Chapt. 00

Half Cursed Half Blessed

Billions of years ago, the world lived in peace, so did the two worlds above and below. There was no war, there was no destruction, there was no pain. Everyone was living their days peacefully, on their own minds and schedules. Some busier than others, some more laid back than others. There was no interruption to their lives. It was quiet, nothing was happening, it was all peaceful.

It was until one fateful day, two worlds started to corrupt, the ones above and below. The Angels and Demons ruling their respective lands were in shock and devastation. Everything was falling apart, everything was in destruction.

The usual bare white bright walls of the land of Angels, otherwise known as 'Seraph', was turning jet black. Black mist trailed along the walls and floors, slithering every inch of Seraph, dissolving everything it touches, including Angels who came in its path. Angels were terrified, shocked, as they ran for their lives. Their bright light of hope was turning dull, disappearing before their eyes, some were stood frozen to the ground, in pure shock, only coming to the realisation as the black mist started devouring their entire body and slowly dissolving along with it. Their leader rushed to gather up the remaining Angels, giving a headcount and was devastated after counting that he lost at least fifty Angels. He quickly tried to calm everyone down and explain the current strange and horrific situation.

"Everyone calm down and listen, our crystal has gone missing, we are no longer able to live here due to the absence of our crystal's protective shield, as you can see, our land is being corrupted, it is now unliveable. We left no choice but evacuate and flee towards Earth, where we can be safer in the human world. I'm sorry to announce that you'll have to leave everything you own here, for your safety. Everyone evacuate now! Move!" Their Angel leader commanded. In a flash, they followed their leader, spreading out their wings and flying off. Everyone had mixed feelings, some were staring into space, some were crying or comforting each other, some were still in their state of shock and some were worried about their future. The Angels said their final goodbyes to their land Seraph.

What was just happening in Seraph was also happening below, in the Demon lands called 'Succubus'. Walls and floors where quickly being coated in purple and dissolving seconds after, this obviously terrified the Demons, causing chaos to the land. Any Demons who touch it even by a little will coated in purple and dissolve completely within seconds. The Demons ran for their lives as fast as they could, however, the strange purple slithering everywhere was faster. Like the Angel leader, the Demon tried to calm everyone and speak of the current situation as quickly as possible.

"Everyone, we have terrible news, our fire core has gone missing. We don't know of what cause of its disappearance but what we do know is that we must evacuate immediately, the protective spell from our core has been broken and our land is no longer livable. We can no longer come back here, we will flee to earth in the human world to escape and live safely. Everyone more now! Through the gate!"  The Demon leader shouted. Everyone dashed towards the gate as fast and as orderly as they can, same as others, mixed feelings were felt over everyone as they ran pass through their gate, saying farewell to the land they once lived in, Succubus.

The way to get to the human world was by through a gate that is situated between the gates of Seraph and Succubus, so it wasn't a surprise if they met, but what was a surprise to them when was they met with their entire clan.

"What are you doing here?" The Angel leader asked.

"Our Core went missing so our land corrupted and we were forced to flee through here, the human world. Say, maybe you have something to do with it?" The Demon leader replied.

"Us? Excuse me, our crystal is missing as well, why would we take yours? We wouldn't even dare go near your gate!" The Angel leader fired back.

"Oh really now? There is no other way other than your clan would be able to pass through my gate! And why is it that you say you won't even go near it? Is it dirty?" The Demon leader smirked.

"Yes! It's filthy and disgusting! You Demons are so messy, rude, unmannered, ruthless and reckless!"

"Like you're any better! You Angels are so petty! a single speck of dirt can throw you off! You are selfish and you think everyone is below you! Hate to break it too you but there are others who are far high than you!"

"Well If you weren't so-" Before the Angel leader could finish, the ground shook harshly, tipping almost everyone off their feet. The human world gate was located directly between the Angels and Demons world, so the corruption was able to free itself out of its gates and mix together at the entrance of the two gates, heading quickly towards everyone. Everyone immediately got up and ran through the human world gate out of pure fear, leaving their place they once called home and into a new world, where their futures will be newly written.

Years later, both the Angels and Demons have settled into their new environments, they started to learn about humans and their culture to the way of life, got learned and got used to human technologies and infrastructures. They discovered about money, its use and how to get them, they learn about businesses, finance, marketing and other related. They all managed to settle in homes, and hiding their wings, horns or tails, they observed and observed, making themselves fully adapted to human life and simply act like locals. No humans knew, they were good at hiding. However, it wasn't always peaceful, both Angels and Demons still fight after such a simple argument, some just couldn't let go of facts. They constantly attacked each other, adding fuel to the small fire, making it larger and spreading rapidly, they knew they couldn't live like this, so they finally made an agreement, it was pathetic honestly, they still hate each other to their very core, all they agreed was to not attack each other. It was then a new problem was discovered, they found out that it was far too dangerous for Angels or Demons to study in human schools, it was a danger hazard to humans, especially the younger generations who might not have full control of their abilities or power, every Angel and Demon are different after all. Since they fled here secretly, they must remain a secret, they managed to find an area that was not under any government property and claimed it as their own, building a maximum of four schools, each of every stage of education, kindergarten, elementary, high school and college. Unfortunately, they were limited and the land was just not enough to build separate schools, for Angels and Demons and it would take forever to find other lands as it can easily already be claimed by governments and could be miles away. So they were left with no choice but for the Angels and Demons to study under the same roof. As expected, the Angels and Demons were highly against this idea, each were angered and begging for a separation. However, nothing seemed to work, there was really no other choice. They can't simply claim any land they touch, it would seem very suspicious and expose them, knowing most humans won't believe in mystical creatures like them, they would probably shoo them away, and they can't simply build schools underwater, it would be super inefficient and would take too long with too much work, with humans constantly monitoring sea life, they would easily get caught in the middle of building. Alas, they were left with no choice, if they want to get a good education, this was their condition.

Now, obviously, putting two enemies under the same roof was never and a good idea and the new Minsters of Education knew this. They knew that bullying, fighting, and crimes had been increased rapidly only a few weeks into school. To solve this, they created a Student Council, SC for short. SCs are to roam around schools and monitor the halls, stopping any fights, bullying or crimes, if they don't listen, give them punishments like suspensions or canning. This move turned out successful, the number of bullying, fighting and crimes have decreased dramatically, all because of the tough work of SCs. To be an SC, one must prove them selfs to pass high scores through the multiple tests by the Ministers of Education, to them, it doesn't matter whether you're an Angel or Demon, as long as they trust you or you have proven yourself with flying colours, you would be an SC. To prevent SCs from betraying, they must go through a surgical procedure, they are forced to implant a device into the new enrolled SC, if an SC misbehaves, disobey rules or think bad,  this device will electrocute them. Peace and order have finally succeeded in schools, as well as outside of schools due to the new police recruitment following the same procedure. However, all though it was finally peaceful, the flame of hatred in the hearts for each other did not extinguish, having still, a burning hate for each other.

Obviously, being smart, humans started to take notice and get suspicious, they started to be curious, they started to investigate, they started to search, they started to trespass. The Ministers took notice of this started to think fast, they placed a secret barrier around the campus of the four schools and made each of them invisible. The humans were even more confused than ever, they tried to do construction on the area where the schools are located but they couldn't get in the area, as if there was a barrier preventing them from doing so. This remained a big mystery to humans, appearing many times on the news, even scientists don't have answers to this mystery. For many years, it was one of their biggest mysteries.

Many years have passed, it was currently the year 2005, everything was still intact, sadly, so was the hatred. A little angel girl at the age of seven was on her way to school, she was skipping happily to her school with a bright mood, happy to be able to see her friends again, because of this mood, she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, she was only a few metres away from school before a handkerchief has a placed over , the girl was shocked and confused, she tried to move out of the random suddenly hard grip on her but to no avail, her body started to feel weak as she felt her energy slowly draining out of her body, her eyes were starting to feel heavy as her legs gave out and landed on her knees she looked up to the sky a finally time before she passed out. When she finally awoke from her unconsciousness, she found herself strapped down to a bed with machines hooked onto her, she tried to set herself free but to no avail, it was either she was too weak or the straps were too strong. She stooped struggling when she found it useless and scanned her surroundings. She was surrounded by bright white walls, with many machines beside her, she turned a saw a man, leaning on a table full of strange equipment and full of stacks of papers. He was furiously typing on his laptop, from behind, he has a thin figure, he was wearing a white coat, and white hair all fuzzy like. The strange man finally turned around, his face was not what the girl had expected. His eyes were red, looking like he has never slept for months, his face twitched, his mouth crooked, his set of hair white and almost bald, he has thick eyebrows and looked like he wasn't showered for years. She was scared and mentally screaming, tears started to form in her eyes as her body was consumed by fear, she started shaking, she started to feel weak. She was vulnerable, exposed. The man started to walk towards her, his movements crooked, his walking limped. He held a clipboard in his hand as he started reading.

"Good, you're awake, now. You're a special one you are, nice parents, nice home, you're a pure angel, I see that halo on your head." The man chuckled, he held her chin and lifted her head to make her look at him before continuing, "Time to say goodbye to it,"

His voice cracked, his tone harsh, his voice was deep and deadly, his fingers on her chin cold and stiff. The man then walked away from her to another bed, to her was what seemed to be holding a Demon boy. She watched terrifyingly as the man started to hook machines onto the boy, he laughed wickedly as he finished and went back to his table, he typed something up on his laptop before turning to her.

"This will only hurt for a while, endear it, it's not that bad," He laughed, he walked over to a large lever. He started laughing maniacally as he switched the lever down. She didn't feel anything at first, before she started screaming in pain as she felt herself being electrocuted, she tried to move but she couldn't, a pain was heading up to her head as red horns started poking out through her skull, she continued screaming as her front and bottom teeth started to grow sharp, the pain was excruciating at her lower body right below her back as something started trying to poke out her meat and skin, she grunted loudly and a long tail finally pointed through, her right eye started changing from brown to bright red, her halo, that stood proudly above her head has dissolved and disappeared. She was no longer pure. She felt electricity electrifying through her blood and her veins as it gradually stopped, this intense wave caused her to pass out.

The man took a few seconds to process, he had done it. He succeeded. He shouted happily at the top of his lungs as he rushed over to her.

"I....I did it, I finally did it! After multiple failed attempts, I finally did it! I'm finally able to transfer DNA, I finally managed to create a hybrid! Yes!" He jumped in joy and clapped for himself. "Welcome to the new you,"

"Kim Dahyun,"
The sound of the fire alarm sounded loudly through everyone's ears in the lab. Apparently, one of the experiments had failed and caused a large and quickly spreading fire, it quickly spread towards other rooms, burning people inside, everyone was shouting and in a panic. What they didn't know, was that their loud screams of panic had awakened something. Its eyes glowed red as it clenched its fists tightly and easily breaking free of the strap that had strapped it down. It smirked as it remembered how it couldn't free herself before, but now, she was strong. She looked around, the door was left open, but she could clearly see the large fire spreading. She turned around towards the wall and forced it open by her body, she managed to create a hole big enough for her to fit through and she escaped, not before hearing the familiar man calling her name.

"Test 263 has escaped! No! My only successful experiment! Come back! 263! Kim Dahyun!"




Author's note:

This took longer than expected, I was supposed to publish this earlier, however, all my writing progress was lost which took a while to rewrite. I hope my story and writing was good enough to read, I really do .



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Konoriikoo #1
Chapter 13: Gracias por escribir, es un gran trabajo y esperare con ansias el siguente capitulo, no importa se tardas 1 semana o 7 años :3 a menos de que lo borres o asianfics deje de existir o algo asi
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Samo is gonna make themselves Y?
Dahyun ..
Oh no-
Chapter 9: .....
Ooh dear.
Chapter 8: Hold up,
Mission activated?
Chinguuu #5
Chapter 13: MiHyunJeong!!
11 streak #6
Chapter 13: Cleaver dubs and hopefully tht dream will lead her to one who will help her
Chapter 12: SaMo really believed that the electricity came from that little thing? XD Dahyun is not just powerful, she’s also very clever