
Snowberries love story


Snowberries Headquarters


Ónew and Taemin walked out of the lift. Onew who was too busy lifting his jeans up since he forgot to pack a belt and the other members didn't have a spare one to lend him, he crushed into a girl who had just rounded a corner. ‘’OUCH’’ they both yelled out aloud. Helping the girl up Taemin was happy to see that the girl was Nicole. Hugging his Unni a hug, Taemin chatted happily to Nicole while Onew who was still on the ground pouted as they had forgotten all about him. Laughing Nicole and Taemin picked Onew up from the floor before continue on with their chatter. Kara and Shinee were all here at snowberries to give a surprise to Minho and Jiyoung since they haven’t seen them since them lefted for Japan two weeks ago. Even though they did returned to Korea when they had activities to attend to they had to return to Japan straight away after they had finished their group performance on stage.

After 20 minutes of walking around the trio sank down onto the floor exhausted. Giving up Nicole finally called her Unni for help.

Jiyoung POV

‘’I’m so happy, my unnie and Oppa are here. What a surprise, I miss them so much especially Nicole Unnie’s cooking, by the way where did she go?’’

End of POV

Before Jiyoung could ask, the director yelled out ‘’Places everyone’’ Giving a slight sad face, Minho gave Jiyoung a small whack to head as he walked by. ‘’Am I that awful to be around.’’ Startled Jiyoung’s face turned bright red as Minho Oppa flashed her his famous smile. Hara who saw this grinned at Jiyoung. Gyuri and Jonghyun who saw this as well showed that they have finally gotten the reason why Jiyoung and Minho was acting the way they were whenever they were asked about KARA. But Jonghyun suddenly asked himself ‘’what about Nicole?’’

‘’Hara Unni, where are you guys? Me and the boys have been walking around this floor for about an hour now and we still find the studio.’’ Nicole said in one breath.  Seungyeon and Hara shook their heads before Hara gave them directions to studio 5. ‘’Let me see, you turn left at the water fountain. Head straight down till you reach studio 4. Around the corner turn left again and then right. Water fountain? What water fountain, hang on.’’  Nicole told Hara on the phone. ‘’Did we passed by any water fountain or studio 4 on the way?’’ Nicole asked Onew and Taemin who shook their head ‘’no’’. Hara wondered out loud if she had gotten the directions wrong. ‘’’Floor 3, water fountain near the lift, dressing room.’’ ‘’yep…. But before Hara could confirm the directions back to Nicole. Nicole finally figure out the problem. ‘’Did you say floor 3? Guys it’s Floor 3! God we’re so stupid, this is floor 8.’Nicole cried out to the boys who had corner their ears and pretended to bang their heads against the wall since Nicole was screaming into their ears. ‘’Opps… sorry guys’’ smiled Nicole before rushing into the lift with the boys following right behind her. 

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NBHK17 #1
Please update the story !! (O•O) \m/
gyuleia #2
it's so cute...
loveunexpectedly #3
wow -- unexpected yet loved pairing of SHINRA ^^
shuhadaramli #4
Yay! I love this pairing! Please continue!