The members of KARA!

Snowberries love story



Nicole walked through the front door and took off shoes before putting them away. As her eyes landed on Jiyoung’s row she saw some men shoes that didn’t belong to anyone she knew. She knows that it wasn’t her mangers since he has never been the guy to be this stylish, who ever these shoes belonged to had more taste even more than the DSP’S CEO. In fact these style of shoes seem to be someone around Nicole’s age. Picking them up Nicole wandered to Hara and Jiyoung’s room hoping that they weren’t asleep yet. Knocking on the door quietly before pushing it opened a little to see if they were asleep, Nicole failed to see Gyuri and Seungyeon Unni creeping behind her till it was too late. Turning around Nicole gave a loud shirk at the sight of her Unnies. At once Hara and Jiyoung’s door flew open revealing a very mad Hara who look like she has been though a 32 hours schedule. ‘’You know Nicole, I would of thought that with Jiyoung-gi gone. The dorm would have been peaceful.

Nicole POV- Oh yeah she’s over in Japan, duh.’’ End of POV

 Shaking her head Hara looked down to see what Nicole was holding in her hands. Seeing the shoes Hara clapped her hands before taking them off Nicole and went to pack them into her luggage. Nicole, Gyuri and Seungyeon was very curious at this stage about the shoes but remain silent until Seungyeon who could stand it any longer asked the question that was on everyone’s mind. ‘’Why are you so tired, to my knowledge you have a light schedule this month and why on earth are you packing men’s sport shoes into your luggage? Are these yours?’’ Hara laughed at her Unni whose face had became bright red as she talked so fast. Catching her breath, Hara answered her Unnie’s question without giving to much away. Hmm…Let see, I have been busy on the phone with our giant maknae with some ‘’love’’ problems and the shoes belongs to oppa, which Jiyoung borrow last week and forgot to return them. At the word ‘’Love’’ the members shouted in shock ‘’What!’ Before Gyuri and Seungyeon hugged each other and cried our giant has overtaken us again. We are so behind in our life.’’ While Nicole couldn't believe that she still has no boyfriend and that her giant maknae has found love. ‘’Who is it?’’ Asked Nicole in wonder. Hara grinned before saying, ‘’that’s Jiyoung business to tell you if she wants to. I have no rights to disclose her personal love life but all I can tell you is that the boy that Jiyoung has a crush on is that you all know him and that Nicole, you are pretty close to him as well. Nicole frowned a little. ‘’I’m close to him?’’ She mumbled under her breath. Tipping her head sideways to think who it might be. But the problem was that Nicole had a lot of ‘’boy friends’’ that she was close to. Shaking her head to clear her mind. Nicole saw that Hara had also packed her bag that she takes with her when they go away to overseas. ‘’Unni are you going somewhere? Asked Nicole, the girls turned around to see what Nicole was staring at before Gyuri asked Nicole, ‘’Did you forget again that we are leaving to go to Japan tomorrow for the Happy Music Awards Night, we are meeting Jiyoung there since she is already in Japan. Remembering at once Nicole also remembered that she hasn't packed yet and that she has no idea where she place her passport. Running into her room, the girls covered their ears as Nicole tore her room up looking for her passport. 


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NBHK17 #1
Please update the story !! (O•O) \m/
gyuleia #2
it's so cute...
loveunexpectedly #3
wow -- unexpected yet loved pairing of SHINRA ^^
shuhadaramli #4
Yay! I love this pairing! Please continue!