sulli's phone call

Snowberries love story

Two weeks later Shinee, Super Junior and SNSD were all getting readly for a special group dance they were going to do later, everyone was all ready to go expect for one person who was to busy on the phone for hour. Minho could do nothing expect let Sulli finish before explaining again why he failed to look after Jiyoung.

''CHOI MINHO OPPA'' WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEST FRIEND?" ''YAY, WHAT DID YOU SAY? WHY IS SHE CRYING? YOU BETTER OF NOT HAVE HURTED HER OR YOU MISTER WOULD BE IN BIG TROUBLE ONCE I GET BACK TO KOREA!'' Sulli was particularly yelling very loud on the phone to her oppa Minho. Minho could of sworn his ears was going to be deaf very soon, actually so are about  20 more people in this crowed room including s Shinee, their mangers and Super Junior. To make things worse was that every single people attention was fixed on him, giving him a look that said'' oh... someone made our little maknae mad. Thank god it wasn’t me.'' While some people like s and Super Junior especially Leeteuk tired to hold in their laughter but failed miserably.

Minho turned away from them all rushing into the toilet, before trying to explain the situation probably but Sulli wasn't haven't any of it. It wasn't until Luna gently took the phone off Sulli did she finally apologize to her oppa and unnies and Krystal for the way she was acting. ''I'm so sorry oppa, I didn't mean it, I hate it when Jiyoung gets hurt badly especially when she puked all over Nozomi- Chan on live TV. I mean she couldn't find another time to surprise you all. Jiyoung's felling pretty bad at what happened right now and I don't know how she will bounce right back. Thank god the fashion show was a success but it doesn't mean that people aren't always asking  her about it instead of praising her on her performance that right.'' Signing hard Sulli slightly let some tears fell down her face'' Unnie has always been there for me, I just wanted to let her know that I will always be there for her too.'' ''Sulli POV ''Me to!'' blurted out Minho suddenly. ''Huh, what the hell did he just say?'' Oppa did you just say what I think you said?'' End of Pov What no.. I meant.. know like an oppa ...someone she could...'' but before Minho could finished his sentence Sulli could hear Onew, Taemin, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk yell out loudly '' Yes you did maknae, Your Minho oppa is in love with Jiyoung.''

Teasing the boys started to sing,'' Minho and....before they could of have sang anymore Minho yelled out shut up! I can't believe you Hyungs. YAH! How old are you four listening outside the door don't you know anything about privacy?'' Leeteuk smirked before answering Minho's question. ''We can all hear what you two are saying dumbo it's on speaker phone.  Sulli laughed out loud at her oppa clumsiness before accidently blunting out her best friend's secret. Jiyoung has a crush on you as well oppa, gasping at what she had just said Sulli quickly ended her call praying that no one had heard what she had just said on the phone. But luck wasn't on Sulli side this time as F(x) had also heard what she said. Sulli had no idea how she was going to get out of this one.  

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NBHK17 #1
Please update the story !! (O•O) \m/
gyuleia #2
it's so cute...
loveunexpectedly #3
wow -- unexpected yet loved pairing of SHINRA ^^
shuhadaramli #4
Yay! I love this pairing! Please continue!