Chapt. 04

Half Cursed Half Blessed

Dahyun walked through the halls, being the centre of attention of the students again, she hated it, she hated being the talk of the school, she hated that everywhere she goes, she's what comes out of everyone's mouth. Dahyun sighed and quicken her pace, entering the cafeteria, she immediately spotted the group at the usual table, she smiled. At least there was a group of people she could lean towards. The group smiled and waved at her as soon as she approached them, she went and sat at the only empty space left for her, beside Sana and Momo. Sana immediately clung on to her as soon as she can, while Momo smiled sweetly towards her.

"Hey Dahyun, can I ask you a question?" Jeongyeon spoke up.

"Why do you wear super baggy clothing? Don't you feel hot?" Jeongyeon asked. Dahyun shook her head.

"It's my fashion style, and no, I don't feel hot," Dahyun answered.

"That's because you're already hot," Sana mumbled to herself.

"What?" Dahyun turned her head towards Sana and immediately regretted it as she soon met with Sana's face just an inch away from hers. She asked herself why does she always get in these kinds of situations as she felt the familiar strange feeling again from the pit of her stomach. Dahyun stated to blush unknowingly as she stared at Sana's eyes, they were also warm, same as Momo's but they held a burning passion, Dahyun didn't know what to think of it, she doesn't think she likes them, it started to burn bright in her eyes, a burning pink flame visible in her eyes as she continued to stare, suddenly there was a spark that erupted, she saw it clearly, it was bright and right in her eyes. Dahyun snapped back into reality as she quickly turned away from Sana.

"What are you doing?" Dahyun asked Sana. Sana was shocked, she stood still, frozen.

"Does it not work on you?" Sana gasped.

"Finally someone who doesn't fall for your trait, tough luck Sana," Momo laughed.

"But that's...That's impossible! Everyone should be able to fall from the cupid manipulation!" Sana exclaimed.

"You were trying to make me fall for you?" Dahyun asked.

"Yeah duh, somehow it doesn't work on you," Sana sighed.

"It looked like it was starting to work, you did make Dahyun stare at you for quite long," Chaeyoung butted in.

"I know right? I thought it was going to work," Sana jumped up and down on her seat.

"Guess you have to do it the old fashion way then," Tzuyu commented.

"And I am a professional at that," Momo spoke proudly.

"Oh yeah? really now? Prove it then!" Sana challenged.


"Would you look at that, my class is almost starting! I better go before I'm late!" Dahyun chuckled nervously as she quickly stood up, packed her things and sprinted out of the cafeteria. Everyone watched as Dahyun ran out, once Dahyun was out of sight, Chaeyoung turned towards the gang.

"After school, library, don't be late," Chaeyoung spoke as she pointed at everyone. Everyone nodded and packed their things, leaving the cafeteria and headed to class. Sana suddenly dragged Momo towards the bathroom before class starts and pinned her to the wall, Momo was not surprised or caught off guard, she was used to it.

"Listen, Momo. I don't know why my cupid manipulation doesn't work on her so I guess I'm forced to do it the old fashion way which might take a while, so during this time, stay away from Dahyun until I make her fall for me," Sana spoke sternly.

"What?!" Momo yelled and quickly changed their position, pinning Sana to the wall.

"What's wrong with you Sana? Why are you suddenly like this?" Momo shook Sana by the shoulder.

"Dahyun is mine! Stay away from her! She has to fall for me!" Sana shouted and tried to shove Momo away but to no avail.

"I'm not going to stay away from her!" Momo shouted back.

"Do you have feelings for her?" Sana asked. Momo froze for a while, does she have feelings for Dahyun? So fast and so early?

"You don't right? You don't believe in love right?" Sana continued. Momo didn't answer, she was confused, she didn't know what she felt, she knew what happens when someone falls in love, their hearts beat rapidly around them, butterflies in their stomach and mind constantly thinking of them and so on, Momo has to admit, she felt all of them, the heart race, the butterflies, always thinking about her, she even dreamt of her. Momo thought through it deeply when she got back from the hang out, just thinking of her made her heart race and blush, the interaction at the classroom ignited something in Momo, her eyes, her pale skin, her sharp jawline, she was always looking forward to seeing Dahyun every day and feels rather disappointed when she doesn't and she gets extremely jealous when Sana was clinging on to Dahyun. Had Dahyun finally done it without her knowing?

"Answer me!' Sana yelled.

"I'm sorry Sana," Momo whispered, loud enough for Sana to hear. Sana stopped for a while, she breathed heavily as a deep frown started to form on her face.

"I knew it, I knew it! Dahyun is mine! Stay away!" Sana started to struggle, she moved around violently, trying to remove herself from Momo's grip.

"What has gotten into you Sana? This isn't you! What happened to you?" Momo tried her best to calm her down, but nothing seemed to work.

"I want what's mine!!" Sana continued shouting, she struggled harder, desperate to free herself.

"Sana! Calm down! We can talk about this!" Momo gripped Sana harder.

"No!" Sana yelled.

"Sana please, we can't do this here," Momo pleaded.

"Then let's settle this, tomorrow after school! I challenge you to a brawl! The winner gets Dahyun!" Sana challenged.

"Sana you don't wanna do this-"

"I do! Will you accept it or not?!" Sana interrupted. "I'm not taking no for an answer!"

Momo loosened her grip, Sana finally was able to push Momo off of her, Momo fell backwards, hitting the floor. She looked up to Sana who was breathing heavily.

"Tomorrow, after school, be there for Dahyun," Sana hissed before she walked off. Momo sat there on the floor, stunned. Momo couldn't believe what had just happened, now she has to brawl with Sana? Over Dahyun? She couldn't process it.

"What happened to you Sana?" Momo whispered to herself as she weakly stood up and headed towards class, she was still lucky that class hasn't started just yet.
Sana slammed her head on her desk, what had she done? She didn't mean to lash out towards Momo and to Momo of all Angels, she just had to suddenly challenge a brawl with her, she knows she's surely dead. Why did this effect have to happen to her? Was it a curse to her? Why did she have to open her big mouth? Now she has to pay the price, this is what she gets for being a cupid trait, an unpopular yet harmless trait if used normally. Sana was regretting everything she did towards Momo, she wants to apologise and cancel the brawl but this negative effect on her wouldn't let her. If only she had told Momo about this, she would have understood, but no, she just had to keep it to herself for whatever reason. Sana sighed deeply, she looked up just in time to see Momo enter the classroom, instantly, negative energy engulfed into her body as she stared intensely at Momo. She didn't want to do this, she never wanted to, but the effect is making her do it, making her shoot daggers from her eyes as she glared at Momo, she tried her best to look away but to no avail, it's like her head was stuck in that position, she was only finally to break free and look away when the teacher slammed her ruler on her desk when he noticed that some students weren't paying attention. Sana was finally able to focus in class, trying to bring her mind off Momo and that brawl for a while. Maybe she has to train or practice in hopes she'll be able to at least survive tomorrow, but she knows this effect on her will be able to fully show her limit, it feeds out the negative energy. She just hopes this won't affect the friendship she has with Momo.
The end of school has finally come, everyone rushing out of class and going home. Sana and Momo, unfortunately, we're not talking to each other and the others have definitely noticed their sudden strange behaviour, they were currently at the library, just as planned. They plan to research more on Angel history but the duos sudden strong tension towards each other was unexpected. They knew they were best of friends and an inseparable duo so this was a surprise. They noticed it was always Sana who was acting out towards Momo, her sudden anger and aggressiveness towards Momo stood out like a sore thumb, it was clear that this wasn't the Sana they knew.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go search for something, be right back," Sana stood up and left the group table. Momo sighed as soon as Sana was out of view, the rest looked at each other with concerned eyes as they saw a stressed Momo in front of them with her head hung low.

"What happened to you two?" Mina asked, full of worry. Momo sighed once more and massaged her nose bridge.
"Sana challenged me to a brawl tomorrow after school," Momo answered in a low tone.

"What?!" Everyone half yelled and half-whispered, still remembering they were still in a library.

"Are you serious?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I wish I wasn't," Momo smiled weekly.

"But why though?" Tzuyu questioned.

"Probably because of Dahyun," Momo answered.

"Sana wouldn't do this, she isn't herself anymore," Mina pointed out.

"Exactly, she just flew into a pit of rage and yelled at me to stay away from Dahyun, then the next thing I know she challenged me," Momo explained.

"Did you accept it?" Jeongyeon asked.

"She didn't accept no as an answer," Momo replied sadly.

"So you're really doing it huh?" Chaeyoung spoke.

"I guess so," Momo placed her hand on her scalp.

"Just don't put in much effort when fighting her, you wouldn't want to kill her," Jeongyeon told her.

"Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do," Momo agreed.

"Do you like her?" Tzuyu asked. Momo went silent for a while.

"I-I don't know," Momo replied. Tzuyu nodded and continued reading her book.

"For now, focus on Sana, don't go powerful on her," Jeongyeon spoke up.

"Do I let her win?" Momo asked.

"That's up to you," Jeongyeon replied. Momo nodded and just then, Sana came back. Mina noticed she was carrying a book about cupids, she didn't want to question why as it's Sana's privacy, she just kept it as a mental note. Everyone then started to study, the tension between the two was still very noticeable but it was ignored, for now, that will be a problem for tomorrow. Everyone had a book about Angel history, they honestly didn't know how they agreed to Chaeyoung's idea but here they were. An hour has gone by and nothing much had happened, until.

"Look! I found something!" Chaeyoung shouted and stood up quickly.

"Chaeyoung shush!" Mina shushed Chaeyoung.

"Sorry," Chaeyoung giggled, "It says here that 'Angels has never had the electricity manipulation and will most likely never be passed on from Angels as that manipulation is made and used mostly by Demons, end quote," 

"but Dahyun is not a Demon," Tzuyu frowned.

"Yeah she's not, it also says here that 'Angels eyes are of many different colours, for example, light blue, light brown, dark brown, hazel, black, etc, end quote," Chaeyoung continued.

"I think Dahyun has dark brown or maybe black eyes?" Mina said.

"Yeah, but it still doesn't explain her red-eye," Chaeyoung sighed.

"How about we ask Dahyun," Jeongyeon asked.

"From the looks of it, seems like Dahyun doesn't want to tell us, or anyone at all," Momo replied.

"This seems hopeless Chaeyoung," Tzuyu added. Chaeyoung sighed.

"All we know is that something huge and bad happened to Dahyun that turned her from a pure Angel to and Angel with an electricity trait which no other Angel in history has," Chaeyoung leaned back on her chair.

"Maybe Dahyun had a really bad encounter with electricity," Mina suggested.

"Maybe you're right," Chaeyoung spoke softly.

"It's getting late, let's end this here," Jeongyeon stood up and checked her watch, everyone followed and packed their things and started walking towards the gate. Everyone bid their goodbyes and went home, although Momo, Mina and Sana went home together, Momo and Sana entered their house separately, not saying a word and going straight to their rooms. Mina could only sigh and hope for the best for the two tomorrow.

Author's note:
I had to update this earlier as I won't have any time again soon, I'm still on holiday and currently having Typhoon where I'm at right now. I'll be going to a different city starting from tomorrow onwards so I won't have enough time. Either way, I hope you enjoy

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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
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Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
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Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever