaeyoung and Chou Tzuyu. She missed them so much.

"D-Dahyun? Is that really you?" Chaeyoung asked softly, Dahyun nodded and smiled a small smile, while the two smiles' were wide. The two immediately embraced Dahyun, holding on tightly.

"Where have you been all these years?! We missed you so much!" Chaeyoung cried. Dahyun smiled and hugged them tighter, she really missed them, all the good and bad memories made with them, still holding on to her mind. After a few minutes of silence and embrace, they finally broke off each other. The two immediately shot worried looks.

"What happened to your eye Dahyun? Why is it red? What happened?" Chaeyoung asked in full concern.

"It's nothing, just an accident," Dahyun replied.

"Your voice Dahyun unnie, it wasn't like that before," Tzuyu spoke this time.

"I got older, no other reason to it," Dahyun answered. "I'm going to be late for class, I better go,"

"Before you go, wanna have lunch with us later? We can introduce you to our friends," Chaeyoung offered.

"Sure," Dahyun mentally facepalmed herself, why did she just agree to it? Dahyun no longer likes meeting new people, why did she say yes? Was it because it was Chaeyoung and Tzuyu? Dahyun didn't have time to argue and quickly went to class. She already knows her first day won't be great.


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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
Chinguuu #5
Chapter 13: MiHyunJeong!!
15 streak #6
Chapter 13: Cleaver dubs and hopefully tht dream will lead her to one who will help her
Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever