It's a wrap till next year...

Snowberries love story

 Inside snowberries studio break time


Jiyoung started straight ahead to where Minho and Nicole went after the director had just received a phone call from Reina. As the members of Shinee and KARA were talking to each other Jiyoung was having fixed feelings about Minho. ‘’Does Minho like Nicole Unni better than me?’’ ‘’Was Minho Oppa just playing around with my feelings this whole time?’’As Jiyoung wandered on with her feelings she didn’t notice that her tears had started to roll down her face one by one. Noticing that their giant maknae was silently tearing up all conversation stopped and without a word Hara and Seungyeon wrapped their arms around her, comforting her. Asking why she was crying all of a sudden. Not wanting to worry her unnies and oppas Jiyoung smiled weakly and lied saying that she was thinking about the sad movie she was watching last night. It had moved her to tears. Understanding Hara nodded in agreement, ‘’Yes, I told her about the movie.’’ I didn’t know you liked these kind of movies? Onew asked Jiyoung in surprise. ‘’What kind of movie asked Nicole as she and Minho oppa had finished their talk and had joined the group, holding hands. ‘’Romance movies that makes girls cry nonstop whenever a sad part comes up. At once Minho noticed that Jiyoung’s cheek was a bit wet, wiping away the tears, Minho smiled at Jiyoung softly, making Jiyoung’s heart thump faster and faster till she ran off in tears to the toilet with Hara and Taemin and Gyuri who had just came back from buying her giant maknae some food from a nearby store.

Leaving Nicole clueless, confused and Minho worried ‘’Did I do something wrong again?’’ The rest of the Shinee boys and Seungyeon smiled awkwardly at each other before comforting Nicole and Minho that Jiyoung was okay. Nodding her head Nicole saw that Seungyeon and Onew had a worried face and she beginning to suspect that they are hiding something from her. ‘’Should I go and check on Jiyoung?’’ Nicole asked in wonder. ‘’No!’’ Shouted everyone at once before laughing to ease the quilty look they had on their face. ‘’Umm… I sure the three of them could take care of this I mean… Onew looked over to Jonghyun and Key for help. ‘’It’s nothing Jiyoung’s just not feeling very well right now that’s all nothing to worry about. Reina walked in hearing the last sentence being said. Jiyoung’s not well again?’’Rushing into the studio Reina asked at once ‘’Should I send the doctor again or should we take her to the hospital? Where is she?’’ scanning around the room in worry. Reina paused briefly to catch her breath. Just then Jiyoung, Hara and the others walked back into the room. Seeing her face looking so pale and tired. Minho’s heart began to rip in half. On the other hand Reina at once saw that Jiyoung was suffering a boy problem and she was pretty sure that it was Minho since she saw the two of them kissing when she walked in on them.

Turning her body around Reina asked Jiyoung if she needed to take a break and came back another time to finish off the photos. Shaking her head Jiyoung’s voice weakly floated up to their ears. Staining to hear her voice everyone leaned in closer espically Minho and Nicole. They then jumped back once they felt their hands blushed against each other and Minho’s face blushed bright red. Inorging this, Jiyoung stared straight into Reina’s eyes. ‘’Today’s the last photo shoot and the 2ndlast day of us two working for Snowberries. We can’t cancel it now when we nearly finish. Jiyoung smiled ‘’I’m fine let’s to do!’’ Pumping her right hand up in the air with the members and Reina laughing at her cuteness.

‘’IT’S A WRAP!’’ Shouted out the director as everyone at once clapped their hands and congratulate each other on another successful job well done. Bowing their heads Minho and Jiyoung thanked everyone for their help these past two months. Hugging Reina-Chan one last time they bid farewell to the crew before heading outside where their cars were waiting outside to pick them up for their next schedule. Looking at her Minho wandered what was on Jiyoung’s mind lately. Ever since yesterday when she had ran out of the room in tears Jiyoung’s attudiude towards him had changed. Unable to open up to him, Minho had a hard time confessing his love to her. When he had saw Nicole, Minho at once pulled her to a corner asking her how to confess to Jiyoung. Gathering a few tips he was just about to confess when he saw that Jiyoung had been crying and wanting to wipe them away from her beautiful face. Jiyoung lefted before he could say anything. With s and Seungyeon acting weirdly and Nicole who didn't have a clue with what had just happen he couldn't even ask her.

Once back at the hotel, Minho called Taemin hopping to know why Jiyoung was crying but all Taemin did was to give his phone to his hyung. His hyungs were also no help as they had just said the same thing they had said earlier with the girls. Jiyoung wasn’t feeling well. Frustrated Minho called Nicole for help but he could tell by the sound of her voice that something was wrong as Nicole’s voice was sad and the fact that she had been crying sent Minho’s heart beating as he knew it had something to do with Jiyoung.

Standing outside the headquarters of Snowberries Company Jiyoung wished that samchan would hurry up so she could escape this awful feeling she had in her heart ever since Jiyoung had seen Minho dragged Nicole Unnie to the corner as soon as he saw her. Taking out her phone to check if she had any missed call, Jiyoung took a breath before saying a big thank you to Minho for his care and help these past two months. As Jiyoung caught sight of her ride, Jiyoung smiled once more before saying one last goodbye and wishing Minho good luck with Nicole before stepping inside the van that would take her away from her heartache forever.

Hearing her words  Minho froze in horror. Before he had a chance to clear things up the van had driven away taking his love for Jiyoung away from him. With tears in his tears he kicked the nearest thing he saw in frustration. I don't love Nicole I love you silly. Staring at the photo on his phone he had taken with Jiyoung the 1st day at snowberries.

Closing his phone one last time, Minho climbed into the van while the rest of the Shinee were sleeping.


One year later

Jiyoung ran in happily with Reina-Chan trailing behind her laughing at Jiyoung’s action. Snowberries and Reina had decided for this year Winter Fashion Show they had once again chosen Jiyoung and Minho. However none of the idols know about this but not for long since today is the day they would meet. Taking a seat in the makeup chair Jiyoung waited for her turn. Jiyoung wandered who the other idol she was going to be working with. ‘’Okay, Minho your finish now please head towards the dressing room where Kiko is waiting for you with the cloths for today photo shoot. Oh Jiyoung you're here good smiled Yumi with Reina moving towards Yumi. Pulling Yumi out  of the room Reina gave Minho a wink before closing the door behind her. Jiyoung and Minho started at each other not believing that they are both really here with each other once again. Turning her head again, Jiyoung wonder what Reina was up to and why in all was the other idol had to be Minho. Grinning hard Minho asked with his warm soft voice. ‘’Aren’t you happy to see me Jiyoung-gi?’’ Hearing his voice Jiyoung’s face brighten up while Minho thanked Reina and Snowberries for giving him another chance to set things right with Jiyoung and this time he promised is going to be a success!

Placing his hands onto Jiyoung’s cold check Minho gently kiss her on the lips sealing his love with a kiss.


The End

11th of March, 2012


so sorry everyone I post this as soon as I finish wrote this but the next day this site crashed and everything was lost and I forgot to put the last chapter up! Happy Reading! 


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NBHK17 #1
Please update the story !! (O•O) \m/
gyuleia #2
it's so cute...
loveunexpectedly #3
wow -- unexpected yet loved pairing of SHINRA ^^
shuhadaramli #4
Yay! I love this pairing! Please continue!