Chapt. 03

Half Cursed Half Blessed


"Okay, what do you want Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung smirked proudly, she had single-handedly gathered everyone to the shared apartment of her and Tzuyu, Chaeyoung was very fond of roleplays, everyone knew that, so it was no surprise she was currently sitting on a black boss chair facing the conveniently big window away from them.

"As you all know, I have gathered you all here right now to discuss certain matters," Chaeyoung spoke softly, trying very hard to act and stay in character.

"Cut this act out Chaeyoung!" Tzuyu groaned and spun Chaeyoung's chair around, not knowing her strength, she spun it a little too hard causing the chair to spin multiple times.

"Woah! Ok, chill! I'm getting dizzy! Stop the chair! My legs can't reach the floor!" Chaeyoung cried out, Tzuyu quickly stopped the chair and faced it towards the others. Chaeyoung held her head as dizziness overwhelmed her, regretting the chair idea.

"Geez, Tzuyu, you're no fun," Chaeyoung mumbled, Chaeyoung shook her head and finally focused towards the gang.

"Alright, we need your help," Chaeyoung began, "This is about Kim Dahyun,"

"What about her?" Momo interrupted.

"I didn't even finish," Chaeyoung whined.

"Just cut to the chase," Jeongyeon butted in.

"Okay, fine. Something is weird about Kim Dahyun and we need your help to find out why," Chaeyoung continued.

"What do you mean by weird?" Sana asked.

"And why do you need our help?" Mina added.

"Well you see, this current Kim Dahyun today is not the Kim Dahyun last time, she completely changed!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"How?" Momo crossed her arms.

"Dahyun has a very bubbly personality, she can and will talk about almost everything, she's not afraid to open , but now she's the complete opposite, when we talked to her, she barely even opened which is completely not Kim Dahyun," Chaeyoung explained.

"And that's not the worst thing, something very bad must have happened to her, she used to be a pure Angel, with a halo hovering over her head, like Nayeon. Now it's gone, and  I've done some research on Angel history, there hasn't been an Angel with the electricity trait," Chaeyoung added.

"What does the old Kim Dahyun look like?" Momo asked, Chaeyoung quickly fished her wallet out of her pocket and pulled out a Polaroid and showed it to them.

The Polaroid was of younger Dahyun, she was wearing the typical school uniform with the brightest smile she could give, the eye smile known to capture many hearts and put smiles on everyone's faces regardless of how bad their day was, she looked happier and not like the gloomy look she has now, she had her wings opened and a bright yellow halo on top of her head.

"This is the Kim Dahyun last time?" Sana gasped.

"Yup, believe it or not, she has changed a lot, something must have happened to her and we need to know what," Chaeyoung spoke, putting back the Polaroid into her wallet and into her pocket.

"So what you're saying is, you want out help to find out what happened to Dahyun?" Momo concluded.

"And find out what she's hiding," Chaeyoung added in.

"Aren't we violating her privacy?" Mina pointed out.

"That was what I said!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"No, wait! Think about it! Aren't you curious about the now so mysterious Kim Dahyun and what happened to her? Why she got a red eye?" Chaeyoung insisted.

"Not really, it's not really any of our business," Mina replied.

"She's the only Angel with electricity traits that no other Angel in history has! Hello? She's no longer a pure Angel! Don't you wanna find out more about Kim Dahyun?!" Chaeyoung practically begged.

"What's our benefit?" Mina asked.

"You get to know the mysterious Kim Dahyun, you get to find out her secret, get to know why she went missing for so long, curiosity isn't that bad right? Come on! Don't you wanna know what she's wearing under that mask of hers that she seems to not want to take off?" Chaeyoung pleaded.

There was silence, everyone was deciding whether to help Chaeyoung or leave Dahyun alone, the tension held its place for a good few minutes when someone broke it.

"Alright fine, I'll help you Chaeyoung," Sana gave in, Chaeyoung practically jumped in excitement.

"Sana? Why?" Momo asked.

"Dahyun is so mysterious, when we all talked during lunch she barely talked and only spoke few words. I just wanna know more about her, she's cute and her red-eye makes her look hot!" Sana cooed.

"You just have a knack for cold, mysterious type Sana," Momo shook her head.

"Oh come on Momo! You can't lie to me, you've been eyeing Dahyun since the very start, don't think I've not noticed you being all "I'll protect you" towards her!" Sana defend.

"I wasn't even hiding it Sana!" Momo argued back.

"Still, aren't you curious? If you find out more about her you'll be able to protect her more! You just can't protect her from me!" Sana smirked.

"Yeah keep dreaming, I can protect her any way I can, even from you, you're easy to beat," Momo snarled as she cracked her knuckles.

"Like that scares me Momo, to be able to protect her, you must know her, you must know just how precious she is and how she likes to be protected, right now, seems to me that I'll be able to protect her more seeing how much information I'll get about her!" Sana fought.

"Okay, yeah, sure, Chaeyoung I'm in!" Momo hissed.

"What did I just witness?" Mina sighed and facepalmed.

"I'll join in Chaeyoung, only because I'm curious about that electricity trait thing," Jeongyeon shrugged.

"Well? Tzuyu? Mina? Please?" Chaeyoung begged again towards the two. The two looked at each other with uncertainty, they didn't want to violate Dahyun's privacy. Chaeyoung begged and begged, determined to get them on board.

"Come on! She went missing for years! No one goes missing for that long! Aren't you curious of the way she acts now? A new Dahyun? A Dahyun that you don't know and want to find out? Please! I'm begging you!" Chaeyoung got on her knees and begged dramatically, the two could only sigh as they watched their friend basically bowing to them.

"Alright, fine! We're in, but don't push the blame to us if something bad happens," Mina gave in, Chaeyoung literally jumped on them with happiness and hugged them tightly.

"Yes! We'll start tomorrow during the hangout! We'll need to be as cool and casual as possible, alright? We need to try and get Dahyun out of her shell! Everyone is dismissed," Chaeyoung smiled brightly.
"What do you think Momo?"

Momo looked up from her phone, seeing Sana sitting on the opposite couch from her, her legs crossed with a curious look. Momo raised her eyebrows.

"Think about what?" Momo asked.

"Dahyun, duh?" Sana scoffed.

"Why now are you always talking about Dahyun? Since we met her you won't stop talking about her," Momo crossed her arms.

"I'm interested okay? I know you are too," Sana persisted.

"What do you know?" Momo defended.

"Don't lie to me Momo, I've known you since kids, we're basically telepathic," Sana smirked. "Also you were the one who went up to her and wants to protect her,"

"I'm being subtle about it, unlike you who just wants it to happen immediately and always rushing things," Momo pointed to Sana.

"Not my fault, I'm active, if I didn't plaster you, you wouldn't have joined Chaeyoung," Sana shrugged.

"You shouldn't have joined in the first place, we have no business in Dahyun's life," Momo raised her tone.

"What happened to the Momo who was like "oh, I'll protect you, don't worry, wink wink" hm?" Sana mocked.

"I'm trying to get Dahyun to be comfortable, that's all there is, you're overthinking too much Sana," Momo fought back.

"I'm not, you're the one not accepting it, soon enough once you find out more about Dahyun, you'll change, same goes for almost everyone who falls in love," Sana leaned back on the couch.

"Wait, love? Seriously?" Momo frowned.

"You'll never know," Sana shrugged.

"I'm done with this conversation, you continue living your fantasy world while I'm going to my room," Momo sighed. She got up and walked upstairs to her room and closed the door shut, she sat on her bed and sighed. She has to admit, ever since that lunch, her mind has been all about Dahyun, she couldn't get her out of her head, her red eye means something, it's like it's screaming something to her, when Dahyun and Momo made eye contact, she saw that her red-eye was literally glowing bright, and stopped glowing when Dahyun broke the eye contact, from then on, Momo has been feeling strange things about Dahyun, she feels somewhat attracted, curiosity maybe, interest? Momo couldn't describe her feelings. She felt drawn to Dahyun, just like Sana implied, a need to protect her, maybe that was what made her join Chaeyoung, get to know her more, protect her. Momo may seem like a fool in front of people, but only Mina and Sana knew, she held much more. Her past was too much for her and changed her completely. Momo was too lost in her thoughts she didn't hear her bedroom door open.

"Hello? Momo?" Momo quickly looked up, it was Mina.

"Oh, hey Mina," Momo greeted.

"You look lost in thought, penny for it?" Mina spoke softly, Momo smiled and nodded. Mina went towards her and sat beside Momo.

"What's been bothering you? You and Sana were in quite a deep conversation," Mina asked.

"It's about Dahyun, again," Momo sighed.

"Dahyun? Everyone seemed so interested in her, it's only her first day and she's already the talk of the school, maybe it's because of her red eye for an Angel." Mina shrugged.

"Exactly, it's her red eye, maybe because no one has seen an Angel with a red-eye before, it's always from Demons," Momo agreed.

"But it could be an accident, no one knows what happened during the few years of her disappearance, only her," Mina continued.

"It's just, since lunch, something about her seems to attract me and maybe even Sana, it's just-it pulls me into her, I can't describe it," Momo explained.

"Is it just attraction?" Mina asked.

"That's what I've been thinking too, I'm not sure," Momo sighed.

"We'll just see how it goes tomorrow, then maybe you can think further," Mina reassured. Momo nodded.

"Thanks, Mina, for listening," Momo smiled.

"No problem, anything for the two people who took care of me," Mina smiled back, she got up and exited the door, not before saying, "If you need someone to talk to, come any time,"

Momo smiled brightly, happy there was someone who can listen to her, now all she has to do it worry about tomorrow.
Dahyun slammed her head on the table, she was just as bored as everyone else in class, the maths teacher was rambling on and on about advanced algebra or whatever, Dahyun wasn't listening, all she knows is that the chapter was on algebra and that Maths need to stop finding his × and stop asking y. She looked up at the clock and saw it was almost ending, a habit she picked up was to just examine her surroundings, but this time it wasn't as clear, after the first day, after so many students talking about her red eye, she decided to wear an eye patch today to hide it, it was making it quite difficult to estimate her surroundings though, like how far or how near things are, it's meant for two eyes to properly estimate the position of things, one eye does only half of the job.

Dahyun was lost in her rant in her head of the stupid eye patch that she must wear that basically makes her look like a pirate and add on to how ridiculous she looks with very baggy outfits, unfortunately, she doesn't have a choice. Dahyun didn't notice that the bell had already rung, signalling school was over, she finally snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder, the grip felt familiar to her.

"Dahyun? Are you okay? Are you spacing out? The bell had already rung minutes ago," Dahyun looked up and confirmed who she suspected it to be, Momo.

"Oh, uh, ya, sorry about that," Dahyun apologized.

"It's fine, let's go," Momo smiled, Dahyun nodded and packed her things, she stood up and started to walk, she then felt a grip on her wrist, Dahyun stopped and turned around and was shocked, she never expected Momo to be so close to her, their faces were an inch close, any sudden movement could result in lips making contact, Dahyun started to blush at thought but she was thankful she still had that mask on her to hide her blush and prevent it from happening. Dahyun looked at Momo's eyes, she could tell she was calm, her eyes weren't dull but warm, she saw Momo hesitate at first but eventually brought her hand up and removed Dahyun's eye patch. Dahyun was surprised why she didn't flinch, she didn't even push Momo away, she just stood there, frozen and letting Momo do whatever. After Momo removed her eye patch, Momo smiled warmly.

"There's no point in hiding your eye after yesterday, it shows who you are, everyone is unique in their own way," Momo spoke gently, full of genuine, calm emotions, Momo traced Dahyun's jawline and held her chin with her index finger and thumb.

"You look better without it anyway," Momo was tempted to kiss Dahyun's cheek, she resisted and just caressed her cheek, Momo was genuinely surprised on how soft Dahyun's cheek was, despite the mask being in the way. Dahyun was surprised too, on how warm and safe Momo's hand was, she felt relaxed, she felt calm. Not knowing her wall was very slowly falling down. Momo eventually let go, not without feeling sad of letting the soft feeling go and Dahyun was rather disappointed, she no longer felt the warm and safe feeling in contact with her.

"Let's go now, everyone must be waiting," Momo smiled and noticed that her hand still had a grip on Dahyun's wrist, she saw that Dahyun was currently frozen so she took the initiative to pull her out to meet the others.

Dahyun didn't know what just happened, she might even still be blushing or now blushing even harder. She felt that strange feeling again but now much stronger and intense, she looked down at Momo's hand on her wrist as they walked down the hallway, her grip was strong but it didn't hurt her, it felt protective, safe and Dahyun somewhat likes it. She let Momo drag her towards the meeting place which was outside the school gate where the others were.


Momo and Dahyun eventually reached the gate and Momo was right when they saw the others there, talking and waiting for them. They went towards them with a smile on their face, while Dahyun had her mask on so it wasn't clear.

"Finally both of you are here, let's go now?" Jeongyeon asked. Everyone nodded and opened their wings.

"Where are we going?" Sana asked before they were about to fly off.

"Oh, we're just going to the mall, make sure to hide your wings," Jeongyeon replied. Everyone watched as Jeongyeon flew up in the sky first, she flapped her wings slowly, being an Angel with speed traits, she can fly really fast, everyone followed Jeongyeon, flapping their wings and lifting off the ground into the air.

"Wow, Dahyun, haven't seen you flying again in years," Chaeyoung commented. Dahyun smiled weakly as a response and they continued flying, soaring up to the clouds to prevent any humans spotting them. It took a while but the finally made it to their destination, they landed on the roof of the mall.

"Alright everyone, hide your wings," Jeongyeon instructed. Every Angel or Demon has a special potion to hide their respective forms and stay hidden from humans, Angel and Demon scientists discovered this years ago and now it's a must for every Angel and Demon to have a supply of it, crates are delivered to every home two times every year, if they ran out, they can call a given hotline to ask for more supply.

Everyone took out their potions, it was a sky blue colour for Angels while Demons are a dark red, Dahyun, unfortunately, has to drink both, they aren't allowed to bring or drink the potion in school to avoid being caught pretending to be a human, the Student Council is very strict on any human trespassing, so if they see a human they won't hesitate to kick them out or resort to any punishment, hence Dahyun wore very baggy clothing. She couldn't drink the potion meant for Demons as she has a very limited supply, everyone outside sees her as an Angel as Dahyun already had a habit of hiding her horns, fangs and tail, she only has one crate.

Dahyun and the others drank their potions, in only a few seconds, their wings start to fade into nothing, now everyone looks human. Dahyun wanted to hide her eye but Momo, again, stopped her, for what reason she doesn't know and Momo won't tell. They proceeded down towards the mall, where they can on their inner shoppers. Dahyun wasn't much of a shopper, she doesn't get how people can come to the mall or a shopping district with the thing they need in mind and exit out with what they need but with other ridiculous nonsense, Dahyun thinks it's a waste of money, waste of time and hard work. She watched as the other basically ran around the whole mall, coming out of shops with a least a new shopping bag while she just follows.

"Dahyun, why aren't you shopping? Everyone has already shopped except you," Sana asked her, Dahyun looked at the rest, everyone was at least holding a bag, she looked at her empty hands, she had nothing, she didn't even spend a lot of time in a single shop.

"I guess I haven't found anything of interest to me," Dahyun shrugged.

"Really? Dahyun, you used to want everything every time we hang out last time, Tzuyu and I even have to prevent you from entering a shop," Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows. Dahyun, again, wanted to slap Chaeyoung, she just couldn't stop talking about the past now can't she?

"That was in the past Chaeyoung, now things have changed, especially when you no longer have parents," Dahyun smiled a crooked smile.

"Oh, right, sorry," Chaeyoung apologised and lowered her head, the atmosphere has gotten cold, everyone was silent, especially Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, who had forgotten about what happened to Dahyun's parents, maybe that was why she changed.

"Alright everyone, we're not here to be sad, we're here to have fun, hang out, spend some time together, get to know Dahyun," Momo spoke up.

"Momo's right, is everyone hungry?" Jeongyeon asked. Everyone replied with a yes.

"Then let's go, I know a famous restaurant here where we can go to," Jeongyeon gestured for everything one to follow, Jeongyeon walked in front while the others walked behind, Dahyun was now being sandwiched between Momo and Sana, Sana was clinging very tightly towards Dahyun while Momo was close but kept her distance.

"Dahyunie~!" Sana squealed.

"Yes?" Dahyun answered.

"Aw! You're so cute, but your mask is covering your cute face! Can I see your full face?" Sana asked with a cute voice.

"Sorry Sana, I can't," Dahyun replied.

"But why?"

"I...uh, I have a big scar on my face, you wouldn't want to see it," Dahyun reasoned, what a lie she just told.

"It doesn't matter, I find girls with scars hot," Sana growled. Dahyun started to panic a bit, what will convince her?

"I-I still can't, I'm very insecure about it," Dahyun spoke.

"Don't worry, I'll make you secure of it, I bet you'll still look amazing with that badass scar, come on! It's just me, you can show me!" Sana plastered. Dahyun shook her head, making Sana whine.

"I have something you wouldn't want to see, and probably won't even believe, it's best if I don't show it to anyone, even you. We're not close, I don't know why you're so clingy to me," Dahyun spoke coldly, catching Sana a bit off guard, even Momo who had been listening to the conversation.

"I'm being clingy to you because I like you and I want you to be comfortable around me, I'm a clingy type of person, I like skinship. So for you to be comfortable around me, you'll have to get used to my skinship," Sana spoke, more seriously this time. Dahyun took a while to process, she didn't know what to say so she didn't say anything. Sana nodded at the lack of response and kept her eyes forward while still clinging onto Dahyun, Momo was listening and watching everything, she didn't understand why whenever she looked at the connected arms of Sana and Dahyun, she couldn't help but feel angry, she was supposed to protect Dahyun, not Sana, she wanted nothing but to release Dahyun from Sana but resisted.

"Hey, we're here," Jeongyeon spoke, she gestured everyone to an open seat that's big enough when they entered the restaurant.

"Ya'll sit here first while Tzuyu, Mina and I will go and order," Jeongyeon told the rest, Tzuyu, Mina and Jeongyeon left to order their food, Dahyun sat at the far corner of the table, she saw that Momo and Sana were fighting about something but she didn't really listen.

"Okay, you two stop, if you two don't want to sit beside her, I'll sit," Dahyun heard Chaeyoung spoke before feeling movement beside her, she looked over and saw Chaeyoung, smiling brightly at her but Dahyun knew then that smile, she knew the aura growing around is getting stronger, she can sense it, somehow, she knows Chaeyoung since babies basically, she knew the secret behind that charming dimple smile.

"Don't even think about to Chaeyoung, I know your trait is manipulation but please, don't even try it on me, I know you," Dahyun deadpanned, Chaeyoung pouted and leaned back on her chair.

"Fine, it was worth a shot," Chaeyoung shrugged.

"Why do you wanna manipulate me anyways?" Dahyun asked.

"No reason, just trying, see if the Kim Dahyun still knows me," Chaeyoung smiled softly.

"Of course I know you," Dahyun scoffed. Dahyun began to examine her surroundings again, Momo and Sana seemed to be fighting about something that Dahyun didn't listen. A while later, Tzuyu, Mina and Jeongyeon came back with food. Everyone ate peacefully, a few chatters here and there, talking about whatever topic that came to their minds. Dahyun again felt contented, she felt visible. She felt comfortable.

The hang out ended smoothly, with happy smiles on each face, stomachs full and hearts contented. Everyone bid their goodbyes as they all parted ways. Momo, Sana and Mina together, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu together, only Jeongyeon and Dahyun parted alone and in different ways.

Dahyun sighed, still walking towards her house, she felt light, like something was lifted from her shoulders and heart, she looked up towards the visible, bright sunset. She smiled, a genuine one. She opened her door, went inside and locked it, now hoping that the next day would be just as nice.


Author's note:
I wouldn't be able to update next Wednesday since I'll be on holiday, I may do a double update, who knows. If not I'll try and write during my holiday and update when I come back, how does that sound?


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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
Chinguuu #5
Chapter 13: MiHyunJeong!!
21 streak #6
Chapter 13: Cleaver dubs and hopefully tht dream will lead her to one who will help her
Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever